What you'll see when witches are present


Sunday, March 28, 2021

When God Says Wait

 After years of having these two men and this woman trying to kill my family and me, while I'm under God's protection, he resorted in these latter days, to sending men after me. Every day the Lord shows me another car that is following me and it amazes me that so many sons of Belial are in this country, this world, while so many women are single and looking for husbands. These men want easy money and someone must die for them to have it. 

Witches are placed in our homes by someone who has set them on us. Demons from our past that inhabit witches' bodies. Witches who let their spirits jump into people's bodies to control us and do all kinds of things, including, but not limited to, having sex with us. They do it to both single and married people, both men and women, as well as let their spirits fondle children in the wee hours of the night. This is why God says to pray at midnight. 
They come into our homes in the spirit projecting from insects and wreak havoc on our families. God went a step further to show me how disgusting these demons are. I used to notice that when I went places there would be people staring me down until it was uncomfortable.  You stare back at them and think, what an idiot, but that won't stop it. 

These demons project their spirits into people to follow us around, both for men and women. I'll see someone enter the store,  I feel the foul spirit on them then God confirms, or tell me what I'm feeling. This is how I know that everyone is under the same attack because for them to be able to just jump into your body means that your body was prepared beforehand. 

God will promise us a house, cars, wives, husbands, or whatever he has promised us and these demons place objects into our homes to block us from receiving. They load up children's toys, so when they place them on the floor or they are touching another object it will block even your wifi from connecting. When this happens, God wants us to get closer, to ask him questions. If you don't see it coming, just pray, he will show you, or someone else what is blocking you. They give us things to block us, stop and hinder us. God's word shall not return to Him void. We just have to speak his promises over our lives and hold on to them until he releases our blessings. 

People think that nothing can stop or block God. It's good that you have that level of faith, but there are elements God shows me that they use, load it up with witchcraft and block us from receiving from him. He did this so people will come to him, get closer to him, fall deeper in love with him. It is for us to now go to God to have him show us what is causing the blockage. He will not let any weapon formed against us prosper as long as we remain in the faith and live according to how he wants us to live, but he has a higher calling for each and every one of us. He says he's working it out, we just have to continue to wait, to seek him in all things.

The alternative to us waiting is us partnering, having children for, or marrying someone who is not of him. Someone who is lying beside you and astrally projecting their spirits to cheat, rape others spiritually, hurt us and others, molest children, and eventually killing us for what we have worked for, what God has blessed us with. These seemingly Godly spouses are deceiving you in everything and they are on you for your entire life. Their hearts are not clean, so they would not come into God's blessings otherwise than to pair up with someone who has, or will. He says we need to pray for everything.

This is not something that has just begun happening, it's in the bible and it began eons ago. They put their spirits into people to get into your car, your house, your life. When you hear the term, someone set a demon on you, you'd better believe it. That demon will be there until you, or the body he/she's using dies. They attack you in every area of your life.  Everywhere you go there is another demon/witch taking pictures of you to send off. 

At a stoplight, in parking lots, stores, supermarkets.  You will enter and someone enters behind you carrying the spirit of your enemy. I have had instances where I had to tell people to use up your square and remember Covid. The demon is in the back of your neck watching what you buy, trying to block it, stop it, or cause problems. They put their spirits into people to cause these problems.  Let me share two examples:

♡Today I went to get an item at a store and when I asked the clerk she said she did not have it. She showed me another, more expensive one and said that that one is out too. I took a photo, but the Lord told me to look around. When I walked to another part of the store I saw the item. I told one of the owners that I wanted the display one. He told the same clerk.  She was upset to say the least. She said I had not asked for that one. I told her I wanted a discount because it was the display item. She said to me they had more. She started explaining away after, but I did not get upset, because I knew the spirit of my husband's ex was in her trying to cause problems for me. That witch's spirit follows me everywhere. 

They take shifts, when one leaves after a couple of hours then another one comes on shift. They also come in each other's spirits to try to cause confusion, or when they kill someone they have access to their spirit, so they will come to your house as a dead family member. Rebuke it in the name of Jesus. It is not your family member, but the witch that killed that family member and they are there to kill you and others.

♡I had paid for the fitness for my car on Feb 21, but the Lord had told me to wait, because they were following me, trying to cause problems. I went again to do the fitness and was told that I couldn't  as I needed the horn 
(because the witches had put insects in my horn and it wouldn't work),. The amazing thing is that I began talking to the man and saw a fly flew over his head.  I said to myself that fly brought a spirit and after the fly left I could get nothing out of him further. I tried to go back today and the Lord told me to go to another depot. At that DMV they did not even test the horn or drive the car, but I got the fitness. Before that, I was praying that the demon would not put his spirit into the examiner to drive my car and God said he is with me. When God says wait just trust that he knows what he's doing and obey.

