What you'll see when witches are present


Sunday, August 9, 2020

๐Ÿ˜‡ (Spiritual Warfare Prayer) Powerful prayer to the God of Fire !!

Heavenly Father, God of all creation. We thank you for your Son Jesus and for the Holy Ghost. God of Moses, Joseph, Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego, Elijah, Elisha and so many others that you have proven yourself to since the beginning of time. We worship you, we adore you, we give you all the Glory, Honor and Praise. Father I make this covenant in salt to you on this day May 11, 2020, that I will dedicate my heart, mind, and soul to you and declare that I will love you unconditionally and serve you forever. Father, we humbly come into your presence with this petition and ask that you answer us by FIRE!!

Father, you see what is going on in our lives, with our families, and in every aspect of our everyday interactions, our neighborhood, and our country. Father, we ask that you help us and show our enemies your power. Father, I decree even now that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises against us shall be utterly and totally condemned. We cancel every plot, plan, and scheme of the enemy against our lives and declare victory over them in the mighty name of Jesus. We put on the FULL Armour of God, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, and the belt of truth and our feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. We declare that we shall live, we shall not die. We shall live to declare the works of the Almighty God in the land of the living. We declare that nothing they do shall come to fruition and that they will surrender or be destroyed.

Father, you said you give us more power than the power of the enemy and father we exercise that power by rebuking and revoking every pedophile demon, every witch, warlock, and any other evil entity that seeks to infiltrate our homes and render them powerless in your mighty name Jesus. We declare that anyone who touches our children shall come to naught and shall burn by the fire of The Holy Ghost in the mighty name of Jesus. We come against every evil plan of the enemy against our lives and declare them nullified in Jesus' mighty name. Father you know the plans they have for us, so we ask now that you show them our power in Jesus mighty name. We declare that these pedophile witches and demons of molestation shall see our children and wish them well because we belong to God.

Father, I declare Exodus 22-1-4 over them in the mighty name of Jesus. I command the enemy, in the mighty name of Jesus to restore all that we have lost at his hands tenfold. I sever every demonic link that is on my life and that of my family permanently. I ask the Holy Spirit to sever, cut, destroy and burn every demonic link, highways, and bridges that are set up for my family or myself and to erase every satanic mark and pointer against my self or my family in the mighty name of Jesus. I ask you, Jesus, to sever every soul ties that have been formed over the years and free us from this demon and other attackers of our destiny permanently in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, we ask that you block every communication between them and their familiars and let your creatures be used for the purpose you created them for in your mighty name Jesus.

I tear down every stronghold of the enemy and I break every chain, cord, fetters, shackles, and barnacles from our homes, bodies and belonging in the mighty name of Jesus and command warring angels with swords of fire to fight on our behalf and remove everything that is not of God from our homes permanently. Every evil spirit, human spirits, witchcraft animals, or insects, I render you powerless in the mighty name of Jesus. I now cancel every spirit of lack, want, poverty, and insufficiency from our lives and chop out the teeth of the devourer of our blessings in your mighty name Jesus. Father, we thank you for opening doors no man can close and closing doors no man can open. We declare provision, protection, peace, good health, and love into our homes and families in Jesus' mighty name.

 Father, we know that it is not by might or by power, but by the spirit of the living God that miracles and wonders are performed and father, we thank you for the miracles you are about to wrought in our lives. I bind up every incubus and succubus spirits that enter our homes and try to manipulate our dreams in the mighty name of Jesus. I cancel every demonic wedding that takes place with our names in it and divorce us from these demons in the mighty name of Jesus. I declare that no demon in hell has any authority over us and that light has no place with darkness in your mighty name Jesus. 

We bind up every spirit of torment, hindering spirits and molestation from demons and block them from our children, their bodies, their dreams, and their destinies, in the mighty and powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and declare that our children shall soar.  We send liquid fire around our homes and BURN everything that was planted on our properties in the mighty name of Jesus. We send the Fire of God to their altars and burn off everything they put on it for us in the mighty name of Jesus. We cut off the head of the serpent and crush his egg in the Mighty and Powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Every spirit wife, spirit husband and spirit children DIE by fire in the mighty name of Jesus. Any human spirit/witch that tries to feed us in our sleep I rebuke you, renounce you, and render you powerless in the mighty name of Jesus and declare that it shall not manifest in the flesh. Father, I send out every spirit of malice, strife, confusion, contention, dissension, and anger and declare peace over our families in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, we cover ourselves in the crimson. Shed-blood of the risen lamb and declare that all who come against us shall fall in Jesus mighty name. I put a shield of protection, a force field, and your divine white light over our family, ourselves, our belongings, and everything pertaining to us in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father, you said in your word that you covered the Israelites with a cloud by day and a ring of fire by night. Father, I now claim that same protection for myself, my family, and my neighborhood in Jesus' mighty name. Father, I ask that you guide us and help us to be obedient to your leading. Give us humility, patience, and strength to endure our hardships like a good soldier. Father, you said I should take up my cross and follow you and I ask now that you give me your grace to endure. Father, I now surround my home with a bloodline, a spirit shield, and reinforce it with your divine white light to block out any evil that may try to enter. I reinforce my walls, windows, and doors with said spirit shield and white light and declare that there will be no penetration whatsoever.

Father, we give you all the glory, honor, and praise. We lift you up, we exalt you, we magnify you and lift you high. We thank you for what you are about to do in our situation. Father we love you, we adore you and we thank you for victory in this and every other situation concerning our enemies. Amen.

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