What you'll see when witches are present


Saturday, January 30, 2021

We fight the same battles our parents did

The Lord has been showing me just how an attack can manifest in the home and it’s amazing the lengths these witches will go to, to make you miserable in your home. He has shown me that these particular demons that are on my family put their spirits into my husband, or children to cause a lot of issues in my home. When he tells me to block them, or to put up a spirit shield, this particular demon will put his spirit into my husband, or my daughters to come back into my house. He used to put his spirit into my husband and cook food for us, remember that he is trying to kill us. He has tried it several times with me, but the Lord showed me and tells me what to do each time. My husband’s ex, who is working with them, follows my husband around and lets her spirit into my house before or after he comes into the house.
An image of the woman my husband left 22 years ago, her spirit in my bedroom.
An image of the man I left 25 years ago, his spirit in my daughter’s room.
This man uses my family to lay up my house to give him and his witch cronies access and to block me, or worse. I will notice my six year old stacking up stuff and used to take pictures of her, saying she was packing them up, especially before bed. The Lord showed me after that it was to block me. As mentioned before, they use elements, as per Daniel 5:4 where Nebuchadnezzar the King drank wine and worshipped their Gods of silver, Gold, metal, wood, stone. They load it up with witchcraft spirits, so that even if two of those items touch, it will block you, your wifi, your prayer life etc. They have been sending different men to take pictures of myself and my daughters, my car and have people physically following me around and coming to my house. Who knew that envy was so poisonous? God shows me who, when they are sent and tells me what to do.
This was at a church. Notice the elements, wood, metal, plastic and stone placed together. They are loaded with witchcraft spirits to block God’s people from receiving what he has for them.
Same demons from our childhood When we were children we went through some things that were not normal. Our parents were not aware that they were under attack, because they did not know God the way he wanted them to. The hunger, lack and want from our childhood were caused by the demon the devil assigned to our families and they have been around for generations. These demons, the one that was assigned to our families, plus those from the neighbourhood have been doing things to us for our entire lives. When God delivers us, then the enemy uses another person close to us to come against us by putting a spirit of envy on them.
They are everywhere Witches are everywhere, in workplaces, schools, banks, anywhere you can think of. They are seemingly normal people who are giving us things, laughing, chatting and exchanging pleasantries with us, without us knowing, but they are on assignment. They normally seem quiet, reserved and will pretend to be the best neighbours, offering help and money to those they have wronged. God showed me this first-hand, when he showed me one of the neighbourhood witches talking to people in the neighbourhood he no longer lived in and offering them help, knowing that he is trying to kill them to split the “inheritance” with his witch cronies. It is the demon from your past that inhabits the witch’s body. God delivered you of that demon, but the devil uses another person close to you. When that person feels any negative emotion for you and begins to wish and pray for bad things for you, they take on that demon from your past and will continue to do things to you until they eventually kill you, IF God does not step in, or you don’t call on God in earnest, or go to him with EVERYTHING. We also open doors when God delivers us of something and we go back to it. Hence, the words: Go and sin no more,less a worst fate will come upon you.
They send spouses to people to control them and eventually kill them for what they have The enemy is against relationships and marriages and will block people from getting pregnant, getting married, having their finances in order, or even living a peaceful life. They put spirits of anger on couples by putting insects with that spirit in their door jambs. They will stop and block you in every way, turn family members against you, friends, and even co-workers. They put their spirits in people to cause turmoil in your lives. They will put their spirits into children, or spouses, to lay up your house to attack you, block you, come against your job, vehicle or sanity. They will cause mildew, mould and rust to form around your house, your cupboards to be empty and even block your children from learning.
How they prepare us to use us These people that they send have been prepared in such a way as to allow these demons to jump in and out of them as they have a mind. They load up their clothes, food and everything for them from they are children, with evil spirits, so when they get older, the demons put their spirits into them to carry out the devil’s agenda. These people sometimes have no idea that they are initiated by the devil. They go to church, pray and everything in the same manner as normal Christians, but they are still being used by the devil in this way, because they are not surrendered to God. The witches use peoples' bodies in ways to destroy it and use their spirits to come against others. As long as they did not go to a person, or coven to get initiated, then the Lord can and will forgive them and deliver them of this spirit so they lead normal lives. He has shown me some he says belong to covens.
Our food is loaded with spirits to give them access to our bodies to control us. That is why it’s important for us to bless everything we eat and drink.
The ones they have prepared are different from the ones that belong to the coven. These people will be around the house laying it up to stop, block and hinder their spouse or family members and not even realize what they are doing. They go around like zombies with an evil spirit inside their bodies methodically doing things. Loading up food, putting elements, such as metal. Wood, stone, plastic and cardboard together, etc. to cause blockage and hindrance your home. They will experience what they call mood swings, or changes in their behaviour, become antsy, miserable, or tormented, because these spirits are not supposed to be in their bodies. My husband will do things and say he didn’t, I asked God one day if he could tell such blatant lies and he showed me that it really was not him, but the man’s spirit within him. Please note that God has shown me Pastors, Prophets and strong Christians who these demons jump in and out of. They think its mood swings, God says its a spirit. We have nothing to fear, because God says we are covered by his grace.
How to prevent this repossession God wants us to surrender to him, so we can see his spirit move as it should in our lives. He will bless you, keep you, protect you and speak one and two words to you on your Christian journey, but until you are surrendered, you will not get all. He will ensure that the weapons that are formed against us do not prosper. The bible promises are ours if we are surrendered, not if we are operating in self- will. God wants us to depend on him for everything and not just some things. He has everything we need. We just have to go to him. When he delivers us, we tend to go back to our old ways of living, but that demon he delivered us from will search for a place and when he finds none then he returns to that house (our bodies) that he was evicted from. When it returns, it brings with it, seven more deadly than him and your latter state will be worse than the former (Matt 12:45).

