What you'll see when witches are present


Friday, July 29, 2022

The Spirits that Demons attack us with

  The attacks that we go through on a daily basis are neither normal, or explainable, but they are made to look as natural as they possibly can by the witches attacking us. God has been showing me that everything that they do to us is caused by spirits. We cannot think that this is something we can fight ourselves, the battle is not ours, its the Lord's. He fights demonic spirits, not us. I have outlined the spirits that God has shown me that they use to afflict us on a daily basis. He wants us to stop leaning on our own understanding and come to him with our questions. Whether or not you are a Christian, you can pray to God. All you need is a clean heart. He will instruct you from there about getting saved, baptism and the church he wants you to attend. If you are a Christian and you speak in tongues, he confirms that way, but if you don't then you can hold up your right hand and he will confirm.

  • Spirits of anger - Our enemies, envious people close to us, who have access to our homes will place a spirit of anger projecting from an insect, at the main entranceway so that when the person being attacked enters that spirit falls on them and they become angry. When God sends me to couples who have anger issues, he tells me after I pray with the person, to remove the insects from the front door. One woman God sent me to said as soon as she stepped in she got so angry that she begin tearing up money.
  • Spirit of Obesity - Insects carrying a spirit of obesity are placed in your homes, food loaded with these spirits cause you to get fatter, even when you don't eat much. Insects animals, birds and people are loaded up with that spirit. The birds fly over and drop the spirits into our cars to keep that spirit on us. My daughter started getting fat and God told me to stop taking snacks and food from her father, because he is loading up the food he gives to her with spirits of obesity. His and his friends' spirits even follow us to fast food restaurants to load up our food with spirits. To get rid of a spirit of obesity, you bless your food before eating and ask God to break spirits of obesity from the food. In extreme cases, a three day fast may be necessary, as flesh must die, but hold up your right hand and ask God to fill your temple with his Holy Spirit once again.
  • Spirit of Infirmity - Insects are placed at areas where you frequent the most to afflict you with spirits of infirmity. When you are at home and don't feel well, go somewhere else you do not frequent and see if the symptoms will not diminish. Every illness we have is caused by a spirit of infirmity. Pray for healing and God will send help.
  • Spirit of depression - Its a spirit put on us by the enemy. Pray, hold up your right hand and God will send out that spirit right away Or bless some water and drink and it will get that spirit out.
  • Spirit of Suicide - This is also a spirit. Your enemy puts a spirit of depression on you, then progress to a spirit of suicide. Bless a glass of water and pray a powerful prayer destroying this spirit. They will also project their spirit into you to commit suicide and their spirit leave your body just before you die. Google spirits leaving bodies as people die for your proof.
  • Spirit of Poverty, Lack and Want - Our enemies don't want us to progress, so they put this spirit on you to ensure that you never have any money.  They place insects into your handbag and purse, carrying that spirit and go a step further. They project their spirits into birds, insects, animals and people to block, stop and delay you when you get money. They will hide funds you are supposed to get, from you. These spirits follow me even to Western Union when anyone sends me money to hold up the line, disable the machine, or find other ways to try to stop me. This idiot man even went as far as deleting my daughter's number from the phone one of the times, knowing that I needed the phone number. When you pray, God sends someone he has anointed to break those chains and declare life over your finances.
  • A lying/Thieving Spirit - Witches put a lying or thieving spirit on you as soon as you tell a lie, or steal something. Their spirits are with us, following us around and as soon as they see you tell that lie, or take something not belonging to you, they put that spirit on you and you will think its the norm to tell lies, or to take things. If you have told a lie, or stole something, then hold up your right hand and ask god to fill your temple with his Holy Spirit once again to keep your heart clean.
  • A Spirit of Lust - The same applies with a spirit of lust. As soon as you look at a lewd photo, or read something that has sexual connotation, that spirit is put on you. I remember I was looking at a WhatsApp status and came across something and immediately after, God said hold up your hand and ask me to fill your temple with my Holy Spirit once again, so I did. The demons will come to you in the nights, put a spirit of slumber on you and spiritually rape you and molest the kids. The only way you will know is when you wake up and feel your nipples hurting, your bottom, or genitals burning. This is what promotes masturbation but the witch actually projects his or her lesbian or homosexual spirit into your body to fondle you and let you think it is you who are doing it to yourself. I remember when they put that spirit on me, it was when I went to God he told me it was my husband's ex, who he is working with who was projecting her spirit into me and doing it to me, but they were all around me watching. That was instant deliverance. Be careful of what you look at and if you do see something that is not of God, then put up your right hand and ask God to fill your temple with his Holy Spirit once again. Bless your water and drink it, then pray to get rid of that spirit.
