What you'll see when witches are present


Saturday, September 5, 2020

How Witchcraft works in Marriages and Relationship

How witches woo a target

 A witch's astrally projected spirit is always with us as I stated before. They see everything and know everything about us. They will identify their target and begin to work on them before they actually meet. Their spirits are in your house watching you bathe, dress, eat, everything. If the person is married, or in a relationship, they will use witchcraft to kill the other half and pretend to be sympathetic. They then begin to woo the bereaved person by doing things for them that will amaze even the person being wooed. They will provide everything the person asks for in prayer so that the person will think it is from God. As long as we ask out loud, or pray out loud for what we want, these witches will hear and play God for their own purposes. They will make suggestions about things you have asked yourself, or a friend in secret and have you wondering if this person is too good to be true. They are.

They will do things you only dream about; taking trips to places of your dreams, pretending that they are the best person you could meet. They will pretend to be Prince or Princess Charming and will succeed if we are not looking to God for direction. When the pains begin in your body, as they eventually do when you are targeted, they will be the best boyfriend/husband and see about the Doctor's visits and medication. You will be so caught up that it didn't even enter your mind that this demon is sleeping with you, and while he is in your bed sleeping, his astrally-projected spirit is roaming to other people's houses, raping, killing, maiming, and causing pains to your body and mishaps in your lives. Who do you confide in when things begin to go wrong in your life? the same demon you are with, instead of God. 

Wooing A Woman Isn't So Hard To Do If You Know How To Woo – Suzie the  Single Dating Diva

They will stick around just long enough to make your life uncomfortable and miserable, blame it on someone else and wait for you to die by whatever means they choose so they can get your property, or insurance money. They turn everyone against you in a bid to be the one you turn to and will speak negatively about everyone you speak to. They use their spirits to follow you everywhere in birds, insects, or animals because they cannot lose sight of the target. While they are with you, there are several other witches on hand, with you, whose spirits are monitoring you as well, because they band together like the thieves that they are. Their plan is to divide the spoils, so they take each target very seriously. They are stubborn and relentless in their quest, but God sees and knows everything and will fight for you as long as you go to him.

How they come against marriages and relationships

You are in a marriage and you are happy, a witch will not want to see that. They will try every underhanded tactic in the book to cause problems in that marriage. Including, but not limited to, sending spirits of anger with insects, tormenting babies, causing illness, lack of communication, loss of finances, a spirit of disloyalty, incubus and succubus spirits, people turn against you, problems at work, school, or with family members, appliances and gadgets wrecked, accidents, loss of lives, fires, general disruption of your everyday tasks. They will send women into the marriage, or men for the women, spirits of lust, greed, or torment for the children. They will do anything to disrupt your lives and cause problems in marriage or relationships.

Algorithm could predict fights between couples before they happen

Male witches, not warlocks, put their astrally-projected spirits into men to come against their spouse or significant other and vice versa with the female witches. You will have someone who you get along famously with, then notice that they have changed and begin acting like your ex. Never assume that this is normal, its the spirit of the ex manipulating your relationship to keep you in bondage. They will do things in your home and then leave the spouse's body to attack you and your family when they return. When this happens, you will notice an oddity and ask your spouse, he will then say he knows nothing about it and it would be true because it was actually the spirit of the ex that did it. Human nature dictates that you would then say the person is either lying or crazy. But they are not, they really don't know.

What you can do

The first thing you do as a Christian is to go to God with everything when you notice changes. In an act of surrender, you put God first in your life and surrender all that you have and are to him. This is giving God complete control of yourself and your family. Then you pray for peace and remove the insects from your door jamb and windowsill as they carry spirits of anger. With his peace in your heart, he will then begin to guide you through. He will not just remove them instantly, he will use it to take you through the refiner's fire. When you have his peace and pray and fast more, you will begin to hear his voice. Turmoil and anxiety block you from hearing. When you go through the refiner's fire, God guides you, just like Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego, he will be right there with you, so the enemy does not triumph over you. At the end of the test, you should have the fruits of the spirit evident in your life. If you don't you will continue to go through until you do. 

The Benefits and Challenges of Praying with Your Husband - MomLife Today

Pray as a couple, or alone with someone else in agreement, at midnight, at 2 am and right throughout the day. If you are not a Christian, get saved and God will guide you from there (prayer is to the left on the blog). Pray and cancel every plot plan and scheme of the enemy against your lives, declare that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises against you is already condemned in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Declare that you shall not die, you shall live to declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living. Cover yourself and your family under the crimson, shed-blood of the Almighty, and put a shield of protection around yourself and your family. Declare victory over your enemies and give them failure in everything they do. You can go a step further and command that every chain be broken, chop off the head of the serpent and crush its egg. Storm their altars and burn, by the fire of the living God, everything that is on it for you and your family. Chop off the head of the devourer of your finances and come against every pedophile spirit, spirits of torment, and molestation.


  1. I am in agreement with all the enemy is doing against marriages and relationships that you wrote on. It is only God and his spirit with us that can help us. He is the one that fights our battles through our prayers and petitions before him. Strongholds are pulled down and broking through fasting and prayer. I refer to the witchcraft works as monitoring spirits. This was a great read. God bless you and what you are doing. If I can be of any assistance to you let me know.

    1. The enemy is using witches. God is trying to show us exactly what is taking place in our lives. I am still amazed that I did not notice anything before he started showing me, and I thought I was sharp. lol..WE just have to listen to his voice and be obedient. He shows me stuff and says write. The insect carry the monitoring spirits. He had told me before but I guess I didn't pay it much attention, even though I feel these spirits, but the app he showed me just confirmed for me. thanks and stay blessed

  2. God wants you to surrender. Just say the prayer at the top and get closer to him. He has many things to tell you.


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