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Doing God's work - How do I tell people just how Amazing God is?

When you decide to surrender and do God's work the enemy is outraged. It is not God that is taking you through a path of suffering, but the enemy,or whomever he uses (Matt 10:34-36). Whatever the enemy does, God either turns it into good, or makes provision for it. We have to recognize what is taking place. He says fear not, because he really did not give us a spirit of fear. The enemy will use means you will not be able to recognize if God is not guiding you. Surrendering will avail you of the gifts from God and all that this world has to offer. The enemy will tighten your finances, but God will get provision to you, just as he did with the ravens and Elijah (1 Kings 17:4). Whatever they do, he will counteract with something good, he just wants us to stay in the faith and keep praising and worshiping him.
Many let go when it gets hard, or things start to seem to fall apart. God sends me to these people and says to them, come back to me. We have to remember that God is and always will be in control. Letting go will only allow the enemy to get a foothold with which to destroy you. God wants us to get closer to him, pray more, as he says, fall deeper in love with him. Then and only then can he release all the promises of the bible to us. The enemy will try to stop you from praying, cause pains and sickness, lock your finances, freeze your accounts, turn everyone against you, completely destroy your home and work life, and worse. As long as you remember that sin opens those doors and try to not sin in even the smallest matter, you will be ok, as God is steadfast in his love. Remember that you are not fighting against that family member or friend the enemy is using, as they put spirits on that person to come at you. Its a battle between God and satan and we cannot fight what we cannot see.
I have been through it. I have been called demon, false prophet, cult leader, I have been gossipped about, negative words have been spoken about me, I heard I am crazy, delusional, I am not hearing from God, he has given me no power, and the list goes on. God shows me everything and everyone who is against me. These negative words, abuse and insults come mainly from family members and one friend. I have been blocked, told not to come around certain people, even with all of what the demon is putting us through in my home. He has frozen my accounts with witchcraft, he lives inside my husband, pops in and out of my children and family members to cause problems, sends people into our lives to cause damage and destruction, stoppages and blockages. His spirit is into my car as I drive trying to make me crash. He is working with neighborhood witches to destroy me. But thanks to Almighty God, he, and his colleagues are now some of the most frustrated demons that are operating in the spiritual realm. They are not only on me but on entire neighborhoods, people I don't know, but God has been showing me these people and sending me to them. He then uses me to pray for, to heal, to break chains off their lives and whatever else he wants me to do. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING will get me to stop doing God's work, or to let him go.
They have sent so many witches to me, I talk to them then go to God who will tell me who they are and I ask him to block them. I am unable to hate or be mad at anyone since God showed me that its spirits and its not my battle. God knows everything and everyone. He tells me when they have mounted roadblocks in my life, traps they set up and where to drive, when his spirit is within my husband, children or in my house if they block me. They will come in and block me so I dont feel them, then they try to put spirits on us or cause confusion. When they do God says stay in your position of authority. I can repeat Jesus, many times to clear the blockage, or cut and clear to remove them from my home. He uses me to declare life over whatever they have killed, gadgets, appliances, etc. He uses me to heal any sickness they put on us, Send fire to their beds while they are projecting, cut their spirits loose from birds, or insects they are using. Lets face it, everything in the world belongs to God. Who can stop and block his children if they are in line with God's will.
