What you'll see when witches are present


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familiar spirits. Father I pray that you open up the understanding of the person reading this post in the mighty name of Jesus. I did not get what my brother was saying, mainly because I did not want to believe that this stupidness was actually a thing. Since coming to God he has taught me that the same creatures and people he got rid of in the flood (Gen 6), are back and have multiplied because no one is coming to him. God allows me to feel the spirits on these people and creatures for my ministry. Up until then, I think I was just hoping that all of these things I was hearing would somehow dissipate. None of it did.

God showed me that our enemies sold their souls to get riches, slept and astral projected their spirits into animals, insects, birds and people to attack and cause a multitude of problems for us on a daily basis, right throughout the days and nights. The things that were happening in my home were not normal, so I had to go to God with everything. Everything with God is a step by step process, he teaches, tests, blesses and anoints us to do his work under his guidance and protection. God will never send you into a situation to lose. It is for his glory, so losing will not give him the glory.

We have to make God bigger in our lives. 

  • Our enemies monitor us on a daily basis. They sleep and astral project their spirits to steal, kill and destroy.
  • The insects you see flying around while you use your phone has a spirit to listen, or let the phone fall and break. It also shuts off the phone, or kills the battery at times. 
  • They place insects on the walls of our homes, or inside the home to monitor, stop and block.
  • When you decide to go on the road, by the time you go out there will be birds following you and this happens even at nights. 
  • Our enemies use Johncrows/Vultures, to put spirits on us and to track our movements.
  • They will put an insect on your window to disrupt the wifi or distort the computer for you to not get anything done.
  • There are insects in the car following you around.
  • For every sexual act that takes place, whether you're married, or not, there are demons which reside in the sleeping bodies of people in your neighborhood and your enemies watching, in YOUR room in YOUR house.
  • When you dream that your spouse came back for more its your spirit husband/wife and its someone you know.
  • Our enemies follow us around in the bodies of people. You will be using your phone and a baby comes over and says hi and your phone shuts off or begins to malfunction. We are not paying attention or associating circumstances with actions so we miss it.
  • Nothing is a secret, that is why it always comes out in the end. Our enemies will sleep and astral project their spirit into your own child to hear your plans to disrupt it.
  • Their spirits are in the packers in stores and supermarkets contaminating our stuff and loading up our food with spirits.
  • Everything that is done to us is done with spirits. God is in control, he alone controls spirits.
  • Spirits of infirmity (No matter what the sickness, this is what God calls it) its nothing serious for him, spirits of obesity, spirits of insanity, lying spirits, spirits of lust and addiction, etc., God sees them all as spirits. 
  • Your enemy will put sickness on you and project their spirit into someone to help you to get the commendation.
  • Our enemies cause every problem in our lives, from Cancer to the common cold.
  • They cause every form of calamity in our lives, from fires to accidents.
  • Their aim is to sacrifice you for what you have and no one is exempt. Only God can help. He will make a way.
  • They put insects in our homes, refrigerator to contaminate our food and cause our appliances to malfunction.. 
  • They project their spirits into children to give behavioural problems, cause what we call Autism, special needs and ADHD. Its a demonic possession God says. 
  • God calls our enemies witches/demons but we call them Narcissists, ghosts and supernatural beings. Jamaicans call them duppies. They are all the same.
  • Astral projection and witchcraft affects everyone. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CGKC21FF?ref_=dbs_m_mng_rwt_calw_tkin_0&storeType=ebooks&qid=1694024560&sr=8-13
We have to get to a place where we know that God has everything we need. Ask him to take our fears, and give us peace while he works, because he wants us to come to him so he can take us to a place where no weakness can hold us down. The enemy is at work in p0ur lives, when they take you to a place where you have no money, no job, sickness, no family, light, water, food, shelter, or no peace in the home, you will still have his peace, knowing that he is working on your behalf. He will make a way. We have to trust him with everything when our situations are less than perfect. There are things God wants to teach you and if he is taking you through and you are in turmoil you will not learn. God has to have peace to work. He WILL prepare you a table in front of those same enemies.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Everyone is possessed by a demon at one time or another