♡When you go to God for help

When you realize that it has gotten too much for you then the only place you can go is to the Rock. These miscreants turn people against you, cause arguments, anger, and a lot more problems. If you fight it in the flesh then it only creates more problems for you. You cant see what you're fighting against, but God can. He will show you things, tell you things. When he says surrender it means you should consult with him more.  As Christians, when we come to God we have to be careful of what we do, because demons are sent to us every which way we turn. Put him first and place all that gets entrusted you within his hand and let him lead.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The sinister plan on our lives

 We may have been living in this world not regarding what is going on around us and in our lives, while God waits for us to come to him. What he has shown me is that there are a set of people, in fact, a worldwide network of people, witches, whose plan for our lives is to let women have children for men, or the men have children with the women. That's it, that is all they want. One child is required, but the more the merrier. We become their "investments," because the plan then is to kill us in the spirit to get what we have spent decades working for. They wipe out the entire family, including their own child to get what you have. When it is time to remove the last person, their enemy/witch put their spirit into that person to sign everything over to them. 

They will be sleeping on the bed with you and their spirits are astrally projected and roaming,  doing things to people. People need to seriously start praying about their significant other. The devil has a demon in every household. Be not deceived, the pains you feel in your body can very well be because of your spouse (matt 10 34-36). 

When they have that child, even if they are married, everything begins to go downhill, because the pretense cannot last. They then leave to go somewhere else, to live with whomever, but while they sleep with that person, they astrally project their spirits into our homes to cause harm. The Lord has shown me many men, and women who have both done this and are in the process of doing this. They put third parties in marriages who become spirit husbands/wives at length. There are spouses who are sleeping on their beds while projecting to other people's homes to rape, kill or cause harm to the person. They are doing it to/molesting their children too. When you let go off this person, you only get them out of your life, physically. They are still there spiritually and only Almighty God can protect you from them.

The profile of these sons and daughters of belial are as follows:

  • They are too old to be living at home, but they do
  • They will be in the home causing stress and problems for years
  • They do not work or they have a job that gives them free time
  • They do not upgrade themselves and will drive cars from the 70-80s even in 2021
  • They have one or more child/ren with a woman/man but are not with the person
  • They sleep a lot
  • They tend to not help the woman to buy things
  • They will have one child, or many children with many mothers, they are not living with.
  • They are envious of the woman's achievements
  • Refuse to talk to, or have a relationship with the woman
  • Speaks negatively about the woman to outsiders. Exhibits a spirit of disloyalty.
  • Always speaking to women outside
  • Do not respect women
  • Some refuse to buy anything but groceries.
  • Are what people would call narcissistic
  • Loves to claim the women's /men's things even when they did not help with the purchase
  • There are other red flags, but God will show you as you go to him
  • They are always hearing things about you ( They are projecting, or is inhabited by someone who is so they know)

These men work with other witches from the neighborhood, both men and women, and wreak havoc in your lives. They will remove your Godly spouse and send one in that they can use to control you, by projecting into their bodies. When a woman is with a witch, unknowingly, she is actually having sexual relations with the entire witch population of the neighborhood. These witches put their spirits into the husbands/wives to have sex with the person. That spouse will dream that their spouse has returned for more, but its actually a demon doing it to her. God will show you what is happening in your dreams.  They wipe your dreams when they are doing things to you as well. A man I did not know was a witch cursed me and told me something that happened in my home that alerted me to this fact. When I went to God he confirmed that this demon was in my home and putting his spirit into my husband, just like the other witches. 

These are men you would not take a second look at, because they look so tired and worthless. They are in the spirit doing things to you. That same one told me as well, that he is a direct descendant of King David, but little would they know that King David would never fight a battle in the spirit like a coward. He faced his enemies and prevailed with God's help. They would be a disappointment to King David and his generations. These men are cowards, they pretend to be upstanding citizens, but they are lower than gutter slime. They will as much as go around asking the people they are afflicting if they are ok and give them money to tie them up even further. 

The entire world has these people dealing with, but they have to realize that the bible says "by the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread (Gen 3:19)," and in Proverbs  6 10-12 it says, yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep and so shall poverty come as one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man." No one can rewrite the bible.  If they are sleeping daily, they get ONLY poverty. Isaiah 55:11 says that God's words shall not return to Him void. 
Hosea 4:6 states that God's people perish from lack of knowledge.  If we know what is afflicting us, how to stop it, and how to prevail over our enemies then there is nothing they can do to us, BUT.......WE have to go to God and surrender for him to show us how. 

These demons know how strong we are as Christians, by their ability to overcome and conquer us. They will pretend to be God, whispering in your ear, providing things you have prayed for out loud, and saying ungodly prayers laced with Jesus Christ of Nazareth, The mighty name of Jesus, Hallelujah, or whatever else they can use to deceive you into thinking that it is from God. When they do, this blocks you from God, because it is coming from an unclean place. They put their spirits into people to do things and tell you things that are not what God wants you to hear. People would not believe the number of things they use witchcraft to do, Christians need to surrender and go higher with God for him to reveal the mysteries of heaven to us and let us have victory over our enemies. 

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...