What you'll see when witches are present


Sunday, November 29, 2020

What do you really know about demons? How do they work?

I was outside with my daughters when I heard the Lord say its a test. I did not want to hear about a test because I have been going through a lot lately, but I asked my younger daughter who had a spirit within them. Anytime he tells me its a test, or that the devil is a liar, I know the demon is hiding to get into my house. When I asked the child she said it was in her sister. (She is able to see the spirits into the person's body and she's only 6 years old. I feel them, she sees them). I told her sister to get a cup of water so I could bless it and give to her to send out the demon. She went inside and my baby told me that it was not inside her body anymore. He wanted to go inside and did when she went in.
God has taken the fear out of demons and demonic possession by showing me that they are projected from insects. That these demons are actually witches who astrally project their spirits into our bodies to do whatever they want to. He has shown me that witches send insects to carry demons into our homes to cause problems, they use them to stop, block, hinder, and cause sickness and death. He showed me that blessing my water, by holding it into my right hand and asking him to anoint it, pour his blood into it and asking him to use it to send out anything that is not of him can send these demons out of our bodies. After blessing the water, you have to wait while he pours. I used to imagine that he was pouring, before I could actually feel it. Demons are in everyone's home, whether you are a Pastor, Prophet, Deacon, or Apostle, as long as you have insects in your home, you have demons. Christians who are of the opinion that this is not happening to them need to surrender to God and let him show them just how badly infested with demons their homes are. These demons watch, carry sickness, pain, or whatever the witches put their spells on them to do.
Demons usually come through doors and windows, because they are not coming from a dead body, but a live person who is sleeping on their beds and astrally projecting their spirits into your home. Witches, if they are supernatuirally blocked from your home by God, will send insects to listen, monitor, or to do their dirty work. Whether you are in the backyard doing something, or inside the house, these loaded insects can cause so much pain that you wonder where it came from. The Lord has given me a gift that enables me to feel the spirits, even though I am unable to see them. When I feel the tingle, I know they are there. When you spray the insects to stop the demons from entering your home they just jump into someone's body and enter the house. They then find an insect to attach themself to and stay put until you are ready for bed. They will be inside your house and you are not aware, until you begin to feel pain or sickness.
When God gives you an anointing to bind and cast them out, they leave for a few minutes, then return. They will be quiet for you to think that you are delivered, but after a while they begin to act up again. They return as long as the insects are still into your house. You will be praying some serious warfare prayers and they stand still, not budging. God tells me to cut and clear, sometimes they remain even after. Breaking chains works sometimes on them. When God says we have to surrender and come to him, he was not playing. He has sent me to old people who were aware that things were going on in their lives, but did not go to God, so they still have the problems and the attacks after all these years.
Demons will come in at nights and cause bladder infection, pull out your hair to form ties, torment young kids and older children. They put spirits on people to doubt what God is trying to tell them about their demonic possession, so they can continue to attack them. They put insects in your home to accommodate their demon friends, they put them in our homes to return later. They put insects in every part of your house to follow you around. They will be sitting watching you and you are not aware. They mess with our appliances, Gadgets and computers. They follow people with their spirits in birds, draginflies, animals, insects, insects.
They put sickness on people and put insects in place to keep it on them. They will put them in our gadgets to stop them from working. They work together and take shifts in our homes, They band together like thieves, They enter our dreams and manipulate them giving you the dreams they want to give you. They will put coughs, on you, push you down, block you from getting something, or completely stop it. They follow you with their spirits in your car window or on the windshield. They put spirits on birds to fly over your car on the highway. These birds let go of the spirits, which fall into our cars to cause us to become angry, fall asleep, or do other things to crash. They put insects with spirits into our cars to cause it to overheat, malfunction or stop it from working. They will hold your hand and block you from receiving from God. They block your prayers, phone, wifi, or television with the elements they use for blocking.
What they block you with The Lord showed me one day that I had certain elements around my yard and it was blocking me. He showed me plastic, wood, metal and stone and told me that it was blocking me. He then showed me Daniel Chapter 5 which tells how they drink their wine and worship their Gods of silver Gold, etc. They put plastic, metal, wood and stone together and load them up with insects with witchcraft spirits to block us. My baby has actually seen the man trying to hold my hand to block my prayer. They put insects with these spirits into computers, tablets, phones etc. These cannot even charge after. They put their spirits into children to do things to block you. She told me one night, Mommy, the man is inside me because I see two huge legs hanging off me.
Why they put their spirits inside your body They do this to use your body to do things that are not of God. they bring spirits of lust, greed, envy, selfish and host of other emotions. WE do not have mood swings, we have demons possessing us. They will put their spirits in you while you drive to cause an accident. They put their spirits into your body to lay up your homes to attack you. on our beds to molest us while we sleep and into our cars to cause us to crash. They follow us everywhere.
How they block us from praying They block us from praying by puttiung insects into our bibles, Changing settings and deleting numbers from our phones while we sleep. They put spirits of slumber on your prayer partners, and send people to pray with you to cause problems for you. They have their cronies make phone calls to transfer spirits to you to stop you from praying. If you pray at midnight then look for them at aroung 11:30 ish. They put spirits of confusion on people, forgetfulness, slumber or disrupt your call by using the children. hey are responsible for the disruption in your prayer life, for you to not read your bible, they put spirits on our bibles. They put insects with spirits in the spot we pray to cause us to fall asleep, etc.
How to know when they are around When you feel heat its their body heat. The breeze you feel swish pass you in an otherwise still area is one of them. You feel breeze in your ear, or feel something brush past you its one. You'll feel something tickle your hair, pain or discomfort in the ear, Tingling in the hands or feet means they are putting a spirit of slumber on you. When you experience blockages, stoppages or hindrance they will be with you trying to block or stop you. Things seemingly moving by themselves, You are in an area that is still and the curtain is blowing, or if the windows are locked and the curtains are blowing, know that you are not alone. You will feel a headache coming on and its one shooting you in the head with a spiritual gun, or something nibbling your toe and its a spiritual dog. Spiritual cats cause muscle contract. We have to be more alert to the things of the spirit to know what is really happening to us.
What to do when they are around Repeat the 23rd Psalm. Bless your water and drink to get that foul spirit out of your and your family's body. Pray and ask God, or if you are anointed to, declare that every entry point in your bodies are sealed shut from intrusion. Send fire to your body if you have the anointing from God to do so. Pray to break chains. When you are praying serious warfare prayers they stand still with their hands on their foreheads in a salute, then attack you after. They don't leave. You plead the blood and they stand still. It's like pleading the Blood of Jesus against a person, they don't leave. God can help you and he will show you what to do. these witches know more than Christians, because we are to relaxed, but it's time to let God use us to fight, because they have gotten away with too much. Fact is, as long as their insects are in our homes they will return. There are other things you can do, such as put up a spiritual shield, a force field and a divine white light to block them, but they return after. We have to trust in God, obey him and look to him more, making him bigger in our lives to get fully delivered. He brings you to a place where no demon can touch you, but its a step by step process. God says help is on the way, so we just have to wait.

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