 A part of my ministry involves me going on social network with God guiding and enlightening his people who are in error.  What I notice a lot of is people saying they are having service and delivering God's people. I can feel the demonic spirits on everything. My nine year old daughter sees them on everything. God allows children to see them. I'll be watching a sermon or a deliverance and God tells me not to watch it, or he lets me repeat the 23rd Psalms. This tells me that a demon either created the video, or is in the person doing the deliverance, or in the body of the person who is preaching. The Holy spirit is a spirit, he is naturally omnipresent. Satan imitates everything God does, so he puts a spirit on those who sell their souls and uses a magnetic field which allows the silvercord, or leyline to let them project into people's homes, bodies, that of their children, animals, birds, fish, and insects (Ecc. 12:6).

God says he got rid of them in Genesis 6, but they came back because no one goes to God. These people have an envious spirit. They decide that you are not to have anything, go anywhere in peace or be happy in anything that you do. These demons sleep and astral project their spirits into God's people's bodies to do all kinds of things to get them into trouble. If you are watching a video about God and have unforgiveness, doubts, disobedience or envy in your heart then you cannot feel the Holy Spirit as those negative spirits block you from God. If God tells you to do something and you do not then that is disobedience, it not only blocks you from God, but you also pass it on to others you interact with. Envy is a negative spirit that blocks you from God. If you have up your brother, sister or neighbor in your heart, you will not feel God either.

Everything for God comes from a clean heart. There are so many pastors who God shows me are harboring unforgiveness its not funny. Many are speaking in tongues with that demonic spirit powering them, not knowing that witches jump into their bodies. Many pastors and spiritual leaders are of the opinion that no demonic spirit can enter their bodies because they have the Holy Spirit. What they do not know is that the Holy Spirit leaves when we perform actions that allow demonic spirits to enter our bodies. God is unable to dwell in our temples when there is an unclean spirit. We then have to hold up our right hands and ask God to fill our temples with his Holy Spirit once again. Peter was close to Jesus, yet he was rebuking the demon in his body (Matt 16:23). We are not close to God/Jesus, what is to stop them from jumping into our bodies at will. They say not everything is spiritual, but wouldn't that mean there are aspects of our lives that God is not in control of? God is in control of everything in this world.

Since God has been teaching me, he has given me discernment of spirits, so if one of my enemies (I have several, beginning with my husband), send a spirit, whether in a bird, insect, animal or a person I can feel it. I know who does what and when they do it, before they block me from feeling it, God tells me to hold up my right hand and sends out that spirit. I will visit places to complete transactions and see the zombie like people staring at me, many with hatred and I do not know them. I used to think that the birds were friendly because I went to God, until he told me they were birds with demonic spirits sent to monitor me. Why was I not noticing these things before? Because God has to open our spiritual eyes  and he has to p-rotect us like he alone can when he does, so surrending all to him is important.

We have to get to know God in such a way that we know that he is with us in all we do. He knows every process we go through, every job, everything that we do, God can show us a better way. God greated us, he knows the plan for our lives. If you decide to be a doctor because of some innate need or direction, he can show you a cheaper, better way to do it because he put that need in you. We have to make God bigger in our lives and we have to allow him to take his place in the earth. Someone, a security guard at my daughter's school explained to me this morning, that if a Don rules an area and all are in subjection then there will be peace, but if you decide that you are going against that Don then he will have you removed. Its the same with God and the devil. If Satan is controlling your life and your every move, then you will not come under attack, but when you go to God, the attacks are out of this world, BUT God protects us fiercely.

Christians, look at your lives, if God is not 100% in control then there are aspects of your lives that are being controlled by Satan and he is relentless. Our help comes from God, what we face on a daily basis is S[piritual Warfare. It is for his glory and how he gets his people to bow.

