What you'll see when witches are present


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Menopause is it real?

When people talk about menopause they are referring to the hot flashes, and all of the other symptoms that accompany that feeling. My sister once told me that she lived in a cold climate and the weather, fan or A/C can help her when she's feeling the symptoms. She also feels like something is biting her in her sweat. She says she strips down to her birthday suit and it does not make a difference.  I began seeing and feeling what we call menopause symptoms at a time when I was being attacked by unseen forces. What we call spiritual warfare. I went to God because I could not get an answer from anyone about my situation. 

I noticed that when my husband goes to bed it gets unbearably hot.  After a while when the place gets hot God would tell me to wake my husband, When I do, it gets cool, but if I don't it stays hot. The heat feels like its getting stuck to your skin and neither fan nor A/C can cool you. This happens because the demon who is operating within your spouse, or whomever is attacking you carries body heat. That heat will not leave you until the person is awake. My daughter says when she shouts the walls come tumbling down, because when we see these beings it means they are asleep and astral projecting their spirits. If you shout, scream, or make any other type of noise, that person has to wake up. Such wisdom from a seven year old. She screams when she sees them.

I will be charging my phone, or watching the television and feel the heat of his body pass me and then the TV will start malfunctioning, or my charger does not work anymore. When I pray and break chains or send fire to it, it begins to function. If I don't it wont work. God gave me the power to declare life over things, because of my ministry. I break chains from, and declare life over chargers, television, or any electronic appliance that his spirit disables and they work after. I also send fire to them as that is what God showed me to do. My husband goes to work and falls asleep and his spirit is at home watching us and we don't know until we express a desire for something and he takes it home. He says he has no idea this is happening. Its weird, crazy even, but I fear nothing but Almighty God. 

The other symptoms we experience are put on us by insects with spirits of infirmity. Rashes, itching, burning, whatever sensation you feel that is attributed to menopause can be cured by prayer, blessing your water and drinking, or by asking God to fill your temple with his Holy Spirit once more with your right hand in the air. God allows this and other things to happen for his glory, we refuse to go to him. He is there to help when we call on him in earnest. Pray without ceasing, lean not on your own, or other's understanding of your condition, believe God's report and let him heal it. God says we have to choose what we say and do when we come to him.

Monday, December 6, 2021

The two things I learned today: Junk email and Blackheads

 Two things I learned as I was about to write this is about Junk emails and blackheads. I normally see many junk emails  coming to my inbox and thought it was because of my browsing history. God says don't lean on your own understanding. He has since showed me that our enemies put the worms in our faces, the bumps we call blackheads are actually put on us by the enemy. They don't want us to have smooth, clear skin. I used to think that it was the fat that we ate coming out of our pores, my mistake. For years I battled these worms that came out of them on my husband's face, not really knowing what they were. It's the same with acne. It is caused by witchcraft and then they load up the products we use to make them ineffective. We end up blaming the products, the company, or whomever bought it for us. Praying and asking God to break chains can work wonders with acne and blackheads. I just heard him say yes. Confirmed.

My inbox was flooded with junk emails one day and I decided to ask God about it. I have started to ask him about everything I come across. He said my husband's ex and my ex has put my email address in various sites, so they send junk emails in a bid to flood my inbox so I miss important emails. I mean Im getting porn emails, emails about products I never asked about, gambling, raffles, surveys and many other emails. I have to delete every single day, because gmail is now saying storage is full. I know I can break chains off my email, so I won't have that problem, but they are a nuisance, not the emails, they can be deleted. We have to ask God how to regain control of our lives and everything they are messing with. He says you can ask for an anointing to end all of these junk emails.

My Husband

 My husband is being used by a demon. He has a demonic spirit within him propelling him to do things that are not of God. This is only possible because he had gone, or his then girlfriend had taken him to someone other than God for help before I met him. My husband is a Maintenance Manager at his work.  I always defend him, to his late parents, to people who said negative things about him etc. I took my husband out of his parents house at age 45, when I tried to get him to move into  the house we bought, It was like pulling teeth to get him to move in with his daughter, my daughter and I. From the day he moved in it was a problem. That was in 2008 and I have emails from then talking to him about his behavior, not knowing that he was being controlled. He knows little about life,  he seems to have a black hole where his heart is supposed to be. Our arguments were unreal.

What the devil wanted me to see-He seemed meaner and more selfish than you could ever find a person to be. We could not get him to say a simple thank you. We had to force it into him over the years. He had that sense of entitlement that told him that he should get things. I do not have one item my husband has given to me. He buys me nothing. Up to two years ago,  I spent my own money for the house, my car, children, as we had another daughter after. The things that has happened over the years are crazy. They cannot be explained. My husband came home one day and I went into the room with my daughter. We heard a sound and when we looked,  it was a crab on the chest of drawer. We are not near the beach, but a canal is near. We screamed and he removed it. That was just one of a series of bizarre things that has happened over the years. Some too bizarre to mention.

What God made me see-God showed me that my husband's spirit is being controlled by an ex I left 25 years ago and an ex he left 22 years ago. The two are working together to get our home, cars, insurance money and have resorted to witchcraft. God showed me that when we got married the spirit of that ex was in my husband and they have planted themselves in our yard, so their astral projected spirits are always there 24/7s. They have planted things all around the yard to control us and everything in the house and have been putting sickness and pain on our bodies. God said let go of the house or it will be death. I have since removed, but my husband is still there. 

God is in control, will always be. When things begin to happen in your marriage, or relationship, before getting a counselor, go to God. He sees, he knows and he will fight it for you. He says we have to get a divorce and get rid of the house and I will find another, under his guidance, to buy. He told me to pawn my ring because it was loaded with witchcraft. They will try everything to get you to, rash, itching, burning... God can fix marriages, he is not a God of divorce, but our obedience plays a key role in the help we get from him. The devil will make it look like your husband/wife is against you, their flesh is not. The witches that are assigned to your family will put a disloyal spirit on them to do things. God says restoration. He mends it in his way if we obey. The vows you took are taken before God, the pastor, and your spouse. God is the ONLY third party in any marriage. Go to him. He sees, he knows, but want us to come to him. He says he wants us to be happy.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...