What you'll see when witches are present


Thursday, September 23, 2021

Why we are being attacked so viciously

The lord has shown me that the reason why we are being attacked so viciously is because my husband came into some money. His ex, Marion Wright, is a witch, she astrally projects her spirit into people, animals, birds, people and things to steal, kill, rape or destroy things. She has joined with some like-minded people who want to sleep on their beds and kill people for their hard earned money, car and house. One of these people is my ex, Deon white, Shane Johnson, as well as several neighborhood witches, Howard Wright is one, who the Lord has shown me. These people project their spirits into peoples houses in my community, overseas and elsewhere to cause serious problems.

God has taken the fear away by showing me that they project from insects and are not ghosts as I thought. They follow us in birds, insects, dragonflies, animals and people. They follow us everywhere and put their spirits into people to enter stores they are not able to enter. My husband's ex puts her spirit into my children's bodies to enter my house, car, or to get hugs from my husband. she torments the baby and puts evil spirits on her to cause problems in my marriage. My husband walks around like a zombie putting metal, plastic, stone and wood to block me. He places broomsticks all over the place to give the witches access. God said they put a disloyal spirit on him.

The Lord used to show me in dreams that my ex was always standing at my daughter's window to the right of the house, while she was standing to the left of the house. I had no idea what the dreams meant, but he's a pedophile/gay witch. The lord later showed me that they planted themselves in my yard and used my husband to concrete the spot they are planted. It is interesting to note that these people are not dead people, but very much alive and sleeping on their beds. They come in every night to molest us and wreck stuff in the house, phones, tablets and computers. they have been trying to kill us for years and succeeded in killing my stepson by the woman putting her spirit into his friend to shoot him many times. 

They put their spirits into my house to cause a lot of problems, choking toilets and drains, causing sickness, constipation, blockages and stoppages. God has been with me through it all, protecting me showing me the next move they will make, cancelling whatever they try with us, providing where they cut my finances. This woman and her men witches have managed to block my mail from my mailbox, by putting insects with spirits into the mailbox, wrecked five laptops for me, about four tablets and countless phones, as well as my two PCs, because they don't want me to work. Their aim is for me to depend on my husband  so they can keep me in a position of poverty, lack and want. My husband who barely gives me anything and curses and tells me when he has to do anything for me. When he buys things they put demonic tracking devices on them, or loads them up to make us sick. God says my help comes from him, so I pray for everything.  They put their spirits into people to block me when I go to get household items, they wreck, they cause rust and mildew, wrecking cars, trying to burn my house, trying to put sickness on us. But God is and always will be in control.

I picked a fruit from my tree a few days ago and as I leaned forward to pick it up, I felt someone pushed me backwards and as I tried to regain my balance, I felt someone kicked, not pushed, my foot and I fell on my back, hitting my head. I thought it was his ex. I told her she just started World war three. I went to his work and came back home. It was when I was telling a lady what happened and it occurred to me that I had not asked the Lord what happened and so I did then. He said it was my husband. It came back to me that his mother had been falling down, breaking her wrist, her hip every time and said she saw his ex and another woman pushing her down. The Lord had me pray for her and she never fell again. She was about 90 at the time. His aunt had also been falling and I prayed for her too. I told my husband,  and his ex's spirit, that the next time I fall he is going down like a ton of bricks.

The Lord told me that when I got married, the foul spirit of the man I left 25 years ago was into my husband's body. I know who I am married to because my Marriage Certificate states it in plain English. Whatever my husband got himself into, is between him and them. My husband's ex is also working with the witches. I am married to one MAN and one MAN only, I am not married to, or never will be, can NOT be, married to the spirit of a worthless moron who is sleeping on his bed trying to live vicariously through someone else, hoping to kill their family eventually to get their house, money and cars. 

This man is not married, not even in his mind. His ex is still UNMARRIED at age 52 and has no children, no job and refuse to go to God. They are delusional. What they're doing is ridiculous, impossible and I now know that these spiritual criminals are intruding on our lives and property because of envy. They have no legal ground or blood connection with either of us, so what they are doing is nonsense and it is in their minds and will remain there, until my husband stops being stubborn and get his deliverance, or God removes him. Personally, im praying for permanent removal. If you are doing this thing for over 20 years, when do you intend to stop? I dont think he intends to.

Same demons from our childhood


The demons we are fighting against  are the same demons from our childhood. You  will notice that many of the things you did as a child, you're  doing now. Same demon, different body. They torment, molest, rape, block and stop us, or kill some. We go through it all our lives until God delivers us. The devil then  puts that same envious, demonic spirit into someone else close to us. This person the demon is in, lives in our home, or visits everyday. Our biggest enemies are in our homes. Matt 10 34-36.

How they block us

 They will be in the house and yard setting up things, planting things and building altars around  the  house, without us knowing. These elements are from Daniel 5:4 to block and stop us. They load these  elements with witchcraft spirits, carried by insects and it even causes the Wi-Fi to reconnect. This blocks you from praying them out of our homes. God shows  you what they are using when you're surrendered. He lets  you feel these spirits and tells you to remove them.  As soon as they block you, you will be able to feel the spirits when God has prepared you.