Monday, July 10, 2023

How witches steal Cryptocurrencies

 From 2020 God has shown me how to earn cryptocurrencies from playing games online. I confirmed with God. I asked him, in my mind, if this was him. I said, "God, I remember that Jesus had turned over the table of the moneychangers in the temple." He said, "It is not gambling, you are watching ads to get paid." I told about 300 people I had on my WhatsApp at the time, people who were really in need. I felt like Noah and the Ark: Everyone laughed at me telling me it was not God. One woman of God did not even confirm, she completely ignored me. I have been doing it consistently since then. Every time I played I said, "God, I am not seeing anything yet, but you told me to play, so I am playing." I have watched countless ads over the years. Every time I play God says, "Well done." 

Two years after, in 2022 I began to get hundreds of emails saying I have been paid, I am to check my account. I have seven or eight different PayPal accounts that I sent earnings to. I have received over 500 emails as payment confirmation. God told me to go in and confirm. I was able to confirm the first few hundreds, then the confirmed emails began to redirect and say the recipient could not be found. God told me that my witch husband and his cronies are sending insects with spirits to block it. I continued to try with each of my emails and the same thing happened. When I tried to open the accounts they sent with 1 BTC (1 bitcoin = USD 30,000), Its not allowing me to access them. The witches kept projecting their spirits into different people to say its a scam. 

One day as I left work, God told me to go into my accounts and kick the witches out. When I went to look at the devices that accessed my account, my husband's phone was the first one of about 8 that were in my accounts. I don't live with him and I have never given him my password. When I screenshot it and kicked them out, God told me to get an Authenticator App, which I did. Now every day I see failed attempts at accessing my accounts. God has shown me several accounts for bitcoins they sent from the games and told me to go in and change the password to secure it. I now have over 270 Bitcoins, plus monies in other accounts. I went in one day to withdraw and it said I had to withdraw at least 0.01 BTC to test my wallet. I did and it arrived in a few minutes. 

The other day God told me to withdraw some and I did. I withdrew 10 Bitcoins from one account, 15 from another and then 27 from a third. From I withdraw I have not been able to access the account. I mean, I can access right up to login and from there it loads continuously when I enter username and password. This happens for all the accounts I have. My PayPal accounts are so messed up now, that one is redirecting into the other when I sign in. My local bank accounts are all messed up and are closing one by one. My finances are blocked and my over 5 million USD is blocked by these witches. They do it for you to give up, to accept it then they take it. I am not a receiver of negative things so they started  failing before they began. Their spirits are in the room, they follow me everywhere and if I try to access the accounts, they either send an insect ,or send someone with a spirit, to block it.

The monies I transferred are nowhere to be found. God told me its there and I trust God with everything. He is now showing me how to retrieve it. Several times I go outside and saw huge, fuzzy caterpillars by my window, at each window of the house. I kill them all because I can feel the spirits on them. They have come against my hands, my computer, my eyes and sent people after me, not to mention projecting their spirits into others to curse me out for rubbish. The attacks are unreal, but God is real. God says he is working and all we have to do is trust and obey. He says the gates of hell shall not prevail. The quest for my Crypto continues, because that is Ministry money and no demon in hell can steal what I have already placed in God's hands. His grace is greater than anything they can ever do.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

😨There is no such thing as Hidradenitis Suppurativa

 God has been taking me through the various illnesses that are put on us by envious witches in our lives and in our families and its amazing how God works in this area. I am a woman of God who was targeted by my husband, ex and his ex to die for them to increase. God says he is our healer. No doctor, medicine or surgery can heal the sicknesses that are being put on us for us to suffer. As I have explained in previous posts, we have enemies from the womb. They are still with us today, tormenting, afflicting and making us unhappy in every area of our lives.

