What you'll see when witches are present


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What God wants

God wants us as Christians to rise up and take our place in his kingdom. He did not give us a spirit of fear, but of a sound mind...2 Timothy 1:7-8  For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Not Ashamed of the Gospel.  whether or not we believe it we live in Bible times and the things that happen to us on a daily basis is a testament to that. God wants us to live a life that is acceptable to him. Pray for peace, because when you have peace he can guide us in the scriptures of the bible and show us how it applies to our everyday lives. we have to put God first and place everything pertaining to you in his hands for safekeeping.

Pray without ceasing

He has asked us to pray without ceasing and God knows everything. The things that we think we know are nothing compared to what God knows. We have to surrender, submit ourselves to him, and let him lead. Step aside, because all of the issues we face daily has a spiritual background. If we walk in the flesh we will see things of the flesh, but if we walk in the spirit then you will see what God is trying to show you.  

Until we reach that stage, we will continue to be blocked, hindered, tormented, molested, and killed by the enemy. God wants to break those shackles off us, but our stubbornness and unwillingness to bend is hindering him. He forces no one to come to him. God don't need to. When we are at a stage where we are faced with a situation in which we become ill and the doctors say the readings are fine, but something is wrong still then what do we do? We turn to God because its our only alternative if we want to stay alive

We are all fighting the invisible enemy, which are the witches and warlocks the devil use to block us and steal our destiny. We are locked in this battle, whether we believe it or not, whether we are Christians or not. The enemy works harder than Christians. They load up your stuff with witchcraft and try to steal, kill and destroy. Its what they are there for. 

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