What you'll see when witches are present


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Don't mistake them for friendly birds.

The bird perched on your lightpole, tree or house is not a friendly bird. It hosts the spirit of the witch that is attacking you. The spirit will be in the house and the bird is waiting on it. Pray and break chains. it will leave after. They are the ones who came to steal, kill and destroy. Don't play with the birds.

Real struggle with Neighborhood witches

God has been using my situation to show me how an attack takes place and what it constitutes and the things that witches do when they attack is just short of stupid and I say this with no apology. some of the things they do are outlined below along with ways in which you can fight it. Remember that its just them creating mischief, in addition to their wickedness. They speak negative words over you They will put spirits on people, especially neighbors, to speak negatively about you. You have to know that it is not the neighbor but the spirit that the witch has put on them to make them envy, hate and come against you. Pray for peace before you speak with that person. say the following prayer: Father I bind up every spirit of malice, strife, contention, confusion, dissension and anger and declare peace over us in the mighty name of Jesus. Demon will leave. They try to disrupt your life in ways you can't imagine They follow you around turning off gadgets when you are doing anything to expose them, or to earn. They will wreck your washer or other appliances and gadgets and when you try to do your laundry with your hands they send insects to cause pain and discomfort. with the gadgets, they follow you and keep turning it off to let you think its not working. They want it. When you tidy your house you come under attack because you are removing the insects they want to use to project into your home. They put their spirits into family members, especially husbands to pourbleach into your fabric softener They clog your drains with one insect They put insects into your handbag and block you from receiving money They freeze your online accounts, credit cards and other accounts, so you stop getting emails, notifications or funds. You are unable They follow us trying to kill us, because the person close to you that they are using to come against you (Matt 10 34-36), has promised them a cut from what they stand to inherit when you are not around. They put their spirits into your bathroom, room or kitchen to attack you. They put spirits of slumber on you when you are about to pray. They load up your bible and other materials you read with demons to make you fall asleep, forget what you read, lose focus or don't remember. They load up the spot you usually pray with these demons as well They watch our phones and tablets. These gadgets are not generating heat as I used to think. God says its their body heat They send birds to fly over your car on the road to put spirits of slumber, anger etc for you to crash. They put their spirits into birds, insects, animals and even crocodiles to cause problems for people.
Found these photos on Google. Shows that other people are experiencing the same thing. They put insects on the door to make people angry, Host their spirits in your home, or cause sickness. They will have their spirit into your bathroom or wherever they project from and when a family member goes in they put their spirit into that person to lay up the place to attack you, or to gain entry into your house. They put insects into your car and home to host your car. They load up our hairs, clothes and food. insects cause a range of emotions when they pass you, because of said loaded hair. They block students in school, put insects into cars to stop them from functioning
They come into our homes to attack us at nigts. They follow us in the spirit to block us, stop us or cause a problem They deprive you of sleep and then follow you trying to make you fall asleep while you're driving. They turn family members against each other. They put sickness on people and put insects in place to keep the sickness on them. Doctors have no idea what is causing the illness. THEY WRECK PHONES with one insect and cause messages to be sent to wrong people. They put insects into cars to stop to from working or to crash They put certain elements around your home and that will block even your wifi. Its not your provider. These elements are wood, metal, plastic and stone, but Im seeing cardboard as well. They dig graves and plant things into your yard and everything planted is affected into the house. They put insects on windows, doors and other entranceways to host their spirits. They put insects in your shoes, shoe rack or bag, closet, or on the shoe itself to let them dry rot. They put insects into your mailbox to prevent you from getting mail. They load up your bed and pillows to give you discomfort. As long as you own something, or get married you will be under attack. They tear out our hairs at nights to form ties. They come in the night to molest your children, put in insects, or put sickness on us They put insects on our plants to kill them and moths with spirits in the grass to kill it. They put insects on the top of the car and on the windows to project from and to monitor what you are doing in your cars. They send insects into your home to cause problems They cause fires They cause accidents, shootings, and loss of limbs. Their spirits wait at your door, car door, in bathrooms, or if you get rid of the insects, they follow you inside or jump into someones body to gain entrance. Honestly speaking, They are the most disgusting set of parasites I have come across. They send women to men and vice versa, they use people they can put their spirits into to wreck relationships. For me, this man puts his spirit into my children or husband to lay up the mentioned elements to attack and to break or damage things. They do so many other things, as I remember, or as God shows me new things, I will update. God wants us to pray without ceasing. This affects everyone, both christians and sinners alike, but God wants us to come to him. He wants us to be aware and to get rid of the insects in our homes or cars, as that is where most of the attacks take place. Look for that insect in front of your door that seems dead. it is not, they are projecting from it. Be sure to notice if there is heat in front of your door and tell them to move, as they are trying to gain entrance. Pray, I can't stress that enough, people need to go to God and PRAY for this to stop. We can take authority, but God has to show us what to do. The bible promises are true, but God has to take us through a process for us to receive them.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Rape and incest- How to forgive