As I was leaving the house with my daughter two days ago, I heard the Lord say its a test. That told me the demon had put himself in my daughter to get inside my car. Gods tests me in this way many times. I placed my handbag into my car and went to get a pepsi. I blessed it and gave it to her. She normally loves pepsi, but this time she refused. I said you either drink or I force you to. She drank some, burped a few times and some phlegm came up. When she spat it out the Lord told me the spirit had left. They load up our food to give them access to our bodies. That is why God says bless everything we eat or drink. If I eat without blessing it, I will pass gas until the spirits have left. Our bodily functions release spirits that witches have put into our bodies. Sometimes they block you from passing even gas to keep the spirit on you. I will block them from my house upon God's instructions and they put an insect to make us want to go to the bathroom, pops into one of the children's body and re-enters the house. God shows me and tells me to cut and clear then they leave. Its crazy, but God is in control.
They take shifts monitoring us and when they are blocked, or are not in your home, they send insects with monitoring spirits. We are monitored 24/7, in our own homes. Whatever you are doing is being observed by an astrally projected witch or a monitoring spirit trying to control you. We have no privacy. The amount of damage they are doing is unbelievable, but they get to continue because we are not going to God, getting closer to him, surrendering to him so he can teach our hands to war or our fingers to fight. These agents of satan know a lot more than Christians do, because they are more committed to satan than we are to Christ. There is no way God can release he bible promises to us while we're in the flesh, or the enemy will turn us against him and use it for his own will. Surrendering, asking God questions before we act or go is the only way. He has also been waking me up and sending me to places they have weddings and saying the christians should have asked him, because they married a witch. He has shown me so many couples he says the woman, or the man belongs to a coven. This is what the enemy does to get a foothold in our homes o destroy us and get what we have.
Deliverance is the children's bread the bible says, but when we are delivered and sin again, we reopen those doors to the attacks. These demons are in our homes at nights raping us, both men and women, molestng children, stealing, damaging and wreaking havoc, while we are in disbelief and doubt, instead of going to Almighty God in total submission. God is Sovereign, he is just as Mighty and Powerful as he was in bible times, we just dont get to know him. He told me to take everything from him, drown out human voices he says.These witches will put their spirits into even pastors and prophets to give you confusion in your situation. God will send you to who you need to go to and he always confirms. God showed me that when they put sickness on us, they put insects in our homes with spirits of infirmity to keep it there. As Christians, we should go to God first, as they put spirits on the doctors to cause a problem. Many have told me that God puts the doctors in place to help them, not remembering that everything God does, satan imitates. If God wants you to go to a doctor he will show you one. That is why doctors will tell you it cannot be cured, or give you the wrong prescription. Go to God first. he will send someone, or if you are in that place he will do it supernaturally.
He has sent me to several male pastors who said to me that God sent me for them to watch over me, because they said, I need an earthly shepherd. Women are not in charge of anything they said. Its a spirit. God subsequently tested us, in all instances and we all failed, then he showed me what happened. How does one shepherd someone when they can't see what is coming at them because they are not going to God, or they are not surrendered? If your husband is not being led by God, how can you submit to him and not to God? God uses you to bring him to that place, but the blind cannot lead the seeing, or death will result. God told me that I will have to teach my husband. God has to be the head of the mariage, the household and if the husband is not in that place then he will use the wife to intercede on his behalf until he is there. But he has to be able to guide even one member. God used me to get my husband saved. When they put spirits on him he tells me and says bless some water and drink, it will leave his body or to send fire to his body to burn it out. Everything that happens with him God shows me and tells me what to do. If a woman calls my husband, God shows me picture, name and number. If she has ulterior motives I can pray and block it. My only regret is that I never came to God sooner, or all of this would not hae been taking place in my life right now. God is in control.