  • A Spirit of Slumber - A Witch will put a spirit of slumber on you for different reasons: It may be to molest you at night, to molest your child/children, to prevent you from working, driving, or focusing on something really important. You find that as soon as you start to do something important, you begin to fall asleep. Bless your water, or hold up your right hand and let God work on it for you. You can also dance in the spirit to get these spirits out of your body. God is still able to do amazing things, but we have to learn to trust and obey.
  • Spirit of anxiety/OCD - Witches use insects to put these spirits on us. Prayers and blessing your water and drinking it can work wonders.
  • Spirit of insanity - For this one they use your next of kin to put you into a mental hospital the load up your medication with spirits of insanity. When you leave the hospital, the vehicle you drive in is loaded up with spirits to keep you sick. They place insects in and around the house to keep you that way. They let you sign papers saying you are worse than you are, but its what you sign for that they afflict you with. They force you to let them take you everywhere, knowing that they are doing this to you. Your food and everything else are loaded with those spirits. The witch will put their spirit into your body to let you act crazy. One will put his/her spirit into family members to tell you that you are crazy and you should take your medication. They put their spirit into people online to respond to your posts, telling you that you need to take medication when you try to do God's work. Never sway in your faith. God is with you and will not let go off you. He says bless your water you use to take the tablets, ask him to break chains from the tablets if you don't have that anointing and hold up your right hand after you take it. Fear no one but God and pray constantly. God says there is no such thing as mental illness, nit is a spirit that is put on us by the enemy. Alzheimer's, dementia, and psychoses are all spirits. God says its household witchcraft that causes those illnesses.
  • Disloyal Spirit - A disloyal spirit is put on a loved one to come against you and cause problems in your marriage or relationship. When this happens, pray for that person, because a spirit of stubbornness is also put on them to not accept help. God sees, he knows and as long as you pray he will send help. You can bless your water and drink it and let God deliver your spouse or loved one through you. You cannot hate the person as its the spirit that is coming against you. God says all the person needs is love. 
  • A Stubborn Spirit - This spirit will be in the person to block them from accepting what God wants for them. They will reject everything of God and attend a Catholic church to hide from God, because they know their evil spirits cannot be detected there. 
  • Spirit of blindness - This is put on us by our enemies to prevent us from having good eyesight. when my husband's spirit leaves his body as he sleeps, as he projects, I can feel him sticking me in the eye. Bind up the spirit of blindness and send it back to sender in the mighty name of Jesus and declare that the chains are broken from your eyes and declare life over your eyes. 
  • Spirit of incontinence - Our enemies put the symptoms on us and use insects to keep it on us. This is one my daughter and I are currently experiencing and she's eight. After putting the bladder infection on us when their spirits come in in the early morning, they use insects to keep it on us, birds fly over the car to drop that spirit in, animals walk past the car when I am driving with the spirit. They plant spirits into the road, where it was previously dug up to put that spirit on us and have us running to the bathroom at the same time, every time. God says they do this to control us, if we go somewhere and he doesn't want us there, he sends an insect. it is to embarrass us, we may be in traffic and they send a bird or insect with that spirit, knowing that there are no bathrooms nearby. God says the devil is a liar. He keeps healing and they keep putting it back on us. Hold your lower abdomen and bind up that spirit and send it back to sender. Keep doing it as they keep undoing it.
  • Hair Loss - Their spirits tear out our hairs at night, then they put their spirit into a doctor to say its Alopecia. Anointed Olive Oil and prayers. Declare life over that hair in faith and you will see results.
  • Cheaters are led by spirits. God told me that I got married to the spirit of my ex inside my husband's body. He has shown me how many times my husband has cheated over the years, but he says it was the spirit of my ex in his body and the spirit of his ex inside the woman's body that was doing it. I have forgiven him, but I have moved on since and am with God full time now.  He is a grown man and if he wants God to change his situation, just like he went out and found the devil to sell his soul, so he can find God to change his situation. Not all marriages are of God as he took me out of mine. But when we choose partners, not seeing their hearts, this is the result.

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