What you'll see when witches are present


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

An illness for the Glory of God

In the beginning of 2020, sometime near Ash Wednesday, The Lord woke me up one morning and I remembered that I saw a woman I knew in my dream. When he shows me people in my dreams it means I have to go to them, because they were either going through something, or had prayed about something. I went to the church the woman was at, because that is where I saw her in the dream. I saw her and told her I had seen her in a dream. I told her I had heard healing. She said she was ok, but there was a lady at church she had been praying for who just got sick and no one knew how. I told her I would pray and see what God wanted. He said, "Im going to use you." I told her and asked her for the number. She didn't have it, but said she would get it.
A lady called me in the evening and said that she was her best friend and she heard I wanted to pray for her friend. I asked her if she would rather if we went. She hurriedly said no, she had something to do. I told her to get some water and we would bless it, pray and see what God wanted us to do. When she went to get the water, the Lord said the devil is a liar! I asked God what the devil had done now and he said she was doing things to her best friend. I was shocked, he had sent me to hundreds of people before, but I had never had a case like that. I said are you sure God? (I was really shocked) He said yes, she is doing it to her friend. I went silent on the line because she had conferenced the young lady's father as well.
The young lady launched off into prayer and I felt nothing. Normally when people pray I can feel it. When she was finished praying I asked her who is the young lady who was ill's best friend. She boldly said I am. I said to her, God said her best friend is doing it to her. She told me the young lady had several other "Best friends," So I said, its ok, because whomever it is, God is going to lift their skirt up in front of the congregation. She attended church with the woman and they were in a club together. I asked her father where she lived and he gave me the avenue. The following day,my girlfriend and I went and the Lord showed me where she lived.
When I saw her, I was shocked. This was a young lady who used to work, won awards at work and used to drive herself and her best friend to work. She was doubled up on her bed, clean, but she could neither walk nor talk and was wearing a diaper. She had lost so much weight and had tubes in her nose. I honestly did not think she would make it. The Lord said "hold up your right hand and declare life over her, so I stood at the bedroom door and did just that. I prayed and broke chains off her life as well. The Lord then told me to remove the insects from her window, which I did with her father's help. The Lord sent me a few more times to use me to heal her. He said her sickness was for his glory and trust me, he was doing an amazing job. After a few weeks, she got up, popped out the tubes out of her nose, sat up and was asking for food, not talking, but she knew how to ask.
The Lord had used me to get the nurse saved. The young lady's father called on Ash Wednesday to say some people were coming from the church to visit and the best friend who the Lord had said was afflicting her, was one of them. He said he wanted me to be there, but the Lord had already sent me somewhere else. I told him I would come after. As it turned out, I was unable to make it, so I went home and that same evening I heard the Lord say the devil is a liar. Once again I asked and he sent me the following day to her. When I went, she was almost back in her previous state. I asked the nurse what happened and she said she had had three strokes, but in her experience it was not a stroke. She said the lady was facing the door and she saw her eye following something around the room and she began to get frantic. When whatever it was had reached her (God says its the witch), she began to convulse and froth. The nurse then took her anointed olive oil and began to anoint her and pray. She said the young lady calmed down and they called the doctor who gave her a shot to calm her. That is when the Lord sent me.
The Lord told me to once again stand at the door and hold up my right hand and send out everything that was put into her body. So I raised my hand and said in the name of Jesus I send out anything that is in her body that is not of God. I felt the current going to her and she raised her hand at the same time, even though she was asleep. She then pooped, puked and peed, all at once, but everything was out. The Lord then said I should remove insects again. I saw about two in the living room, strategically placed on the wall, leading to her room, which is how the spirit was able to enter. When we went back to her window, all the insects were back. We removed them and she began to recover again. The Lord sent me once and I saw a Physiotherapist working with her. He said he will let another take his glory. I told her parents and got the Physiotherapist saved and shared with her a little. Before I left, the Lord had me place my hand on her chest, because even though she was up and trying to walk around, she still could not speak legibly. He also used me to give her strength and heal her knee and elbow, as both we swollen on one side.
The Lord would tell me when to visit and what to do. I went each time and noticed that as he sent me to other people, he would tell me when to pray for her and what to pray for. The witch was putting spirits of anger on her to make her come against her parents, who were helping her. I pray each time and he tells me the spirit has left. Someone called me recently and told me that she had died. I asked God how and he said the devil is a liar again. He showed me that they had taken her to the hospital. Her sickness was for God's glory, for him to show her enemies that he was able to heal and deliver. He was not ready for her as he had told me that he had work for her to do here. When we are under attack and go to the doctor, or hospitals the enemy will have his way, because he lets his agents put spirits on the doctors to send you a little farther with your illness, or to make it worse by giving you a wrong medication. In addition to that, if you are in a hospital there is no way you can look for the insects that carry these spirits of infirmity.
God says pray and he will either send help, or he will do it supernaturally, if you are at the level in your walk for him to do so. He wants us to get to know him better. To get closer to him in our Christian walk, because he says many still don't know him. To do justice, kindness, mercy and to walk humbly with God is what he requires of us, but many are still being used by the enemy. My only prayer in that situation is that God will act swiftly in brnging her enemy to justice.


  1. All the honor and all the praise

  2. I am going to delete this and DONT YOU DARE!! POST ANY OTHER CRAP LIKE THIS ON MY BLOG. Herpes is a witchcraft illness. Go to God. I put a pin in my mouth and felt the spirits on it and got herpes. Go to God and stop talking crap about some man. You are going to the same demon who puts it on people to get a cure? Wise up lady.

  3. God says trust in him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.


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