What you'll see when witches are present


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The spirit man and the flesh

Galatians 5:17-25 

17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

When the bible speaks of the spiritual man and the flesh as per  the above chapter and verse it is as real as it can get. For Christians, if you walk in the flesh you will completely miss what is happening in the world and in your lives, but if you walk in the spirit it will come to life right before your eyes. Walking in the spirit is when you listen closely to God and heed his instructions, in other words, let him direct your path in everything that you do. God is real, he is omnipresent and he is always talking, you just have to listen to his voice. God guides you and engineers circumstances for you to do his work. He guides our every footsteps and protects us from the enemy, as long as you are walking in his favor.

Whether you believe it or not, everything that is happening in the world and in our lives has been explained in the bible. If you look closely at the words in your bible, you will see that we are in a perpetual cycle with the same things happening to us over and over again, each month, week and day. when God says in the bible that we should pray for everything (Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;) It actually shows us how to live, because God has everything we need. If its wisdom, knowledge, understanding, help with our finances, whatever it is that we need, we can ask and receive it as long as we ask with a clean heart.

There is nothing hard about serving God, or living for God. It is the best way to ensure a happy life, even with all the turmoil that everyone is experiencing. God wants you to worship him, praise him and watch him work out situations in our favor. the difference between knowing God, really knowing and trusting God and not knowing him, is that the problems we face in life seem bigger when you don't have God and smaller when you do. God wants us to rely on him for everything that we need and in a world where people are used to relying on themselves it can be hard, but it will be the best thing you ever do.

Surrendering your life to him can mean peace like you will never know otherwise. The enemy is against us and will try everything to bring us down, but using God as your life support can determine whether you sink or float in this rough sea we call life. There are certain principles that are common to the man who walk in the flesh that are not okay for Christians. Trusting God and believing him for everything will make you conquerors. God is for everyone and the amount of people who take him up on his offer pales in comparison to those who won't. They need God, but the enemy has them believing that this is not so.

Stubbornness and willfulness are not of God. Obedience guarantees blessings, while disobedience guarantees problems. You can choose to serve God and help each other, or to serve yourself and end up in problems that you cannot dig yourself out of, but God is so patient that we fall so many times and he still forgives us and shows us grace and mercy.

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