What you'll see when witches are present


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

How the Jezebel spirit, Spirit wife and Spirit Husband works in our lives.

The Jezebel spirit or spirit wife, or the spirit husband is being carried by someone you know who is working witchcraft in your life. Or it can be let in by someone close to you who the demons use to work against you. The bible says your closest enemy is in your home Matt 10 34-36. Your enemy can be your husbands, wives, friends, family members. 


They have to have inside help tot attack you. They load up everything in your house with witchcraft spirits. These are supposed to block and stop you from operating as you normally would. These demonic spirits will be standing right beside you, blocking, pressing buttons, or stopping you, but you will not know, because it takes a certain level of discernment that comes through surrendering to God, for you to feel or see them. God will prepare a child to see them to help you.

The spirit inside this person is not there to keep you company, or just to be inquisitive. They are there with a plan set in motion to wipe out your entire family for what you have worked for, because of their envy. They will employ some underhanded tactics, or go to any measures to make you, your family, and your life as uncomfortable as they can. They are not happy and they will do anything to prevent you from being happy.

Some of the underhanded tactics they employ are listed below:

  • They will put a spirit of addiction, a lump, discoloration, mark, or something on you to keep feeding that demon and put their spirit into a doctor to explain it away. Moles, warts, discoloration, swelling, a sore that won’t heal, lumps on the body are some of the things they do to keep themselves attached to you.
  • First off, they see everything you do, they are even in the bathroom when you take a dump, or take a shower. They come in through the bathroom window, several of them sometimes and try to put pain or sickness on you or your family, touch you, or even have sex with you in the shower.
  • Children's toys, the stuff your teenager uses, your stuff, your significant other's stuff that they use on a daily basis are loaded up with witchcraft spirits. This is done so that whatever they do will block you. When you begin to use the phone, or any other gadget, someone in the family will begin to do what they are doing in frenzied way. When they put one thing down that blocks the call, the person stops hearing; it reconnects the Wi-Fi or totally disconnects the call.
  • They put their spirits into people's bodies to do things in the home to block you, stop or harm you. 
  • They put their spirits into your children to gain access to your home, or your car. You will pray and burns them out and before you leave, they are back in that person's body. They are stubborn and rebellious God says.
  • They use elements to block you from praying them out of your home, this to need discernment and God's guidance for you to know what and how to remove it.
  • Please Note: There is no name more powerful than that of Jesus, or God. Demons bow at the name of Jesus, but if they are blocking you it will block you from God and they will not leave. God has to show you what is blocking you for you to have victory. Whatever they use will block your prayers from affecting them. When God shows you and you remove it, then they have to leave.
  • They will put an insect on your bed to project from to cause harm to you, or in the settee to project their spirit beside the person they are wooing if that person sits in one particular spot each time.
  • They will put their spirits into people, birds, insects or animals to follow you. Look for that animal that is extra friendly, that stranger who either looks at you with hatred or admiration, that insect that seems to be watching your phone, or that person who comes at you for nothing at all. These are being used to host the spirit of an envious ex, husband, wife, family member or friend who is trying to kill you. 
  • They use birds and insects to follow you. Those insects on the car, the house, the car glass are hosting spirits of people you know. With the proper level of discernment you will be able to feel the spirits on them.
  • They send insects carrying spirits to disrupt your day. Pay attention, before that phone falls, that tablet freezes up, or break, or before you feel a pain in your body while you're awake, there will be an insect hovering around, whether a fly, a moth, or even bees and wasps.
  • They load up your food to make you sick. 
  • They put spirits of disloyalty on your family members so they can use them and their spirits to harm, block and stop you. they will have that family member walking around like a zombie putting things together to block you, wrecking your stuff, doing or telling you things to make you feel like they are not with you.
  • They will use that person's spirit to wreak havoc in your home while they sleep beside you. Depending on the spirit they put on them, they will be molesting children, abusing family members or even trying to kill them. If God is not front and centre of your life, of your marriage you will be deceived and they will win.
  • They will use that family member to put insects into your car, home to give them access.
  • That spirit, and others, will be in the home projecting from insects, turning off, or turning up stove, causing things to malfunction, overflow, they will put insects to clog drains, and toilets. They put insects to cause constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, blindness and other issues with your eye, alopecia and hair loss, and many other illnesses.
  • They put breast cancer, stroke, heart attack, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s, mental illness, autism, paralysis, cervical and ovarian cancer, blindness, and many other types of debilitating illnesses on you and place insects with that spirit of infirmity to keep it in place.
  • They cause vaginal infections and burning in the anus by putting their spirits into the home at nights to rape and molest both adults and children. The demons are paedophiles, lesbians, gays, among other things.
  • They will let a bird or an insect fly over you or your car and drop a spirit into it, or into you. Spirits of slumber, anger, confusion are put on us by witches when their evil birds fly over. You will see a cat rub against a window, or against a person and it puts a spirit on the person or into the house before moving on. I have seen countless animals, cat and dog videos and felt the spirit on it. I’ve seen cats pass by my window closely and the Lord tells me that my husband's ex's spirit went into my bedroom. 
  • They place an insect at the front door and as soon as someone opens the door they jump in. 
  • The heat you feel in the home, or that swish of breeze in an otherwise still area is a witch that is following you.
  • They put their spirits into you to wreck your stuff by loading it up with spirits.
  • They load up washers and other appliances with witchcraft spirits and send insects with spirits to make them malfunction.
  • The LIE like you wouldn't believe. The devil is a liar and his agents are living proof. They will have the most things about God around them, they will be the most devoted Christians, the most caring person, they will tell you, no, you're losing your mind, you are crazy, they will ask, are you sure you're hearing from God, because they want to continue to pretend to be upstanding citizens.
  • They load up your lotion to cause itching, stripping and discoloration on your skin, , deodorant to cause itching and boils, perfume to burn your skin, facial creams to have an opposite effect or seem ineffective, other products to be ineffective.
  • There are many other types of problems they cause, but as you go along and get stronger in God he will illuminate.
Solution to these problems above is to pray without ceasing, before you do anything at all, pray. As soon as God says pray, you do. Pray and cancel everything the enemy tries. Ask God to cancel, stop and block for you. They follow you around and with these spirits in insects, to try to block and stop you. The difference is noticeable. You will not have a person’s spirit into your body and act the same. God made no two people alike. For instance, my husband’s ex is regularly projecting her spirit into my house, my children, and before, I did not know exactly what was wrong, but I felt that something was and went to God.