God is calling us to come to him, not to take away our freedom, but to live better lives in his care. Whether you are a Christian or not, you still have enemies and are being afflicted by them in serious ways. The last illness my soon to be ex husband put on me was what I think people call "Hidradenitis Suppurativa." Before that happened, before any illness is put on me, God says, "Trust me with everything." It means, no outside help, just be still and know that he is God. I saw the rashes come up, begin to spread and started itching like crazy. God had to take me through this too and show me just how it is done to us. He showed me that it was my husband's ex who did it. Then he said she used insects with spirits but he said I had his grace and that was enough.

How it started out 

At times when the itching and discomfort got to me I cried out to God. He said, "No weakness could stop me." It went on for a while, when I am in my bedroom it flares up the most. When I go into my daughter's room its not so bad, but gets worse after a while. God told me to go into another room. It will be ok, then it flares up. Each time God says they sent insects with spirits. When I go on the road, the only time I feel it is when an insect, animal or person walks past me, or crosses in front of me. When the birds fly over its just uncontrollable itching. I could not go to any doctor, God showed me that our enemies slept and projected their spirits into the doctors to make our situations worse.  God had given me an anointing to break chains and to cut demons loose, so when I felt the itching I did just that. 

The burning and itching went away. God told me to get rid of the insects around the house. I did that. He then told me to cut the bush in the yard. I had called the gardener about two months before, but God told me that my husband put his spirit into his body to say he could not come. I bought and anointed my olive oil and began rubbing the spots. I saw it on my armpits and my thighs, the burning and itching in my vagina was the worst. God eventually told me that I should take a taxi and go for the gardener. The insects that carry the spirits are all around your house. Every where I went, Id, be okay, then it came on after. God uses me to heal and I could not get that to work, because God wanted me to lean on HIM.

After I cut the yard, the ones on my thighs dried up, leaving dark spots. If you look in your email, the things that are happening to you are in your junk email. Anytime you try to do anything, there is the burning or uncontrollable itching. If you rub it with the olive oil it goes for a while, but when they send another insect with that spirit it returns. It is to control you. Exes do it to us for us to not have a man, not wear bathing suits, or shorts. Well, I only wear long shorts, and to embarrass you. They still send insects with spirits, but it only bothers me when my husband's ex sleep and project her spirit into my body. Whenever it itches, God tells me her spirit is in my body and he sends it out. The world is under demonic attack. There are envious people doing things to us, but its what you accept that they afflict you with. Go to God and let him fight it for you.

Where God has it now.

I just took this one 5/7/2023.

I bind it up and send it back every day. Every itch, every burn. I never went to a doctor and accepted it. I renounced it and kept away from the doctors. I went to Doctor God. God wants us to pray and wait on him. If you were not a good person it would not be on you. If you're not a Christian, if you have not yet accepted God into your heart there is a prayer on this blog that you can use. God has everything we need. Everything. We need God like we don't understand. He says he wants us to be happy, but we have to go to him. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

How Demons Steal

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 

The passage in John 10:10 is referring to real life events and this is what is taking place in our lives right now. I have explained in previous articles how I left this idiot who promised to kill me if I did. This was 25 years ago. This idiot has been following me around with his spirit for all that time. He is a witch who sleeps and astral projects his spirit into anything he can to follow me around. God says everyone has them, but that is the one the devil put on me. 

Now this man sent a man to me a couple years after I left him. I got married to him when I was about to leave him. I went to God because of the negative things that were happening in my life. God began showing me the things he was doing. How do you live with a spiritual criminal who is trying to kill you and not know? God says I got married to the spirit of my ex in my husbands body. I could not have anything to do with him after I found out.

I noticed that things started disappearing around me, I would get messages in my email and they disappeared after a while. Money would go like powder through my fingers, my passwords would not unlock my accounts anymore. I had to be constantly changing them. After a while, when I prayed, God said leave the house, MY house, He said they are blocking me. He said they would kill me in there. He showed me that my ex, Deon Craig White, my husband who he sent, Steven DaCosta and his ex, Marion Wright, were witches who were trying to kill me for what I had. He told me a lot of things after and showed me then gave me a ministry. I left my house with my daughter and live somewhere else. Their spirits follow me around. They are who we call ghosts.

