What you'll see when witches are present


Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Healing power of Almighty God.

We tend to explain away our illnesses, saying I feel pain here because I’m tired; I have a headache because I don’t sleep enough. I was standing for a long time, so my leg hurt. We have to stop. God created the world and everything therein. He wants not just Christians, but all to come to him in prayer. Diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, stroke, and many other illnesses are put on us by wicked people who are working witchcraft in your lives. Everyone has witchcraft in their lives, even babies, from they are born. Whether or not you believe in it, or in God or Jesus, it can still destroy your life. 

This is one thing that has no respecter of faith, belief, money, religion,  status, educational achievements, or anything else. When you have an issue that the doctors are unable to diagnose, they say everything is fine, all the tests come back with normal readings, yet the problem still persists. It is a problem for God and not for doctors. God can heal everything and all you have to do is pray for healing. Before you can be healed, you have to accept God as your Lord and Savior.  He says it’s not about the church, you have him in your heart, you pray and he listens. Not every church listens to him, so if he wants you in a church he will tell you where to go.

Father God, forgive me of my sins,
I believe Jesus is Christ and he died
and rose again to save us.
Come into my heart and be my
Lord and savior.

The enemy uses our exes and envious people to come against our destinies, against our purposes. The scripture at John 10:10 has never been more real: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. It is so dynamic, you pray for healing and God sends someone or he heals you himself. All we have to do is pray. 

For those who believe in God but not Jesus and claim that Jesus is “just” a prophet, remember that the only way to get to God is through his son, Jesus Christ. God heals for free and he gives you peace while he works on your issues. Many people still don’t know God and refuse to accept him, many Christians don't know him. He is the source of everything and turning to him will only make you better in every way. I have firsthand experience that God heals Cancer, those who are unable to walk, talk etc. completely free. Our world Needs God. God has all we need. Have a blessed day.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...