What you'll see when witches are present


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Matchmaking God's Way -The reason for the issues in our homes

The Lord sent me to several women, who he has promised husbands and who have been praying because they have not seen it. My task was to explain to them why it was not happening. He actually sent me to a teacher who said she had been praying, because the Lord showed her a man in her church who is supposed to be her husband, but the man is ignoring her. She said she had decided to confront him. God said no, she did not need to do anything, he is in control and he works in his own time. If you are doing things in self will, he will not help. He will let you fail, because you are not seeing the spiritual, eventually you will have to go to him. What he has shown me, is that the first person, you fell in love with in your teenage years is the one he created for you. You somehow feel connected to this person, even if the person does not see you. For some people it is reciprocated, but for others, they are ignored, until they both get married to different people.
This happens, because the neighborhood witches will block and stop you from finding that person to create problems in your life. They mess up that union and send someone into your life to use them to destroy you. This person is coming with all that you have prayed for and only God himself can tell you he or her is not for you. They cast spells to make you think you are in love with them and you only know this is not of God, because of the problems that ensue. That person gives the neighborhood witches a foot in the door of your life to cause problems and ultimately destroy you. If we are not in God's will, which many of our parents are, or were not, they will not know to pray and ask God to show them if that person is right for their daughter or son. The bond that God creates between those two is harder to break than if you get married to someone who is not his choice.
Lol..I'm writing my post and God says more of him and less of me, filled me up and here goes. I was driving pass a wedding a few months ago when he said turn back and go in. He told me to tell the wife, who is a Christian, that she should have asked him first, because she married a witch. I did not see her but I told the minister. He showed me a lady at my daughter's work who he said her daughter in law is doing things to her family. She's a Christian and her son is 20. There are several others, I have not had the time to talk to yet with the same issues. I was driving into a car park one day and felt something like a bump. I proceeded over it and heard a guy say I scratched someone's car. I went to look and sure enough, my paint was on a car that was parked in the garage. I told the security to get the guy. He came and he was about 23, I think. I began to ask God why it happened, because trust me, God covers me like you wouldn't believe. He shows me everything that's coming at me and cancels it. I did not see this. It was for his glory. He said to me I need to get to his parents, they are having problems.
I arranged with the guy to fix his car because it was a small scratch. I got him saved as instructed by God and asked for his parents number. He did not hesitate. I called her and God said break chains off her life, so I prayed with her and did. She began to tell me about some of the problems she was having with her husband of . I explained to her why and told her what she could do, based on God's instructions. I went with her son the following day to fix the car and we spent the entire day at the mechanic, fixing and spraying. I then asked God what was up with him, because, I said you let me spend an entire day with him so I know something's up. He said his girlfriend was sent to destroy him and she's doing things to his family. I told his mom and we prayed. A few weeks later I was scrolling through my list and God said call her. I asked her whats up and she was crying, She said the woman had her son on drugs. God is still working.
This is what is causing problems in our lives until this day. The enemy has to turn someone close to us against us. They need inside help. If they can't do that they send outside help into our homes.We were put on this earth with things we know nothing about. We were taught by our parents, who were taught by theirs, Im not sure how far it went back, but they were leaning on their own understanding of things of this world, not asking God. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, shouldn't we be asking him about things we do not know? The mistakes of the past are now affecting future relationships, because we are still not seeking him in all we do. The enemy wants to destroy us and we are letting him, while God, with all his power and money and everything we need has to be begging us to come to him. All it takes is you asking God questions throughout your day, whether you are a Christian or not, he guides you. From you get saved you can pray and ask.
This does not mean you will not have trials in your marriage, but when God is the only third party in your marriage, then no one and nothing can come between you, because he guides, instructs and tells you how to be victorious. This is the refiners fire where he perfects you and if you withstand, he blesses your union. The vows we make is between God and our spouse ONLY. No one else has the authority to give advice except God, or someone who is guided by him on the issues that are in a marriage.


  1. Powerful words! Words of truth! Words of life!

  2. Powerful words! Words of truth! Words of life!

  3. God is all-knowing and all-powerful. He is more than awesome.


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