They have spiritually disabled my online accounts, they sleep and astral project their spirits into people to steal peoples money, they disable bank cards, pins, passwords and steal monies from people's accounts. They put their spirits into people's bodies to rob people, or to withdraw peoples monies. I spoke to a lady God had shown me and she said her best friend died and her sister said she dreamed her and told her that she had an account. She said she dreamed her after to tell her the pin for the card. 

When I finished talking to her God said she sent the husband to her sister. They killed her and they were witches. Her spirit was in her sisters house and saw the account and the pin she used to enter the account. They get away with this because people are not going to God. They feel like they are invincible for this reason. They will block a person from their account in Paypal, the bank or anywhere else, then they go in with the person's password and either send the money to their account or withdraw. They use witchcraft to block the WIFI for you to not access your account. They block you from your work account and put a spirit of death on it for you not to get any jobs in that account.

That's not all they do. I left a bank in 2005 and to this day, I have not received my pension. God says if they were successful in killing me it would resurface and my husband would get it. They watch you and put their spirits into whomever you try to contact to tell you rubbish to keep it hidden. This is monies we work for, but they want to sleep on their beds and collect. He says the devil is a liar. No one can track it down in the physical, but God can. 

These demons pair up with people to kill them for what they have. They will come as the nicest person, because they walk around with seducing spirits. 1 Tim 4 says 4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. The attacks begin right after you get married. I mean this demon will let in several of his cronies' spirits on you to attack you. If you don't have God directing your path they will fool you. God says there is a demon in every marriage and every relationship. They are ok when awake, but as they sleep the demons emerge.

Now I recently received some crypto in my account in Paypal and after going through a lot to accept it, it has now disappeared from Paypal. After failing to get past the requirement of a SSN and contacting them, I noticed that the $5.66 is there, but the Crypto has completely disappeared. They put their spirits into people to delete the messages and then tell you that if you don't have a message it is not there. I made sure to take a screenshot of the dashboard that said accept crypto, but the crypto has somehow disappeared and no one can tell me what I accepted.

I am a woman of God. I don't fight my battles for myself. I have since placed it into God's hands. It shall come forth, not by might, not by power, but by the spirit of the mightiest God. That money is God's and no one steals from God and gets away with it. They will fall down and die just like Ananias and Saphira in the bible. 

Ananias and Sapphira

Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet.

Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.”

When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. Then some young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and buried him.

About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. Peter asked her, “Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?”

“Yes,” she said, “that is the price.”

Peter said to her, “How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord? Listen! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also.”

10 At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. 11 Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.

We have to let God take his place on this earth and in our lives. What we have to realize is that our stuff are being taken by people close to us, our loved ones, not strangers. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. People who have sold their souls to the devil who are asleep and astral projecting their spirits into people to steal, kill and destroy. We are not dealing with the physical person who steals the money, because they find a way to kill the body they use to get it after. Someone will put their spirit in the person to send it to them and kill the person after. They use others who are under attack, so they kill two birds with one stone and get two payouts from insurance.

Friday, July 29, 2022

The Spirits that Demons attack us with

  The attacks that we go through on a daily basis are neither normal, or explainable, but they are made to look as natural as they possibly can by the witches attacking us. God has been showing me that everything that they do to us is caused by spirits. We cannot think that this is something we can fight ourselves, the battle is not ours, its the Lord's. He fights demonic spirits, not us. I have outlined the spirits that God has shown me that they use to afflict us on a daily basis. He wants us to stop leaning on our own understanding and come to him with our questions. Whether or not you are a Christian, you can pray to God. All you need is a clean heart. He will instruct you from there about getting saved, baptism and the church he wants you to attend. If you are a Christian and you speak in tongues, he confirms that way, but if you don't then you can hold up your right hand and he will confirm.

