What you'll see when witches are present


Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Current State of my affairs.

Currently, because of an envious, deranged man I used to talk to and left 25 years ago, who is a witch, my husband's ex, who is also a witch, and several neighborhood witches, I am going through a Job-like situation in my own home. I have no privacy in my own car, as these witches are always in it, or have insects, birds, or their spirits watching me.  My husband is spaced out because these demons are playing room for rent with his body.  God is showing me that you can possess a house, car, husband, work skills and qualification, or children and still experience hunger, lack, and want. Half the time he does things and says he didn’t do it, even when I have photographs of what rubbish he does to entrap myself and his daughters. My family, siblings don’t talk to me, nothing works in my home and nothing can stay charged. 

I have to be driving with my windows up, my doors and windows at home are closed all the time. I have added mesh, but this demon puts his spirit into my husband to bore holes into the mesh to put his insects in to attack myself and my girls. These worthless, sons of Belial are neighborhood witches, along with several others the Lord has shown me and has shown my baby their spirits inside my house to confirm. The ex had told someone years ago, that he had a house and a business in my area, but he was just making the people live there for a while.  I had no idea he was talking about my house and his other ex’s father’s business. The Lord has shown me, people they have killed in the neighborhood, people they are blocking, stopping, hindering, and a few they have burnt their houses.

 One of the houses was burnt with the woman inside. A woman who has rejected the ex. He does a stupid ceremony of some sort when he comes into my house at nights, so whenever he does something, send insects, or his spirit is near. In addition to the ungodly heat, I feel it in that finger. There is another family in my community the Lord had shown me in a dream two years before I actually got to them. I found back my dream and went after two years. There are two brothers, he said to get them saved and I did. These guys are going through hell because of these demons. They are aggressive, in and out of prison, every neighbor is against them, and it’s just a lot. 

I saw one of them arguing with a neighbor and asked what was going on. Nothing happened between the two; he just got angry and was threatening him with a weapon. I asked God why they are on them and he said because the mother had rejected the man I used to talk to. Same demon that is on me. I asked the guy what happened to his mother and he said she was shot up some years before. This man has sent men to shoot me several times and told me about one some years ago. He used witchcraft to kill the mother and is now trying to kill her sons. When I try to tell people God sends me to he puts his spirit into them to say they don’t believe. God will not force us to come to him, because he knows what is going on in our lives. So he waits for us to come. 

Many Christians the Lord has sent me to claim to be covered under the blood of Jesus Christ and no demon can come near me, they say. God says everyone is under attack from these demons, even babies from when they are born. Denying it will not stop the attacks, we are all covered but it is not automatic, because we would not need to pray if it was.  God sees the traps that are set up for us, he knows the pitfalls and how do we stay covered when we are not going to him. We are not God; we can’t see what we’re fighting against. Many are living in their homes with the enemy and are not aware of God doesn’t show you. Christians will cast aspirations about you saying you must be doing something wrong to have demons following you, or tormenting you, because that is the spirit these witches will put on them, but if God wants to teach you then you will go through the FIRE with him by your side and still not be singed..

They use insects to listen to our every conversation and if they hear that you are going to get something, they block it. I get tired of them sometimes, but I have to endure to see what God is doing with me because he has sent me to hundreds of people who are going through the same things and are not aware of why this is happening. This man has planted himself in the foundation of my house; his spirit is always in my bathtub and he puts it into my children’s room at nights. I stay in one room with them now. This Astral Projection thing is the worst thing they could have taught witches because no one has any privacy. (Photos included in another post)

He uses my husband to set up traps in my own house. They put elements, such as metal, wood, plastic, and stone together, and then load it with witchcraft to block us in everything we do. The Lord has allowed me to feel the witchcraft on my online accounts and everything in my home. He has given me the blessing of Abraham, to declare life over everything he has killed in my house and have it come to life, but they come in each day and redo it. This man, because of envy, has a stupid-looking neighbor following me around. I used to see this neighbor physically,  wherever I went but thought that it was because he drove a taxi until God told me he was put there to watch me. He then opened my daughter’s eyes and prepared her for ministry. She sees them, as well as many other babies of people who have called me to share their testimonies.

 She began to see this neighbor and several other neighbors’ spirits into my house, putting in insects and witchcraft all over. God says spiritual wickedness in high places. I will feel them and ask God who, in my mind and she just comes out and tells me. They put their spirits in birds, insects, and animals to follow me around and try to stop, block, and hinder me. They will put an insect on the car window loaded with witchcraft and it bars the phone from charging. I pray with a prayer group at midnight and these witches will put spirits of slumber on the people who pray, send people for them to pray with to stop them from praying or disrupt their lines while we pray, among other types of attacks. Our help comes from God.

They will follow me with these birds and put spirits on anyone I talk to, to make that person come against me. They have been following me with their spirits hanging from my car as I drive, or on my windscreen. This man I left 24 years ago and I can easily think of 10 other women he has been with since I left him. I asked God why me, he said I am the only ex who has a house. I somehow thought it was personal, it was not. The Lord has been sending me to other people they have been doing things to.

They have come into my house and brought Cancer, heart attack, stroke, I was supposed to pop a blood vessel, brain tumor, paralysis, addiction, insanity, memory loss, severe headaches, and many others, which God has shown me and canceled. God says he’s working it out for us. I woke up with a bible verse: (Romans 8:28) and we know all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Those who are called, according to his purpose, and when I am going through sometimes, it keeps coming back to me.  God is my way maker and he has told me several times that he is putting me through the refiner’s fire. Is it hard to keep the faith, going through this? You betcha, but I have to try; because no matter how things look, I refuse to see what the enemy wants me to see. I KNOW that victory is already mine and it has been sealed in heaven already.

There have been fires (They have tried to lock me in my house and burn my house countless times, but I just hold my lock and say break, by the blood of Jesus and every demon holding it flees and God cancels it), crashes, shootings, countless work accidents in which people lose limbs, insane people, men who are coming against their women, not providing for their children and businesses that are struggling, because of these witches’ envy. It’s a lot, but God is faithful and he is a great father. We have to realize that with all that is going on, God is with us and will never leave us. The fact is, if we don’t fall into God’s plan for our lives, we fall into the enemy’s plans.

 I cannot say it’s all bad, because he has given me gifts while I am going through and sends me to those who have called out to him for help.  I know that I can hold up my right hand and draw on his strength whenever I need it. Many times, he is the one who tells me to hold up my hand, because he knows what I need before I do. He has given me his peace, says I need a LOT more patience, which I can agree to, he has given me love in my heart for everyone, even my enemies, because if we don’t have love, we cannot love others. 

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