What you'll see when witches are present


Saturday, August 22, 2020

😰 Diabetes-Just a spirit of Infirmity

Many people think that Diabetes is a sickness that they will get because their ancestors, parents, etc. suffered from it. It is a generational curse. Meaning that we are all under witchcraft attacks. These witches are with us All the time. Their spirits are in our homes right throughout the days, because they take shifts to watch us, stop us, attack us. They know everything about us. They know everyone in your family, their illnesses, needs, and everything else. They will know that someone in your family has Diabetes and put it on you because they want you to get complacent and accept it. When this happens, it continues to grow and eats at you until you die. This is them letting you suffer because of their envy. If you are not saved then say the prayer below to get saved:

Father God, forgive me for my sins, I believe that Jesus is Christ and he died and rose again to save us. Come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. Amen.

He said it is not about church, you have him in your heart, you pray and he listens. He is Almighty God. He will send you to a church that listens to him.

Pray, ask God what you should do about your illness. He will guide you, if you are hearing from him, or send someone who is. God takes care of diabetes in different ways. He either lets you fast and pray (Matt 17:21  But this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting), or he empowers one of his elect to cast it out. I any instance, that spirit will have to leave the person's body. God heals, he delivers, he gives you strength and all he wants is for us to come to us and not accept what the enemy is doing to us. This illness will progress as this spirit gets stronger in our bodies until they put another Diabetes-related illness to finish the job for them.

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True Story

I went with my daughter to school one day and didn't make breakfast, so we bought a pizza. I ate the pizza without blessing it first because I was just baptized and didn't know that we should break off negative spirits off our food before eating it. I ate about three slices and by the time I got home I had severe thirst, weak bladder, and blurry vision. (I left a man 24 years ago who is working witchcraft in my life and trying to kill my girls and I as I stated in a previous post). His spirit was in my car at the time (astrally projected with an insect as the projector). I went to the doctor after a few days and he said I had Diabetes, but I should do a test and confirm. He gave me a paper. I burnt it with the fire of the Holy Ghost, trampled on it in the spirit, and denounced it. I said "my mother accepted that as her portion, it is not mine.

The Lord sent me to Canada to do his work for two months and at the end of it, he said three days, absolute fast. I did and on the last day, every symptom went. To prove that it did. I returned home and visited a friend of mine with an M&M and another sweet thing in my handbag one day. While we were talking, she said God says to ask what is in your bag. I was shocked, I said "what?." she repeated, so I took them out and laid them on the table in front of her. She began to laugh and the Lord said through her, "Every time I take this Diabetes thing off you, you try to put it on back. Of course, I repented and threw them out. As long as we accept it, it will eat at us, but we have to trust God and allow Him to work in our lives. When we do the fast we have to know that we are leaning on God's strength and not our own. We have to let go and let him do what he wants to do. Ask him to build our faith and help us to trust him more. If Cancer is a small thing for God, what is Diabetes?

God is Mighty, Powerful, and Awesome. and he loves us regardless of what we do because he knows that people are putting spirits on us to do things. God knows the wicked, but he also knows those who have gone to him for forgiveness. We have to put God first in our lives and commit all that we have and own into his hands. No one will be able to pluck us out of his hands (John 10;28-29).

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