What you'll see when witches are present


Thursday, October 3, 2019

Numbness and Tingling or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in the hands

I saw someone ask a question about tingling and numbness. People are so uninformed on Spiritual matters that it is not funny. If you wish to ask me a question you can use the comments section below. The question is below :

Q. I wake up at night with pins and needles in one or both of my hands. I've tried chiropractic treatments, physical therapy, and a special pillow, with no success. What's causing this, and what can I do to stop it?

Whether you are spiritual or not, people can use witchcraft on you. These sensations are someone trying to put an evil spirit on you. If you don't believe it, hold the spot and rebuke it in the name of Jesus, or send it back to sender in the mighty name of Jesus and watch it go. Don't sit and allow it to continue. It changes your countenance when you allow it to continue. You get cross, upset, sad or depressed. If it continues before you realize, you can bless a cup of water and ask God to remove anything that is in your body that is not of him and watch him remove it.

To bless your water
Just hold the cup in your right hand and pray. Praise God, worship him, thank him and repent for all you have done seen or heard that is not of him. Ask him to pour his blood into it to heal, purge, cleanse and restore normalcy. Thank him and hold the water for a few minutes while he pours into it, then drink. Do this in the faith you have in god.

After you have had the blessed water and drink it your though pattern will dramatically shift to positive things. This is real. This is instruction from God himself. When you have an illness that cannot be diagnosed by doctors, or they tell you that every test comes back normal. Someone is doing it to you. It is a matter for the Great Physician, GOD Almighty. Many people have what I call "floating, or superficial illnesses" you can feel that you are sick, but can not pinpoint what exactly is the matter. It is witchcraft and only God can heal it.

Diabetes and other such illnesses are spirits of infirmity, placed on you by envious people who don't want you to prosper and walk in God's plan for your life. Rebuke it, renounce it and pray for healing. God heals everything. Cancer, epilepsy, dizziness and these are simple matters for God. Everyone has enemies, everyone, even babies. From birth there are exes and family members who do not want to see them come into this world. They come under witchcraft attacks more times than you know. God knows what is done in the darkness, people don't, so God is the only one who can fix these situations. Turn to God, trust him. he is able.

Carpal Tunnel syndrome is caused by someone trying to stop you from working. Pray for God to heal it and look at it disappear. Tingling and numbness can also be a gift of healing from God, but that is only if you are surrendered and are doing his work. This does not by any means stop people from putting evil spirits on you. God will show you the difference. For healing, the tingling is less severe, more like electric current being passed through your hands. everywhere else that has pins and needles is a demonic spirit being placed on you. Christians, pray to God for confirmation if you don't believe this. He will direct your steps.

Too many people are in the dark about these issues while wicked people get away with hurting, maiming or harming or even killing them with witchcraft. Premature death, accidents, hinderances, blockages, and many other types of problems are caused by witchcraft. As long as something happens that you have to question, you can ask God and he will clarify. Our world needs God. We have to make him bigger in our lives. God says we can't keep doing the same things and expect to be happy. God created you, go to him when all else seems lost. He is the great physician, protector, provider, healer. He is our everything.

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