What you'll see when witches are present


Sunday, January 10, 2021

God's people perish from lack of knowledge

Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” My teaching on this topic encompasses the little things that witches do that are really nothing if you have God guiding you. In the beginning, I was of the opinion that these things involved huge moves that required a lot to get delivered from, or to become free of. God has shown me that for everything they do, it is copying what he has done and they are all in the bible. I have outlined some of the instances and what he has told me to do when they occur.
Stoppages, hindrances and blockages They like to block us from our blessings and will even stop you from getting good sevice from your wifi, phone, earnings etc. The Lord took me through a process where I was praying and not getting answers, Im questioning him, asking if he heard me. When I pray from home, I never got the answers I prayed for, but when I am elsewhere I was able to get my answers. One day, after I was finished reading my bible and praying, he told me to go around my yard. He showed me how plastic, metal, wood and stone were packed together in different places around my yard. He said pull them apart. I asked God, what are you trying to show me with this? he said you are being blocked. It was when I searched for wood, metal and stone, I think, it came up with Daniel 5:4 (They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone.) God confirmed, He said they block your prayers. I noticed that when my wifi is reconnectng, there is always something placed on another object and when I remove it the wifi is fine. If I send the fre of the Holy Ghost to it, then it reconnects. Up until then I used to blame the providers.
Haunted house- Spirits in the home Many people the Lord has sent me to have said their homes are haunted. Many have left their homes for this reason. Their homes are not haunted. People, envious family members witches, who are sleeping on their beds have astrally projected their spirits into their homes to cause problems. Their enemies work with neighborhood witches. This is in line with the scripture in Luke 11:26 (Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first). These are human spirits and they are projected from insects. When there are spirits, instead of running from your home, just get rid of the insect they are projecting from and you will be free of them. They put insects in the door jambs that carry spirits of anger so when you step in, that spirit falls on you. Remove the insect, the anger will go. They put insects in your handbag when it is left open to prevent you from getting money. They will place a mosquito on your roof with a monitoring spirit to look at your phone, or computer. remove the insect. when you are using your laptop or any other gadget they will turn it off while you are using it. An insect is near. They follow us everywhere, so if you take it to a repair person they will be there causing the same problems until you hear it cannot be fixed. They will keep turning off your appliance to cause you to work for longer periods. Prayer will help in all these instances. God can stop and block these hindering spirits. Until you are surrendered and he gives you power to combat them under his instructions, he will help as long as you go to him.
The follow us in our cars When you are driving and feel your air conditioner gets hot begin to pray. A witch has placed an insect into your car o project from. They listen to you make your plans and go before you in the spirit to cause problems for you. When you feel sleepy, angry, or in pain while driving, they have sent birds to fly over your car with spirits of slumber or anger or even spirits of infirmity to cause problems. Play a prayer in your car, or turn up the A/C, they will have to leave. They use insects to cause accidents, overheating in the car, punctures, etc. When you have a problem on the road just pray. I find that Pastor Sean Pinders prayer for victory works wonders in these situations ( I am not promoting it, I have tried it and it just works, so I downloaded it and keep it on my phone). They put these insects on our car windows to put monitoring spirits into our cars, or to cause blockages.
Why the demons keep coming back after deliverance When someone is delivered from a demon or demons, they will return for two reasons, the insects they placed in your home are still there to host their spirits and whatever addiction or deformity they put on you is still there. This is what feeds them. Opening doors will also have them return, but for the most part, if there are no insects in your home, then you will have some amount of freedon, because even if they enter a family member, or your body to get into your home, they have no insects to host their spirits. Witches have no power without their insects.
My teaching continues, but they have mounted roadblocks to prevent me from writing. They send spirits, or they do it themselves. The ones who are on me are desperate, because nothing they do works on me. a body surrendered to Christ can not be afflicted. Only when we are surrendered will the afflictions stop. These demons will still try things until God moves them, but he does not let them touch you. I have to ask God everything before I do it because they set traps all over and several times per day, but he is in control and as soon as we realize it, we will know why he said EVERY knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. He says wait on him for everything and that is just what I have to do.

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