God's people perish from lack of knowledge

Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” My teaching on this topic encompasses the little things that witches do that are really nothing if you have God guiding you. In the beginning, I was of the opinion that these things involved huge moves that required a lot to get delivered from, or to become free of. God has shown me that for everything they do, it is copying what he has done and they are all in the bible. I have outlined some of the instances and what he has told me to do when they occur.
Stoppages, hindrances and blockages They like to block us from our blessings and will even stop you from getting good sevice from your wifi, phone, earnings etc. The Lord took me through a process where I was praying and not getting answers, Im questioning him, asking if he heard me. When I pray from home, I never got the answers I prayed for, but when I am elsewhere I was able to get my answers. One day, after I was finished reading my bible and praying, he told me to go around my yard. He showed me how plastic, metal, wood and stone were packed together in different places around my yard. He said pull them apart. I asked God, what are you trying to show me with this? he said you are being blocked. It was when I searched for wood, metal and stone, I think, it came up with Daniel 5:4 (They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone.) God confirmed, He said they block your prayers. I noticed that when my wifi is reconnectng, there is always something placed on another object and when I remove it the wifi is fine. If I send the fre of the Holy Ghost to it, then it reconnects. Up until then I used to blame the providers.
Haunted house- Spirits in the home Many people the Lord has sent me to have said their homes are haunted. Many have left their homes for this reason. Their homes are not haunted. People, envious family members witches, who are sleeping on their beds have astrally projected their spirits into their homes to cause problems. Their enemies work with neighborhood witches. This is in line with the scripture in Luke 11:26 (Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first). These are human spirits and they are projected from insects. When there are spirits, instead of running from your home, just get rid of the insect they are projecting from and you will be free of them. They put insects in the door jambs that carry spirits of anger so when you step in, that spirit falls on you. Remove the insect, the anger will go. They put insects in your handbag when it is left open to prevent you from getting money. They will place a mosquito on your roof with a monitoring spirit to look at your phone, or computer. remove the insect. when you are using your laptop or any other gadget they will turn it off while you are using it. An insect is near. They follow us everywhere, so if you take it to a repair person they will be there causing the same problems until you hear it cannot be fixed. They will keep turning off your appliance to cause you to work for longer periods. Prayer will help in all these instances. God can stop and block these hindering spirits. Until you are surrendered and he gives you power to combat them under his instructions, he will help as long as you go to him.
The follow us in our cars When you are driving and feel your air conditioner gets hot begin to pray. A witch has placed an insect into your car o project from. They listen to you make your plans and go before you in the spirit to cause problems for you. When you feel sleepy, angry, or in pain while driving, they have sent birds to fly over your car with spirits of slumber or anger or even spirits of infirmity to cause problems. Play a prayer in your car, or turn up the A/C, they will have to leave. They use insects to cause accidents, overheating in the car, punctures, etc. When you have a problem on the road just pray. I find that Pastor Sean Pinders prayer for victory works wonders in these situations ( I am not promoting it, I have tried it and it just works, so I downloaded it and keep it on my phone). They put these insects on our car windows to put monitoring spirits into our cars, or to cause blockages.
Why the demons keep coming back after deliverance When someone is delivered from a demon or demons, they will return for two reasons, the insects they placed in your home are still there to host their spirits and whatever addiction or deformity they put on you is still there. This is what feeds them. Opening doors will also have them return, but for the most part, if there are no insects in your home, then you will have some amount of freedon, because even if they enter a family member, or your body to get into your home, they have no insects to host their spirits. Witches have no power without their insects.
My teaching continues, but they have mounted roadblocks to prevent me from writing. They send spirits, or they do it themselves. The ones who are on me are desperate, because nothing they do works on me. a body surrendered to Christ can not be afflicted. Only when we are surrendered will the afflictions stop. These demons will still try things until God moves them, but he does not let them touch you. I have to ask God everything before I do it because they set traps all over and several times per day, but he is in control and as soon as we realize it, we will know why he said EVERY knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. He says wait on him for everything and that is just what I have to do.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...