What you'll see when witches are present


Sunday, May 23, 2021

How to Gain Victory Over Abuse

 When we hear of stories of abuse we sympathize with the person and instinctively pray for them, but how much do we even know about how this happens?  As I stated before, the Lord has shown me that relationships and marriages come with witchcraft. There is always someone who will not want that marriage to take place, or that relationship to continue. They will go to any lengths to disrupt the apple cart. When all else fails they turn to witchcraft. Many were already working witchcraft when we met them.

When you see an abusive spouse or significant other, there is usually an abusive person in that person's history. Their father used to, or their mother used to, but we all have demons from our childhood. What has been happening is that men and women have been astrally projecting their spirit into people to commit crimes and do a world of damage to their supposed to be loved ones. They do it so that you will make an excuse of; Oh, it happened in my family before, so that's where it is coming from. You accept it as the norm and pray about it but it continues. When you live in a neighborhood, there are envious people who are also witches, who are astrally projecting their spirits into our homes. They don't want anything good for us, they will use their spirits to rape, kill, hinder, block and stop you in your life.

When my little girl told me that she saw a man with a huge stomach going into my kitchen one night, I did not take it seriously, because I said I have no ghosts. She told me he was wearing a red shirt and blue pants, she was six at the time. The following morning as I was driving out she said mommy, that man was in our house last night. When I looked, my neighbor was washing his car in the same red shirt and blue pants with his huge stomach. He is a pedophile witch. The Lord told me afterward that he was put there by an ex I left 25 years ago to watch me. Up to that point I used to see this man everywhere but thought nothing of it because he drove a cab. His spirit is constantly in my house trying to molest my girls. God is on it and told me he is going to remove them, so it is not my battle.

One day I was in the living room and she was sleeping and I was on the laptop and saw her twitching, but the Lord had told me it was his spirit. I told him to get out and leave her. He didn't. I said If you touch her one more time, I am going to your house. She twitched again and I woke her up and told her to come. As I came through the door, I saw his bird that hosts his spirit fly off my roof and as I got to his gate he was coming out. I said to him, Pedophile witch, didn't I tell you to leave my six-year-old? His mother came out as well and of course, there was a confrontation. I left and went to a church that was two doors down to talk to my friend who works there and she said mommy, his spirit is beside you. I felt it and asked God in my mind and she answered.

For those who suffer from abuse, it is a demon using the person's body to abuse you. This is the same demon from your childhood, but when God delivers you then someone else is envious and picks up that demon somewhere along the way. When they return is when there is an open door. Someone has to let them in. As it says in Luke 11:25, when that spirit has left the body and roamed and finds no place to dwell, it returns with seven more deadly than itself. God always tells me to tell people no turning back, and that they should live according to how he wants them to. This is important, because the moment you step out of God's will, that demon returns with the seven more deadly. 

These demons are with us all the time and will put spirits on you for you to sin, but if you are in constant communication with God and pray without ceasing as the bible says in 1 Thess 5:17, then he will block you from sinning. He will tell you when they do it and stop it, sending it out. People are not going to God, so this has happened and continues to from bible times. They will notice that they keep getting involved with abusive persons, but it's the same demon that wants to keep them in bondage that is using people's bodies. This demon is in a family member or close friend and it was assigned to your family and has been on you since childhood.

When a child is born, this particular demon will be on it from its in the womb, God says they astrally project their spirits into our children, use their spirits to molest and torture our children until they get older. They then introduce kissing to them so they can put their foul spirit-mouths on them. After a while, they will send a boyfriend/girlfriend to that child and put their spirit into the person to introduce sex. This again, is why the bible says in Deut 7:3-4, make no marriages with them. For the entire duration of that person's sexual life, they will be on them, coming in at night to rape, molest, putting their spirits into the boyfriend/girlfriend to have sexual intercourse with them. In essence, they are with us from birth until death if we don't go to God. Even when we're married, if our husbands are not of God they put their spirits into them to do things to us.

They call themselves spirit husbands/wives, but these are in fact family members, exes, or friends. Stepfathers, fathers, stepmothers, mothers, aunts, uncles, exes, friends, neighbors are actually performing ceremonies in the spirit and calling themselves spirit husbands and wives. They are trespassing into our homes and our lives in the spirit and will not stop unless you go to God. This happens, because we do not go to God, but he uses our afflictions for his glory. He will carry you through and show your enemies that they cannot hurt or harm you while he is in charge. Everyone is going through something, that's why he says every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil 2:10-11).

They will put their astrally projected spirits into a spouse, father, or anyone else to abuse that person because of envy and jealousy.  They will not want the person to be with another man, woman, or anyone else for that matter. They will abuse them physically, sexually, mentally or any other way they can, some eventually kill them if they don't go to God. What the victim has to remember is that it is not the person committing the act, but the spirit of their enemy who is doing it. Forgiveness is a must for God to be able to help. Everything comes from a clean heart (Prov 4:23). Harboring unforgiveness, or any other sin in your heart will block you from receiving God's blessings. Demons know this and will put their spirits into people to come against you so they can attack you when you sin. 

So many people go through things not understanding why, or how to cope. We were put on this earth to help each other, so whatever you go through, you either focus on the pain and miss what God is doing, or keep your eyes on Jesus as it says in Hebrews 12. Peter began to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus. God takes us through, removes what he needs to, puts what he needs to into you, and prepares you for battle. You will never go through it again, but if you don't go to him, surrender, you will keep going through it. For anyone who has ever gone through abuse, try going to God. When you go to him, surrender, start talking to him more, he will show you who the spirit is into, or make you feel it. He will tell you that person is not of him etc. 

