What you'll see when witches are present


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The unclean heart and how it affects us

 Many people are walking around with the belief that they are saved. Many say they are baptized, because lets face it, we went through the motions. We love God and want to do his will. The next logical step is to get saved, or baptized. The Lord has been showing me how an unclean heart affect people in his kingdom. In addition to causing different negative feelings when we listen to prayers from an unclean heart, there is also the fact that if someone gets you saved, or baptized having an unclean heart then it is not done. We don't know people's hearts and if we are not actively listening to God as he guides us, then we stand the chance of missing what he is saying. God will show you who can baptize you, but if you are not walking in the spirit then you can misinterpret and completely miss what he is saying.

He will show you someone in a dream as being the wrong person to baptize you and in your lack of understanding you go to the same person to do it. Churches normally say that they have to prepare you for baptism and it takes up to three months for them to prepare you, but tomorrow is promised to no one, and as soon as the enemy sees that you made that step towards committing your life to Christ they begin to attack you more severely than they did before. God says everything we need comes from him. He is the one who prepares you AFTER you get baptized. He guides, protects and teaches you his way. This is not for you to fear, because he is with you and will not let your enemy prevail as long as you choose him.

I remember a few years ago he sent me to my ex to get him saved, this was before he told me that this man was doing things to me spiritually. I went with a woman of God and we got it done. I was driving today and the Lord brought it back to me. He said the spirit of the woman he is working with was into the woman of God so it was not done. He said she put her spirit into her to block it. I notice that whenever God wants my husband to do anything for him to help him, this man puts his spirit into my husband to block it with his unclean heart. God says he alone is God. We live in a world where people who envy us project their spirits to follow us around, block, us, stop us, put pain and sickness in our bodies and we are none the wiser for it. 

God wants us to come to him with everything, no he did not give us wisdom to choose, as many Christians say. He wants us to surrender so he can lead. He says we have to be careful of what we say and do when we come to him. I remember another incident in which I went to church and they were having Holy Communion. When I put the wafer into my mouth it got stuck in my throat. I asked God why and he said the woman serving it had unforgiveness in her heart. The woman was  a doctor, but the Lord had shown me her in the morning before I went to church, that she was in an argument with a man. I told her that before she did anything for God, she had to ask for forgiveness because people like me will feel it when there is anything in her heart. She thanked me and left.

When  my daughter got baptized it was a happy occasion. A few weeks later, God showed me the man who baptized her in a dream. There was a woman and his wife in the dream. I spoke to him after church and he said it was only his wife, there was no woman. I told him that if there was someone who liked him he had to tell her no. After I left, God told me not to dress it up, he said the spirit had to convict him. I called the man and said, "you did not lie to me in church, did you?" He said I should go find someone else to stalk and blocked me. God told me after, that he had iniquity in his heart, so my daughter was not baptized. He said hold up your right hand and I did. He gave me an anointing to baptize and told me to take her to the beach and get her baptized. About two years after God told me to declare life over him as he was being attacked by the same woman he had with his wife.

When I listen to a prayer, sermon, or someone speaking and it comes from an unclean heart I either fall asleep, God tells me to pray, or not to listen, I get miserable, angry or frustrated. When I ask God why, he said the person has iniquity in their heart. We cannot see people's hearts as I stated before. If one such person baptized you, then you will not get what God has for you and you will notice and wonder why. Why is it that I don't have discernment, not hearing from God etc. It blocks you from him, but he hears you nonetheless. he will eventually send help in the form of someone who can explain to you, or baptize you. He then restores what the enemy has blocked for you.

We need God in every aspect of our lives, because the demons are in every facet of our lives. They are doing things that we would not expect, or believe is possible. They are doing it spiritually, so if we are walking in the flesh then we completely miss it. Sadly, many Christians are still in the flesh and are being used, inhabited and destroyed by these demons.  God is a spirit, can we walk in the flesh and still see what he is showing us? God says build your faith. He has amazing things to tell you, to show you, but it takes mustard seed faith for him to accomplish what he wants to with you.

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