What you'll see when witches are present


Monday, July 10, 2023

How witches steal Cryptocurrencies

 From 2020 God has shown me how to earn cryptocurrencies from playing games online. I confirmed with God. I asked him, in my mind, if this was him. I said, "God, I remember that Jesus had turned over the table of the moneychangers in the temple." He said, "It is not gambling, you are watching ads to get paid." I told about 300 people I had on my WhatsApp at the time, people who were really in need. I felt like Noah and the Ark: Everyone laughed at me telling me it was not God. One woman of God did not even confirm, she completely ignored me. I have been doing it consistently since then. Every time I played I said, "God, I am not seeing anything yet, but you told me to play, so I am playing." I have watched countless ads over the years. Every time I play God says, "Well done." 

Two years after, in 2022 I began to get hundreds of emails saying I have been paid, I am to check my account. I have seven or eight different PayPal accounts that I sent earnings to. I have received over 500 emails as payment confirmation. God told me to go in and confirm. I was able to confirm the first few hundreds, then the confirmed emails began to redirect and say the recipient could not be found. God told me that my witch husband and his cronies are sending insects with spirits to block it. I continued to try with each of my emails and the same thing happened. When I tried to open the accounts they sent with 1 BTC (1 bitcoin = USD 30,000), Its not allowing me to access them. The witches kept projecting their spirits into different people to say its a scam. 

One day as I left work, God told me to go into my accounts and kick the witches out. When I went to look at the devices that accessed my account, my husband's phone was the first one of about 8 that were in my accounts. I don't live with him and I have never given him my password. When I screenshot it and kicked them out, God told me to get an Authenticator App, which I did. Now every day I see failed attempts at accessing my accounts. God has shown me several accounts for bitcoins they sent from the games and told me to go in and change the password to secure it. I now have over 270 Bitcoins, plus monies in other accounts. I went in one day to withdraw and it said I had to withdraw at least 0.01 BTC to test my wallet. I did and it arrived in a few minutes. 

The other day God told me to withdraw some and I did. I withdrew 10 Bitcoins from one account, 15 from another and then 27 from a third. From I withdraw I have not been able to access the account. I mean, I can access right up to login and from there it loads continuously when I enter username and password. This happens for all the accounts I have. My PayPal accounts are so messed up now, that one is redirecting into the other when I sign in. My local bank accounts are all messed up and are closing one by one. My finances are blocked and my over 5 million USD is blocked by these witches. They do it for you to give up, to accept it then they take it. I am not a receiver of negative things so they started  failing before they began. Their spirits are in the room, they follow me everywhere and if I try to access the accounts, they either send an insect ,or send someone with a spirit, to block it.

The monies I transferred are nowhere to be found. God told me its there and I trust God with everything. He is now showing me how to retrieve it. Several times I go outside and saw huge, fuzzy caterpillars by my window, at each window of the house. I kill them all because I can feel the spirits on them. They have come against my hands, my computer, my eyes and sent people after me, not to mention projecting their spirits into others to curse me out for rubbish. The attacks are unreal, but God is real. God says he is working and all we have to do is trust and obey. He says the gates of hell shall not prevail. The quest for my Crypto continues, because that is Ministry money and no demon in hell can steal what I have already placed in God's hands. His grace is greater than anything they can ever do.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

😨There is no such thing as Hidradenitis Suppurativa

 God has been taking me through the various illnesses that are put on us by envious witches in our lives and in our families and its amazing how God works in this area. I am a woman of God who was targeted by my husband, ex and his ex to die for them to increase. God says he is our healer. No doctor, medicine or surgery can heal the sicknesses that are being put on us for us to suffer. As I have explained in previous posts, we have enemies from the womb. They are still with us today, tormenting, afflicting and making us unhappy in every area of our lives.

God is calling us to come to him, not to take away our freedom, but to live better lives in his care. Whether you are a Christian or not, you still have enemies and are being afflicted by them in serious ways. The last illness my soon to be ex husband put on me was what I think people call "Hidradenitis Suppurativa." Before that happened, before any illness is put on me, God says, "Trust me with everything." It means, no outside help, just be still and know that he is God. I saw the rashes come up, begin to spread and started itching like crazy. God had to take me through this too and show me just how it is done to us. He showed me that it was my husband's ex who did it. Then he said she used insects with spirits but he said I had his grace and that was enough.

How it started out 

At times when the itching and discomfort got to me I cried out to God. He said, "No weakness could stop me." It went on for a while, when I am in my bedroom it flares up the most. When I go into my daughter's room its not so bad, but gets worse after a while. God told me to go into another room. It will be ok, then it flares up. Each time God says they sent insects with spirits. When I go on the road, the only time I feel it is when an insect, animal or person walks past me, or crosses in front of me. When the birds fly over its just uncontrollable itching. I could not go to any doctor, God showed me that our enemies slept and projected their spirits into the doctors to make our situations worse.  God had given me an anointing to break chains and to cut demons loose, so when I felt the itching I did just that. 

The burning and itching went away. God told me to get rid of the insects around the house. I did that. He then told me to cut the bush in the yard. I had called the gardener about two months before, but God told me that my husband put his spirit into his body to say he could not come. I bought and anointed my olive oil and began rubbing the spots. I saw it on my armpits and my thighs, the burning and itching in my vagina was the worst. God eventually told me that I should take a taxi and go for the gardener. The insects that carry the spirits are all around your house. Every where I went, Id, be okay, then it came on after. God uses me to heal and I could not get that to work, because God wanted me to lean on HIM.

After I cut the yard, the ones on my thighs dried up, leaving dark spots. If you look in your email, the things that are happening to you are in your junk email. Anytime you try to do anything, there is the burning or uncontrollable itching. If you rub it with the olive oil it goes for a while, but when they send another insect with that spirit it returns. It is to control you. Exes do it to us for us to not have a man, not wear bathing suits, or shorts. Well, I only wear long shorts, and to embarrass you. They still send insects with spirits, but it only bothers me when my husband's ex sleep and project her spirit into my body. Whenever it itches, God tells me her spirit is in my body and he sends it out. The world is under demonic attack. There are envious people doing things to us, but its what you accept that they afflict you with. Go to God and let him fight it for you.

Where God has it now.

I just took this one 5/7/2023.

I bind it up and send it back every day. Every itch, every burn. I never went to a doctor and accepted it. I renounced it and kept away from the doctors. I went to Doctor God. God wants us to pray and wait on him. If you were not a good person it would not be on you. If you're not a Christian, if you have not yet accepted God into your heart there is a prayer on this blog that you can use. God has everything we need. Everything. We need God like we don't understand. He says he wants us to be happy, but we have to go to him. 

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...