What you'll see when witches are present


Sunday, July 17, 2022

What are demons and how and why they attack us

When we go to people, other than God for help, they perform certain rituals that results in them using your spirit to steal kill and destroy while you sleep. They put a demonic spirit on you to do the work of the devil. whether you are a Christian or not, this is the case. My husband seemed normal when I just met him. God says he was projecting his spirit from before I met him, because he had sold his soul to the devil, but the attacks turned up because they decided it was time for me to die. God said he has been carrying on a spiritual relationship with his ex, while he carried on a physical one with me, hoping to merge the two when they used witchcraft to kill me. I was not supposed to have any children either, but I did. God said its cancelled. When they activate you to do the devils work, you are only safe when you surrender to God and have him guiding you. Baptism and going to church alone does not fix it.

God has shown me so many people who are doing his work and are possessed by these demons. He says they need to surrender. When I listen to anything they say, prayer, or anything, he tells me to say the 23rd Psalm. Demons attack us by causing a lot of problems for us. People are in denial about this. They like to believe that they are so covered, that no demon can touch them. The only way to be completely covered is to surrender to God and let him guide you. When we surrender to God, he strips away what we have already learnt, teaches us his way, tests us and tell us well done when we get it right, or gives us a do-over when we don't. After each successful outcome he gives us an anointing and uses us to do things. He gives us discernment and shows us peoples hearts, so we know the types of wolves we live amongst.

In Romans 8:36 it says As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. There are people close to us, husbands, wives, friends, family members, who are possessed by this demonic spirit and are in our homes trying to use astral projection and witchcraft to kill us for what we have worked for. Our envious loved ones go to someone to find out how to remove us for what we have, or for insurance money. They sleep and astral project their spirits to follow us around to cause pain, blockages stoppages, even accidents are caused by witchcraft. Every pain in our bodies are put on us by witches, everything that comes out of our bodies, burp, cough etc., God uses to send out what they have put into our bodies.

We don't have ghosts, we have these envious people projecting their spirits into the home. When you feel dizzy and fall they put a spirit on you and then their spirits push you down. They like to push down people ascending, or descending stairs. They send spirits in people, birds, animals and insects to harm you. The birds fly over our cars and drop spirits into it to cause us to fall asleep, feel pain, to make us crash. It's a lot. But as long as we go to God and live how he wants us to they have no power over us. Christians are dying because their hearts are not clean and this blocks God's healing from getting to them.

I have an instance in which God sent me to a man and told me to lay my hand on his chest. I did, even though I did not feel his spirit of infirmity and I normally would. When I didn't feel it I asked God why. He said he is harboring unforgiveness. I told him it was blocking him and he said he is angry with his sister. We prayed for forgiveness and afterwards I could feel the vibrations of his healing taking place. I felt God pouring into his cheat and he was able to get his healing. I asked him after what was wrong with him and he said he has Asthma. There was another man who God told me to pray for healing and to and break chains from his life. I did and realized that he was still going to the hospital. I asked God why and he said he is harboring unforgiveness. He later died, because he was blocked by that spirit of unforgiveness from receiving his healing.

We, as Christians, as people of God, have to stop explaining away things. The things that happen to us are not normal, yet we always try to find an explanation for it. Many times, its the people doing things to us we go to for help and they help us to explain it away while they continue to afflict us. People get one message from God and they feel like this is it, I am hearing from God. Other times, they pray out loud and a demon provides what they pray for and they say it is from God, because I prayed to him. We have to remember that the devil imitates everything that God does and these demons play God by supplying what we pray for, the difference being that it is loaded with witchcraft to attack and afflict us. Many times things happen and I question God, why does this happen to me, or her, or him and he will say it is for his glory.

God must and will be glorified in all things. He will not let another take his glory. When we feel pain and go to the doctor, our enemies astral project their spirits into the doctor to tell us crap about our illnesses, or send us a little farther with it. The tablets do not work for two reasons, tablets cannot cure spirits of infirmity and our attackers, the witches that are on us will contaminate our tablets to keep us sick. They then place these insects inside our homes and cars with spirits of infirmity to keep the illness on us. They also let birds fly over our cars and drop that same type of spirits into our cars to keep the sickness on us. They will put those insects at the room window at nights, or during the day to keep us ill. If you notice, when you are ill in the house and you go elsewhere the symptoms are less, or you feel better. 

