What you'll see when witches are present


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Burning Question: Why does everything I try seem to fail?

Question: I have been going through so much lately, I am just holding on and waiting for God to help me with this. My husband and I are almost at the point of getting a divorce, I lost my job, my children are disruptive and fighting all the time. That is not even a half of my problems, my siblings seem to be coming at me left, right and center, my neighbor has been at me with argument after argument. I can't seem to make ends meet, I get no help from my husband, it is just one sickness after another, everything seems to be blocked, stopped, and hindered everywhere I turn. I am not a lazy person, and I have had good jobs over the years, however, they seem to keep leaving me or I leave them. 

Sometimes, I feel as if I am going crazy because of all that is happening. It seems as if when I get help from one person, that person turns around and attacks me after. It just seems as if trouble follows me around. I am beginning to think that I am either unlucky, or I am cursed. It was not always like this, I was productive, I had my friends, family, husband, and thought I was happy. I used to go to places, enjoy myself and my life. I got along with everyone before, now I am angry all the time and the slightest thing triggers me off. 

When I go into my car I feel pain, I keep falling asleep, I am having so many near misses now that I know that God is protecting me. I have had several minor accidents with cars before, but none serious. I feel like I'm being followed all the time and this is not paranoia. I can literally feel like someone is following me. If you can shed some light on my situation I would really appreciate it. 

Answer: You are going through spiritual warfare of the worst kind. Your enemy is trying to kill you with witchcraft and by whatever means possible. If you are not a Christian then say the following prayer to get saved: 

Father God, forgive me of my sins, I believe that Jesus is Christ and he died and rose again to save us. Come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. If you are already a Christian then be enlightened.

The enemy is someone close to you, someone, who knows your movements and your activities on a daily basis. They are envious and would go to any lengths to make you fail, or worse, end up dead. They have put spirits on your family members, neighbor, and even your husband to come against you. The person is astrally projecting into your home on a daily basis to ensure that you are kept that way. The enemy is after our souls, but this person is doing it for financial gain. They want you to be alone and depressed, so they can put a spirit of suicide on you to remove yourself for them.

God says it is your ex. They put their spirits into husbands and boyfriends to come against the women and wreck their relationships and become Spirit Husbands to them.  This goes for wives as well. They are very jealous and don't want you to progress. They come against your children, jobs, and anything that would make you happy. They use insects with spirits of anger to make you or your spouse angry with each other. These envious witches cause crashes, shootings, robbery, fires, break-ins, etc., and they don't work alone. They work with neighborhood witches like a band of thieves. They monitor you on a daily basis, changing shifts. One will be there for a few hours then when that one leaves, another takes up the shift right throughout the days and nights. They use insects, not only to cause you pain, but also to block, stop, and hinder your progress. They put spirits of infirmity, anger, torment, and many other spirits on insects and animals and place them in your home. They load up your accounts with witchcraft to block you, your documents, and everything for you. 

Their spirits are in your car, house, and all around you prodding, poking, and injecting darts to cause you pain and suffering. Do not worry, you are not alone, everyone is being attacked by witchcraft, some more intense than some, depending on what you own. The attacks will begin and not be serious at first, but the moment you acquire car, house, or an insurance policy it intensifies. It has to be someone close to you, because when they are about to kill you at the last, they project their spirits into you to sign your stuff over to themselves, leaving your family members wondering how come. 

They are following you. They put their spirits into people, insects, birds, cats, in fact, any animal that is around you to monitor you. These are astral projected human spirits. People who are alive, but sleep on their beds and put their spirits into your home or car to do things to you. Pray and ask God to show you, then look around you at which animal you see everywhere you go, whether its a bird, dragonfly, or beetle. They put insects on your car, or if you are unsuspecting and drive with your windows down, they put them inside your car with spirits to listen and monitor your every move. 

What you should do: Pray more so God can show you what he wants to. Open your eyes and look around you. Do you have insects in your home? Ants inside your car? Get rid of them. If possible, look for the insects and their poop that are placed on your car before you leave where you are and annihilate them. Remove the insects, lizard and bird poop from your windowsill and door jamb as they use it to let their spirits gain entry to your home. Look around your home if you see objects placed together touching each other. These are Plastic, stone, metal, and wood. They like to use rusty metal, mold and mildew. There will be insects where they are as well. They use this to block you. When your home or car gets hot they are in there.

For you to not harbor hatred in your heart, pray and ask God to let you see them as they would be in his Kingdom and let you see the spirits that operate within them. Pray against your one enemy and not all of those coming against you. They do that to create a diversion and let you think the attack is coming from elsewhere, also the devil likes to divide and conquer. Pray for peace as when you have peace, God can speak more clearly and you will be in a place to receive. Drown out human voices and take no advice from friends or family. Your enemy puts spirits on them to give you the wrong advice. Pray when you feel pain, before you go to a doctor, go to the Great Physician. Our enemies put their spirits in doctors to misdiagnose and give the wrong prescription to cause you more pain. 

Get closer to God, pray more, fast more, and listen more in this situation as NO ONE but God can help you. They can turn people against you, but they cannot turn God against you. They can stop people from giving to you, but they cannot stop God from giving to you.  He will deliver you, but until he does, fill up your life with God so no demon in Hell has no authority or dominion over you. God uses this as a test, he calls it the refiner's fire, so get closer to him and he will direct your path and use you for others who are going through similar situations. 

Obedience, humility, and peace will be added to you as you get closer to God. You will get through this. Make a covenant in salt unto God. Declare that you will love and honor him above all else and you will put him first in your life and dedicate your life to him (Matt 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me). Place your family and all that you own into his hands. Father, I put you first in my life and place all that you have entrusted me with in your hands. Sign it, date it, and keep it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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