What you'll see when witches are present


Saturday, June 25, 2022

How Demons Commit Crimes

 Yes, you heard right. Demons are the ones who commit crimes. God has been taking me on a walk on the spiritual side and its amazing the things he tells me each day. One of my lessons was how witches commit crimes. After showing me my husband, his ex and my ex, who are witches and telling me they have been attacking me for years, trying to kill myself and my girls for house, car and money; He allowed them to send men after me on many occasions, even before I knew it was happening. They would take pictures of one of my daughters, my car, my house and followed me while I am driving on the road. What God did is to allow me to feel the demonic spirits on these men and then he tells me whose spirit it is, or lets my baby tell me.

He has shown me so many instances where men or young boys get arrested for crimes. God says the real perpetrator is a witch, someone close to the victim, sleeping on their beds and astral projecting their spirits into the person's body to commit the crime. If you notice, there will be crimes committed where the one they caught says it was not them. They deny having any part in the murder, or whatever it is. It is because the witch's spirit left the body after the person got arrested. They then return to the person's body to confess. While that person is shut away, they put their spirit into someone to kill them. They get what the person has, or get paid on a policy.

My husband's son was killed at age 29, police said it was his friend. The friend put him to sit at a broken glass window and left at after 11pm in the night to go somewhere. His "friend" then came back in the wee hours of the morning and shot him several times through the open window. God said it was my husbands witches who killed his son. The witches, our enemies start by turning you against people and turning people against you. They then put their spirits into your family and friends to attack you for no reason. My husband collected the insurance. money. No, his wife and kids got none. For two years prior to his death, He had nothing to do with us. 

He went through serious things as a child growing up. He would be labeled as a troubled child by his behavior. He was always in trouble, always getting kicked out of school, he had a police record and no one, including me, wanted him around. After his death I found out that my husband and his ex were putting their spirits into people to come against him in everything he tried. I remember once he told his father that he wanted to go overseas to get a job. That man said no, knowing what he was doing to him, and kept his passport until his visa expired. They did not want him to go, because they had the policy they wanted to get paid from. God wants us, at all times, to try his love.

Demons/witches/people close to us, commit crimes by using witchcraft and black magic. They sleep on their beds and astral project their spirits into the person, the home, or wherever the crime is being committed. They use evil birds to follow you and watch where you hide your valuables. Their spirits are into our homes, watching everything we do. They follow us everywhere with their spirits and watch everything we do. When you are driving in your car, there are spirits on the windshield and window to see and hear what you are listening to in the  car. Fathers are kidnapping their own children, raping and molesting them and even killing them, but because they were "asleep," at the time they are free, while someone's son, who has had trouble all his life gets arrested.  The devil is a liar. 

 One day I went to church and decided to take a woman home close  by. As we were going down her road a guy passed me on a bike and stopped right in front of my car. The car hit the back of the bike and he jumped off. He showed us that he had just done an operation on his stomach, which God used me to heal. He said his mother had mental problems and she had died. Him telling me all these things showed that he was also under attack. We exchanged numbers and I went home. I stopped at a friend's house and told her what happened. I had left my phone in the car. When I went back in I saw 14 missed calls from the guy. I called him back and he said he thought I had given him the wrong number.

He called a couple of times telling me I owed him a lot more than I did. I explained to him that I did not It was just the cover for his license plate that was damaged. He got upset and started threatening me, He lived in a garrison community and he was going to come find me and a whole lot of things. At one point he offered me a job delivering stuff for his boss, "Short Boss," with my car. I told him I am a woman of God and that is not possible. He got upset once again and told me that he was going to come find me. I told him to do what he had to because I fear ONLY God. I did not hear from him again, but one day I was working from home and decided to go to the beach to cool off for a while. 

As I was going I saw a car at the gas station and said to God, those guys look like thugs, if you want me to get them saved just say the word. I stopped to talk to a lady and noticed that they stopped as well. I drove out of the gas station and as I was driving I stopped to spit out something and they passed my car. I said ok they are not following me. As I drove past an area I saw them waiting and as I drove off they drove behind me. The Lord told me to speed up and I did. They followed me to the beach, but I drove another way and they passed me hoping to cut me off. I sped away from them and stopped at a safe distance and asked God what that was about. He said my ex sent the men, His spirit was in one to shoot me, but they were going to blame it on the guy. Of course God won again.

This same ex told me a year after I left him that he had gotten someone to shoot and kill me and make it look like a robbery. I asked him what became of the man and he said he robbed somewhere else and the police shot and killed him. He said the guy was wearing his ring at the time. I did not know then that he had projected his spirit into the man to commit the crime. I don't know if that was to scare me, but I told him, you see that was not supposed to happen? I told him I never wanted to see him again. I said we're covered like you wouldn't believe. Twenty five years later he is still trying. He has enlisted several more witches/demons, including my husband who he sent to me, and continues to fail, but his pea brain will not allow him to concede defeat.

People don't realize that they need God in everything, because the devil lies to us about everything and gives us an explanation. I've often said my kind of stubborn has never been seen by the witches who are on me.  I don't accept things as they seem. I am always questioning, digging, trying to get at the truth. We live in bible times. We live in God's kingdom, how can we navigate without him? The devil tells us that we get cancer, diabetes, and other incurable diseases or illnesses, because we have the genes.  Liar! God says Satan's agents put these illnesses on us and put insects with that same spirit to keep it in place. There are so many things God has to show us, but we have to surrender. The devil tells us that there are things we do that makes us unable to go to God. Truth is, all we have to do is repent and talk to God. God loves us, even when we are not in his will.