We all need to make God bigger in our lives, get closer to him, talk to him more. He knows so many things about this world we are trying to navigate. He is not going to condemn you for your clothes, hair, nails, tattoos, or anything you have already done. He loves us regardless of what we are doing. He gently guides us and removes things/people from us until he perfects us. He says it's a step-by-step process. You feel his love as you go through and it eliminates all feelings of inadequacy, lack, or low self-esteem. The God I serve now is completely different from the untouchable, the nicely boxed-up God I heard about in church while I was growing up. He says fear no one, so I fear no one and nothing BUT God.

He is still doing great things, but people are not quick to obey and often let the fear of people, self will, or other factors prevent them from obeying. He often says I need to fall deeper in love with him. Because when you do, he tests you after he teaches you and you get what he promised in the bible. The promised land is not a pipe dream, it is real, but we have to surrender and let God lead us to it. Matt 7:14 says; because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it. Not many people are surrendered in this world. Not many people are being led exclusively by God. Your affliction is for God's glory and he will use it to perfect you and use you to help others who are going through it and don't know what to do. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Witches love ears

 A part of my teaching from God involved my ears either itching, hurting, or being tickled by unknown sources. When you are sitting down and feel your ears itching, it's a witch. they cause ear infections, both in adults and children. They love ears. Ringing in the ear, or what is called tinnitus is a common problem for individuals. Doctors will not be able to help, because it's caused by witches. Once, when I felt my ear itching my daughter said mommy, the witch poked you in the ear. She sees them, while I feel them. We normally say it's because we had earphones in, shoved the Qtip too far in our ear, or listened to our music too loud on our headphones. 

These are not the real reasons. We are under attack and are being subjected to all kinds of afflictions from witches,  Whether people close to us or neighborhood witches. They work together to make our lives miserable. Many don't believe that this is happening, but God knows and he is now showing us how it occurs. 

These witches use insects with monitoring spirits and they are watching us do everything, and when we do something pertaining to the ear, listen, clean, etc., when we stop they use it as an opportunity to infect your ear. They do this,   knowing that you will blame the thing you were using. 

How they get to afflict our ear

When we use the Qtip and dispose of it they use it to work witchcraft on us. For me, I declare that nothing they do with anything that leaves my body can be used against me. I still feel it sometimes when I forget to declare this. Another thing God has shown me is that I can break chains to get it to stop, but he has to give you that gift. 

Another illness for the Glory of God - Cancer

 I was sharing with a friend last night and the Lord said to share with others. This is true and it happened sometime in 2019. It shows us that when we are burdened with what may seem to be an insurmountable task and we go to Almighty God, he has a simple solution to offer to completely remove that burden. He cancels everything that the enemy sends against us and provides healing in no time.

I was going home one day and turned off a highway to go to my home. As I approached a bridge, I saw a red car waiting for me to give way. I stopped and gave the driver way, but as he drove off, I felt my hand tingle and my chest felt burdened. I asked God, "Father, what is up with that car?" He said "follow the car," so I did. As I drove behind the car, I said, "Lord, if you could let them pull over I would appreciate it, because I have the girls in the car." The red car pulled over at the same time. I went and asked the man if someone in his car was sick. He said yes, he was just about to fill a prescription. I told him God was gonna use me to heal her. He said thank you, we pray every day. The Lord told me to get them saved first and I did. 

I blessed some water for the woman and prayed for her, but as I was driving out, the Lord told me I was not done. I went back and asked her where was hurting. I was a bit scared to put my hand on the woman, her being sick. I had the thought that the spirit of infirmity would be passed over to me. Anyway, the Lord said put my hand under her right breast, I asked her where she confirmed that it was under her right breast and her lower abdomen on the left that was hurting. As I placed my hand there I heard him say, someone at her work did it to her. I asked her if she and someone had something at work. She told me she and everyone had something because she was the stores' manager. The Lord said someone who stole something. I asked her about it and she said yes, a guy did. God healed her.

As I was about to leave, her husband said to me, "I want you to call my sister," He told me she's in Florida, I think, but she has Breast Cancer. I told him I would have to talk to God first, but I saved the number and sent her a message. She called me the day after and said she had found out recently and they said it was aggressive and spreading. I told her I did not know how it was going to work as I am in Jamaica and she is there. At the same time, I heard the Lord say I will use you." I told her and told her to get her water. We blessed it and drank and we began to worship. I felt that God was doing something as I felt the vibrations going through the phone. She started to speak in tongues and said she felt the warmth and was receiving her healing.

A couple weeks later the Lord woke me up at 3 am and told me to pray. I had no idea who I was praying for, but I just prayed. The next morning she called and told me that the second test she did the doctors said they did not know where the first results came from because this one is different. She had done another test. She told me that she was praying at 3 am (so specific), and the Lord told her to go to a woman at her work and have her anoint her with olive oil and pray, so she did. she went the following day to do yet another test and they said all she had was a tiny lump that was not affecting anything. They would just remove the lump.

We were there rejoicing and giving God thanks when he said "Be still and know that I am God." I told her he said to be still and know that I am God. I said you will not do an operation. We worshipped some more and she called me a few weeks later and said she was cancer-free and had not done the operation. How great is our God? As I type this I am hearing the Lord say 'Household witchcraft," I had heard it before and had told her, but she still doesn't believe that someone is attacking her. 

I have since realized that when God has called you to do something, he has already prepared you for the task. He goes before you and prepares the way. My not wanting to put my hands on the woman because of what people had told me was self-will. It was me not knowing God and being led by what I had heard. Nothing has been passed on to me in the years that God has been using me to heal others. He has everything we need. Spirits are not contagious, witches put spirits on us. God never makes mistakes. He is always accurate. Whatever I hear, I ask him to confirm several times. I tell him it is not hard for me to learn, but I just want to be sure before I go to his people.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...