  • Spirits of anger - Our enemies, envious people close to us, who have access to our homes will place a spirit of anger projecting from an insect, at the main entranceway so that when the person being attacked enters that spirit falls on them and they become angry. When God sends me to couples who have anger issues, he tells me after I pray with the person, to remove the insects from the front door. One woman God sent me to said as soon as she stepped in she got so angry that she begin tearing up money.
  • Spirit of Obesity - Insects carrying a spirit of obesity are placed in your homes, food loaded with these spirits cause you to get fatter, even when you don't eat much. Insects animals, birds and people are loaded up with that spirit. The birds fly over and drop the spirits into our cars to keep that spirit on us. My daughter started getting fat and God told me to stop taking snacks and food from her father, because he is loading up the food he gives to her with spirits of obesity. His and his friends' spirits even follow us to fast food restaurants to load up our food with spirits. To get rid of a spirit of obesity, you bless your food before eating and ask God to break spirits of obesity from the food. In extreme cases, a three day fast may be necessary, as flesh must die, but hold up your right hand and ask God to fill your temple with his Holy Spirit once again.
  • Spirit of Infirmity - Insects are placed at areas where you frequent the most to afflict you with spirits of infirmity. When you are at home and don't feel well, go somewhere else you do not frequent and see if the symptoms will not diminish. Every illness we have is caused by a spirit of infirmity. Pray for healing and God will send help.
  • Spirit of depression - Its a spirit put on us by the enemy. Pray, hold up your right hand and God will send out that spirit right away Or bless some water and drink and it will get that spirit out.
  • Spirit of Suicide - This is also a spirit. Your enemy puts a spirit of depression on you, then progress to a spirit of suicide. Bless a glass of water and pray a powerful prayer destroying this spirit. They will also project their spirit into you to commit suicide and their spirit leave your body just before you die. Google spirits leaving bodies as people die for your proof.
  • Spirit of Poverty, Lack and Want - Our enemies don't want us to progress, so they put this spirit on you to ensure that you never have any money.  They place insects into your handbag and purse, carrying that spirit and go a step further. They project their spirits into birds, insects, animals and people to block, stop and delay you when you get money. They will hide funds you are supposed to get, from you. These spirits follow me even to Western Union when anyone sends me money to hold up the line, disable the machine, or find other ways to try to stop me. This idiot man even went as far as deleting my daughter's number from the phone one of the times, knowing that I needed the phone number. When you pray, God sends someone he has anointed to break those chains and declare life over your finances.
  • A lying/Thieving Spirit - Witches put a lying or thieving spirit on you as soon as you tell a lie, or steal something. Their spirits are with us, following us around and as soon as they see you tell that lie, or take something not belonging to you, they put that spirit on you and you will think its the norm to tell lies, or to take things. If you have told a lie, or stole something, then hold up your right hand and ask god to fill your temple with his Holy Spirit once again to keep your heart clean.
  • A Spirit of Lust - The same applies with a spirit of lust. As soon as you look at a lewd photo, or read something that has sexual connotation, that spirit is put on you. I remember I was looking at a WhatsApp status and came across something and immediately after, God said hold up your hand and ask me to fill your temple with my Holy Spirit once again, so I did. The demons will come to you in the nights, put a spirit of slumber on you and spiritually rape you and molest the kids. The only way you will know is when you wake up and feel your nipples hurting, your bottom, or genitals burning. This is what promotes masturbation but the witch actually projects his or her lesbian or homosexual spirit into your body to fondle you and let you think it is you who are doing it to yourself. I remember when they put that spirit on me, it was when I went to God he told me it was my husband's ex, who he is working with who was projecting her spirit into me and doing it to me, but they were all around me watching. That was instant deliverance. Be careful of what you look at and if you do see something that is not of God, then put up your right hand and ask God to fill your temple with his Holy Spirit once again. Bless your water and drink it, then pray to get rid of that spirit.