Monitoring spirits

These are the monitoring  spirits. The people close to us who envy us come against us and try to kill us for insurance money, house, or cars, but the  devil wants our souls . They don’t work alone, they  work with neighborhood witches , others who envy you. People they have promised a “cut,” when you die and the property is sold. 

They come to steal, kill and destroy

 They are astrally projected and hanging from insects in our homes. They are the ones the bible says came to steal, kill and destroy . The monitoring  spirit comes with a disloyal spirit and a stubborn spirit for the  person to come against you. My husband  is doing  it to us,  me and my two girls. When God sends me to lay my hands on him he sets things up to block me from doing it. 

They are in churches too

There are many people, pastors, prophets, apostles, deacons who God has shown me who are carrying the witch's  demonic spirit. They are in church, praying, speaking in tongues,  laying hands on people. As long as its not coming from a clean place, it will curse and not bless you. Everything for God comes from a clean place. This happens when someone goes to someone other than God for help. They open a door, take on a demonic spirit,  or a demonic spirit is put on them to cause serious harm. Even when they go to God, that spirit is still using that  persons body and their spirit to do wrongs. That person will have to re-baptize, re-commit and surrender and be led by God. God is more than able  to fix them .

Plastic , metal, wood, stone, newspaper  and  cardboard

My husband uses plastic, cardboard, metal,  wood and stone.  He will place these elements together and load it up and he will not receive what  God has for him when God tries to stop him from projecting. They  watch EVERYTHING we do and try their best to block and stop us in everything. They put pains on our bodies, sickness, or kill us suddenly, or over time. They will use their  spirits to push  us down , give us heart attack, stroke, or any other illness to make us die at once. Mental illness is one of their crazy spirits in the persons body, or a spirit of insanity they put on the person. They have been trying with me. God says no.

Their spirits leave  their  bodies

While they sleep, their spirits are roaming the  house seeking what to destroy.  Raping, molesting and even raping their own children, wrecking,  things, poking you in the eye, putting pain on you, its a lot, but when their  spirits leave their bodies the place will get very hot when the spirit is around. When my husband sleeps, you can feel the heat of his spirit pass by you. When I wake him, the place gets cool. Where he is sleeping is cool. His spitit moves around wrecking my stuff and that of our girls. They will fall asleep somewhere in the day just to watch you. He'll be around the back sleepjng and his spirit is jn my car or wherever I am, tryibg to cause trouble. He tells his fellow witches everything I do or say.

They follow us around 

They take shifts, all night and all day. Just like God watches us, so do they. They follow us in birds, insects, people or animals. Anything  good happen for you they attack you. I will go somewhere and his ex's spirit follows me in a fly or a bird to stop and block me from getting what I want, or gojng where I want to. When you clean your  house they attack you, because youre removing the insects they project from. If you  speak about certain things, they either disconnect your call or attack you. Whenever God wins a victory against them, or for you, they send a spirit of anger in your house. Gods grace is greater. As long as we surrender and go to him, he can remove them. They do so many other things, but as your eyes open more, spiritually, you will see everything unfold  with Gods help.

Only good people get Covid

 God says we have to be careful of what we're hearing and from whom. Many people refuse to surrender and be led by God. Gods people are being mass murdered and its allowed to continue because people refuse to surrender and be led by God. Witches put Covid on me 13 plus times. Many of the times it was while I was in bed. God says witches come in through the bathroom windows. I came out of my bathroom with Covid several times. God says they used insects to carry that spirit. I have not gone anywhere to get it. One of the times it was three Johncrows swooping down on my car in an area where God had told me not to drive. I sent fire to them and they left. But by the time they left it was chest congestion and throat pain..God said Covid again. He told me to repeat Jesus several times and when I burped he said that spirit has left your body. Hes told me to dance in the spirit until something leaves my body, gas, burp, cough and to hold up my right hand until tge spirit has left my body. The people who get Covid are good people. Gods people die from lack of knowledge.  Witches dont get it because they are putting it on people. Witches dont take vaccine because they let us take it so they can torture us and kill us. Each time they put it on me. God shows me and sends it out. He says HE ALONE IS GOD.

When we pray out loud the enemy, people close to us with spirits of envy, demons, who are astral projecting their spirits into our homes listen and tells us things, pretending to be God. They say things and instead of confirming with God several times in our minds,  rebuking and cancelling it in the name of Jesus, we accept it and they do what they promised. As it is now, these demons are in our bodies, in insects, animals and birds, controlling Gods people and they are not even aware. 

People dont spend time under the shadow of the Almighty. Many are still in self will and think they have the power to do things without surrendering. Many Christians are blocked in their homes and not hearing from God and are not even aware. They use the elements in Daniel 5:4 to block us and stop us. Many Christians dont know this. They pray and relate what the demons are saying instead of confirming with God. God uses us to do his work, but if were not surrendered he can't. The promises in the bible only comes through surrendering. 

God teaches, tests then blesses us with anointings. Many are called few are chosen is a thing. Few are surrendered and are being led exclusively by God. If you dont know what is blocking you how do you remove it. Or how does he use you to remove it? When they block you, no matter how you warfare, they remain. God will show you and tell you stay in your position of authority. Remove what is blocking you. He says write, his people need to know.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...