How does God cure cancer with just prayers and blessed water, when we spend so much on Chemotherapy and doctors, and hospital visits? How does he tell a person to lay their hand on a Covid sufferer and that person does not get it, but the one suffering from it gets their healing? How does he cure the common flu with just prayers? For mental illness, Isn't Mark 5:1-20 the account of someone with mental illness? God says mental illness is not a thing. its a demonic possession. People are so fooled that they think that the traffic on the road is gridlock. What causes it though? God said its witches and they use what we would call insane persons to set up elements, such as in Daniel 5:4 to block and stop us. Witches astral project their spirits into these people they are working against and have put a spirit of insanity on them. They then use them to lay up the intersections. Every intersection and every crossroad, worldwide has spirits planted there to jump into our vehicles.

The heat we feel in our cars is a demonic spirit that either jumped in the vehicle when you stop at the stoplight, or by a bird flying over your vehicle. The radio will start to do unexplainable things, you begin to sweat in the air conditioner, or you begin to feel pain or sickness. Many have said God gave us wisdom for us to use, then they do something that is not of God. They say God gave us doctors, but the devil imitates everything God does, so how do you know which is which without God guiding you? These people who are afflicting us are normal people during the daytime, but when they sleep their spirits are used to steal, kill and destroy by the devil. But they rape too.

Being raped and molested by a demonic spirit, an incubus or succubus spirit, is as simple as having a single, tiny insect they placed on your bed. They then project from that insect to spiritually rape you. No amount of prayers can get rid of them if God is not guiding you, because in your own home they will use someone's body to set up things to block you from praying them out. They will load up your child's toys to use it to block you. They put a spirit on the child. That child will automatically play with that particular toy when you take up the phone, tablet or laptop. This will block you, you will not get anything done. The WIFI will begin to reconnect. This witch, my husband's ex has loaded up my baby's toys so that if she places one on the ground my phone call is cut off.

They send spirits through the phone, voice note and even prayers with them speaking in tongues. I was wetting my baby up on the grass one day and saw an unknown number called and I answered. God said sickness, but I was preoccupied. The woman on the other line asked for a name I don't know and I told her wrong number. By the time I hung up, I was feeling a difference in my body. God told me to just hold up my right hand and he sent it out. He told me they sent a spirit of infirmity over the phone. Another time I was going somewhere and received a phone call on my car radio, the radio began to malfunction after. God said break chains and declare life over it and I did. I no longer answer calls from unknown numbers. Another time, just before I prayed at midnight a call came in, an unknown number. When I said hello, he said wrong number. I then felt my throat becoming raspy. I bound it up and sent it back to sender and felt better after. There have been other times that it has happened as well, but My God is so in control.

For you to be doing the works of the devil, you have to have a lesbian spirit, a gay spirit or a pedophile spirit. Don't get me wrong, that person is doing it in secret, while they sleep. The lesbians and gays we see are also being attacked. They were not born that way, but these spirits are put on our children. A male spirit into a female body and a female spirit into a male body. My husband's ex, who is a witch, keeps putting her spirit into my daughters and sisters to come at me. God gave me an anointing to cut her loose when he tells me to. Its a demonic possession, the person can be delivered. The aim of the witches attacking them is to get them killed. Low tolerance for gays/lesbians, or relationship issues will see them meeting a violent death. The person attacking then gets insurance money, or whatever they have. The devil is a liar!

They have pedophile spirits that are on our children at nights. Their own fathers, mothers, family members are raping and molesting our children at nights. Where you see a rash develop, it is where the spirit has touched the child. At nights I have to be fighting off my husband and his cronies spirits off my eight year old. My husband goes to work and sleeps then his spirit comes back home in a bird to follow us around and cause problems for us. He has been at his work for 48 years and I really admired that, because I said he was a good worker. Whenever they make him redundant, they take him back. It was recently that God showed me that his witch ex has planted him at the workplace. We can't look at people's exterior and say that is a good person. In 1 Timothy 4:1 it states that Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

These demons are who we refer to as narcissistic people. They will do anything to destroy us, making it look as if they are innocent. They will destroy you and make people think that it was you who are the offender. They will know what they are doing to you and act as if everything is ok. My husband takes food to the house and because of his unclean heart, my tongue gets sore. God heals everything. They load up our food with spirits of infirmity and spirits of obesity. They as much as put their spirits into insects to breed them up to attack us. They put these insects into our refrigerator, then project their spirits to them to load up our food to make them spoil, or to make us sick.

When we surrender, God doesn't just show us things, he shows us what to do too. Missing children, death, robberies, strange things happening, people turning against us, children coming against parents...good parents..all is witchcraft. But no one listens to God. They have their own ideas and explanations about things. God says he is still able to do amazing things, but we have to trust and obey.


How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...