What you'll see when witches are present


Monday, June 8, 2020

Psycho ex has taken stalking to another level

The man I used to talk to is one of the neighborhood witches in my neighborhood. At age 20 I was not aware, but I left him because of inconsistencies in his character. To sum it up...He was crazy. Another witch who lives on my avenue and him are working together with other neighborhood witches and they both have pedophile spirits and are molesting both young girls and little girls in the neighborhood both night and day. My baby girl cannot sleep in peace. God showed me and said the people need to know.

Borrowed image of Astrally Projected man. This is how exes stalk now and no one can see them unless God enables you to, or open your spiritual eyes.

Deon White is a man I made the mistake of talking to when I was about 20. I left him 24 years ago and got married and had two girls with my husband. The Lord has shown me that he has been astrally projecting into my home and into my husband's body to try to wreck my life. God says the people need to know. He is one of the neighborhood witches. (I did not know at the time). My life has been filled with failures, blockages, and hindrances over the years but I did not know why. These are the people Proverbs mentioned as being on their beds causing problems in peoples homes. For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall. Prov 4:16

God has taken me in hand and showed me that He has put his spirit into my husband and builds altars all around my house, dug holes, he has planted himself in the foundation of my house, deep down with huge rocks and planted rocks for my children, husband and I to die by crash, but God has canceled it. God has used scriptures in the bible to show me all of this. He lies like no other and has been telling people that I am stalking him instead of the other way around. He has taken stalking to another level. Strangers, people I don't know and have never spoken to are trying to kill me.

You have to seek God and pray serious warfare prayers in this situation. God is able to deliver. They want you to think your house is haunted. He has them into my house changing passwords, settings, taking things and wrecking things in my house. The Lord has shown me that they have no power without their insects. No fear. Fear ONLY God and let him empower you. He will teach your fingers to fight and your hands to war. The battle is not ours but the Lords. God can make you a cause for frustration for your enemies. They follow me with their astrally projected spirits into my car and try to stop and block me with everything. God says they want me to get depressed and then they would put a spirit of suicide on me so I kill myself for them. This ex has turned so many people against me, they have killed, maimed, and made many people sick over the years, but God has taken away the fear and is with me in all this, guiding, teaching, protecting, and restoring. When I need a friend I go to ROCK. Do not ignore the birds that fly over your cars, these witches use the birds and insects to host their spirits. They use insects to cause pain and every problem we have. When you have a problem, look for and kill any insect you see and look at what happens.
He and his fellow witches use birds, vultures, and insects to follow my family around, as well as astrally projected spirits of his fellow witches. He has been wrecking things in my home for years. He has sent breast cancer, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, cervical cancer, paralysis, people to shoot me, accidents, fires, and many other calamities and illnesses. He has wrecked laptops, tablets, computers and the list goes on. God shows me what he does and tells me its canceled. They have been trying to kill me for 24 years. He is ill now I because God said illness, but he is looking for somewhere to park this evil spirit so he has been putting it into my husband's body.

I have canceled it in the mighty name of Jesus but just letting people see what is going on in our marriages because of envy. He has bound up the strong man and is now trying to plunder my house. Do they not know that everything in the earth belongs to God? I thank God for pastors who enlighten and teach as they are the ones he shows me to confirm what he has told me. The man has put his spirit into my husband and impregnated a witch he planted at my husband's workplace. My husband knows nothing about it. When I was thinking about leaving my husband God showed me that it is not him but psycho ex.

These are human spirits, not dead people and once you let a witch in only God can remove them. This man is in my house every day with his witches trying to kill me. My husband is saved but not baptized. He is the open door. God is my rock, fortress and my everything. He has taught me so much. he is taking me on a spiritual tour of the bible. Everything we are going through is in the bible. Its a LOT and there is a lot more, but I love and trust God with my life and that of my family's. I put him first and commit all else into his hands. He has been protecting my family and me since before he told me all this. He has been showing me and sending me to people who have similar issues. Almighty God. Mighty warrior.

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