  • A Spirit of Slumber - A Witch will put a spirit of slumber on you for different reasons: It may be to molest you at night, to molest your child/children, to prevent you from working, driving, or focusing on something really important. You find that as soon as you start to do something important, you begin to fall asleep. Bless your water, or hold up your right hand and let God work on it for you. You can also dance in the spirit to get these spirits out of your body. God is still able to do amazing things, but we have to learn to trust and obey.
  • Spirit of anxiety/OCD - Witches use insects to put these spirits on us. Prayers and blessing your water and drinking it can work wonders.
  • Spirit of insanity - For this one they use your next of kin to put you into a mental hospital the load up your medication with spirits of insanity. When you leave the hospital, the vehicle you drive in is loaded up with spirits to keep you sick. They place insects in and around the house to keep you that way. They let you sign papers saying you are worse than you are, but its what you sign for that they afflict you with. They force you to let them take you everywhere, knowing that they are doing this to you. Your food and everything else are loaded with those spirits. The witch will put their spirit into your body to let you act crazy. One will put his/her spirit into family members to tell you that you are crazy and you should take your medication. They put their spirit into people online to respond to your posts, telling you that you need to take medication when you try to do God's work. Never sway in your faith. God is with you and will not let go off you. He says bless your water you use to take the tablets, ask him to break chains from the tablets if you don't have that anointing and hold up your right hand after you take it. Fear no one but God and pray constantly. God says there is no such thing as mental illness, nit is a spirit that is put on us by the enemy. Alzheimer's, dementia, and psychoses are all spirits. God says its household witchcraft that causes those illnesses.
  • Disloyal Spirit - A disloyal spirit is put on a loved one to come against you and cause problems in your marriage or relationship. When this happens, pray for that person, because a spirit of stubbornness is also put on them to not accept help. God sees, he knows and as long as you pray he will send help. You can bless your water and drink it and let God deliver your spouse or loved one through you. You cannot hate the person as its the spirit that is coming against you. God says all the person needs is love. 
  • A Stubborn Spirit - This spirit will be in the person to block them from accepting what God wants for them. They will reject everything of God and attend a Catholic church to hide from God, because they know their evil spirits cannot be detected there. 
  • Spirit of blindness - This is put on us by our enemies to prevent us from having good eyesight. when my husband's spirit leaves his body as he sleeps, as he projects, I can feel him sticking me in the eye. Bind up the spirit of blindness and send it back to sender in the mighty name of Jesus and declare that the chains are broken from your eyes and declare life over your eyes. 
  • Spirit of incontinence - Our enemies put the symptoms on us and use insects to keep it on us. This is one my daughter and I are currently experiencing and she's eight. After putting the bladder infection on us when their spirits come in in the early morning, they use insects to keep it on us, birds fly over the car to drop that spirit in, animals walk past the car when I am driving with the spirit. They plant spirits into the road, where it was previously dug up to put that spirit on us and have us running to the bathroom at the same time, every time. God says they do this to control us, if we go somewhere and he doesn't want us there, he sends an insect. it is to embarrass us, we may be in traffic and they send a bird or insect with that spirit, knowing that there are no bathrooms nearby. God says the devil is a liar. He keeps healing and they keep putting it back on us. Hold your lower abdomen and bind up that spirit and send it back to sender. Keep doing it as they keep undoing it.
  • Hair Loss - Their spirits tear out our hairs at night, then they put their spirit into a doctor to say its Alopecia. Anointed Olive Oil and prayers. Declare life over that hair in faith and you will see results.
  • Cheaters are led by spirits. God told me that I got married to the spirit of my ex inside my husband's body. He has shown me how many times my husband has cheated over the years, but he says it was the spirit of my ex in his body and the spirit of his ex inside the woman's body that was doing it. I have forgiven him, but I have moved on since and am with God full time now.  He is a grown man and if he wants God to change his situation, just like he went out and found the devil to sell his soul, so he can find God to change his situation. Not all marriages are of God as he took me out of mine. But when we choose partners, not seeing their hearts, this is the result.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...