Friday, June 3, 2022

How demons operate in the workplace

I have not been in the workplace since 2010. God showed me how to work online, I used to teach people how to, up until Covid 19. The level of attack I am under sees my husband and his demons taking every job I got. They block my bank accounts, block people from giving to me, But no one can block my King. God always finds another way. When he says he is our provider, you'd better believe that. How the demons operate in the workplace is in this way. They sell their souls to the devil and take on a demonic spirit. They sleep and astral project their spirits into people in the workplace to cause blockage, stoppage and hindrances and arguments in your area of work. Their spirits are either there, or they place these spirits into your work area. That is not all they do, they will put their spirits into the closest people to you, those you interact with on a daily basis to come against you.

You will be working with the person one minute and the next that person lashes out at you for some stupid reason and disrupts the peace that you have established for yourself. My husband's ex whom I don't know puts her spirit into any and everyone to control them, to manipulate them, or to cause problems with them and me in every way you can think of. Everyone is under attack, everyone. We are surrounded by witches and demons. every pain you feel is caused by them. Every discomfort, every blockage. They like to block your finances for you to depend on your attacker, so coming against your job is in their plans. 

I will be on my computer at home working and my husband and his witches' spirit blocks it so I have problems. God wants us to stop leaning on our own understanding and come to him with everything that poses a problem. Some of the ways in which they cause problems are: 

  • The computer freezes up,
  • Things I'm to sign on to for work will be disabled, or it refuses to accept the password. 
  • They mess with the internet, block the VPN
  • They put spirits of slumber on you while you work, as soon as you go to the computer you begin to fall asleep, feel pain or have a mental block..
  • They put their spirits into people to stop and block you from completing your tasks, delete files and mess with the figures or words you work with.
  • One night I'm working and my computer goes dead. God told me to break chains and declare life over it. I did and it came back on. When you surrender you get anointings to do things.
  • They will put spirits on people to gossip about you, belittle you or to try to embarrass you in some way. Remember that its not the people who are coming against you, but the demonic spirit of your enemy.
  • They put a spirit of death on whatever item you're working on and you hardly get anywhere with it. Declaring life over it in faith will revive it. 
  • Missing files, corrupted files, changed figures, computer issues, internet issues, are all caused by these spiritual criminals.
  • They will send one fly or another insect and your computer is completely disabled.
  • your enemy will put their spirits into even your mother to come against you.
I work in an investment bank and at first we in the department were working from a master sheet. I noticed that whenever a particular woman accesses the sheet, my files go missing, names are changed to hers, a lot of chaos, was not meeting my targets. until I told God I am going to quit. He said wait. I saw a manager sent me an email about Work Targets, I said God this is it. He said I did it for you. They put me in another department where I have my own worksheet and I have time to do his work as well. These witches still try to disrupt my workflow, but God is in control and he shows me things they do, tells me who and tells me what to do. That closeness comes with surrendering. God says all we have to do is ask and he will grant it.

This woman, my husband's ex, puts her spirit into my supervisor to curse me out, but as I prayed after God told me to tell another girl she will be her replacement. She puts her spirit into her to tell me not to ask anyone for help with what I am doing and then ignores the stuff she is to approve for me to do my work. While all the time she and my husband's spirits are in my house doing things to get me fired. disabling passwords, freezing up apps, messing with wifi, VPN and anything else they find, to mess with me. 

It just brings me back to why I had left the workplace in 2010, too many open doors for the devil to enter through. I had no idea then what was happening. I just knew people would rise up against me and my job would be gone.  Before it happens, God always shows me in my dreams, my husband and his witches gathered around my computer. God calls us to show mercy, just as he is doing for us who are sinful, to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with him. I had an incident at my work. I knew it was my husband's ex's spirit in this woman, because while she spoke, I could feel the spirit. What people don't understand is that if you surrender to God, he will stand up for you.

I used to worry about what people would or could do to me, but after coming to God I basically gave him full control. He sees everything, hears everything the enemy plans and he acts on my behalf.  We serve a Mighty and Powerful God, and knowing this, I have peace in every situation, because whatever happens is for God's glory and my King will be glorified in all situations. We, as people of God, as Christians have to pray without ceasing, pray powerful prayers against the enemy. We have to forgive all, and ensure that your heart is clean before you pray. Ep. 6 tells us...For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We do not war against people in the flesh, when they are awake, but against their spirits when they sleep and the battle is not ours. Its the Lord's.

These spirits of rulers of the darkness are in our loved ones. These are people who have gone to people, instead of God to get help with money, jobs, love, etc. This action opens a door into the demonic world that only God can close. They can not just get baptized and it goes away, they have to surrender to God and let him guide them. They seem normal during the day, but when they go to sleep, whether night or day, their astral projected spirits wreak havoc in your life. They are the ones who came to steal, kill and destroy. The ghosts in our homes. 

A co-worker can be sleeping at his/her desk right beside you and his/her spirit is causing problems for you and putting pains on your body. God does not have to force anyone to come to him. You either go through the torment and pain alone, until your enemies remove you, or you go to God. God often tells me that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. This is a promise, not only to me, but for everyone who surrenders to him. Until we surrender and have God guiding us we have no power. God can't give it to us unless he can show us how the devil works, or the devil will take our anointings, use it for himself and turn us into fools. Lastly, God says don't give up, help is on the way.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...