Now, I feel her foul spirit and God has given me an anointing to bind and cast her out. She works with my ex, whose spirit used to be in my husband unnoticed; now I feel it and can send it out. God lets me drink blessed water to send them out and seal up every entry point in our bodies to prevent re-entry. This is a temporary measure as they will return, but I know that eventually I will be able to, permanently. Everything with God is a step by step process, but only surrendering can avail us of this power.

When God teaches us things he renounces what we learned and teaches us his way, which is completely different. He has spiritual ways to attack and solve every problem we encounter and the simplicity of it is astounding. God has SIMPLE solutions to our problems. For illnesses there is no doctor in God’s plan, unless he says so. He is the Great Physician and he heals everything. For those whose faith is not so strong, he will direct you to a doctor who he is able to guide with your care. He teaches children things, delivers them, blesses them, as long as you are of him, you will not suffer. (God fills up my 7 year old and teaches her things, gave her balance to ride her bicycle, how to read, everything we're doing, we ask). 

For even fixing a car, God has a simple, spiritual solution for that problem, because he knows exactly what our enemies did and how to correct it. God wants us to be strong, never to give up; he wants us to come to him because he has everything we need. Come higher with him, just ask him to make you more sensitive to the spirit and watch what he does. Don’t do things the way you used to, try God's way instead. Get closer, trust him with everything and watch what he does.


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