When someone gets raped, it can be one of the most devastating things to happen to them. When they are attacked they lose their trust, their self esteem, they don't feel comfortable around people, they are scared of men and a host of emotions follow. Sometimes even more damaging effects take place. My lesson from God yesterday was on this topic. I saw my daughter do something she wasnt supposed to and it freaked me out a little, but God told me that the ex who is attacking me had put a spirit of lust on the child. His spirit comes in at nights and tries to molest her and her sister. I have to be very vigilant when God says his spirit is in the room. Now, I have tried to pray that man out, warfare prayers, send fire to his body while he sleeps, declare things, break chains etc. He has been putting his spirit into my husband to attack me but has not been successful with anything he's tried because My GOD and my KING says they are wicked but they can NOT touch you!! God says he is stubborn and rebellious, so I should wait on him as he will remove him, but the people need to know. So I am looking for this child and heard that she is in the room sleeping with her daddy. When I went into the room he was lying with her and his hand was on her bottom and her foot was across his stomach. For a moment I was gonna turn and leave the room, but then the Lord showed me that the man's spirit was in my husband. I panicked a little, then woke her up and told her to come stay with me. There was a time when she was younger, she's six now, when she went into the bathroom when he was in there and he stepped out of the shower naked, saying he didn't know she was there. She was so shocked that she said Mommy, I saw daddy's NINEA and it has a huge thing hanging from it. I laughed, but didn't think anything was wrong. I said it was a mistake on his part and I told him please, don't ever let that happen again. He said he didn't know how that happened. He really didn't. The man was putting his spirit within him to do things that I wasn't even aware of.I told her that she needs to stick with me, because even though she can see them, she is unable to see when he is inside her father.
The Lord showed me that this was what happened with rape and incest. These demons that our enemies take on are from our childhood the Lord says when he delivers us and someone becomes envious of you, they pray against you and take on that same demon. If you notice, many of the things you go through now, either you or your parents used to go through the same things. That's because its the same demon that is trying to kill us and make us suffer. They put their spirits into people, family members and friends to rape and commit incest. The person who perpetrated the act is not aware of what went on, and they will flat out deny it. They are not lying, it was not them, but the spirit of the person who is against you and want you dead by whatever means. This makes it easy to forgive and move on, because the battle is not yours, or the person they used to perpetrate the crime's. After they have broken you down they would then put depression on you and then a spirit of suicide for you to do their dirty work for them. I have someone the Lord had sent me to who had that problem (rape) and she said it was a family member who acted as if nothing was wrong to this day. He did nothing wrong, except what he did to allow that spirit to get into him.
Our husbands, family members wants the best for us. We have trusted them and relied on them since we were born, or have gotten to know them. They did not just up and change. Its the demons the devil has trying to wreck our lives that are doing these things to us. God says come to him. Not a counselor, unless that person is ordained by him and is guided to him. We are HIS children, he knows everything that afflicts us. He has everything that we need, but we have to go to him, submit to him and he will put you back together again. No matter what it looks like, you will prevail he says.

Hair Loss - Alopecia or a spiritual occurrence? How to cure it

When the bible says Lean not on thine own understanding in Proverbs 3 5-6 it is as accurate as it gets. There have been times when I feel a pain in my leg, see a scrape, or a black and blue mark and I shrug it off and say Oh, I must have hit it somewhere. The Lord has shown me that we are not to explain away the things that happen to us, but come to him. when a witch strikes you, they are in the spirit, so it does not manifest until a little while after. I have been having some instances where I would be asleep or awake and feel the hair being physically pulled from my head. I began to declare that if it leaves my body it has no power in the Mighty name of Jesus and ask him to nullify whatever they are doing. Some people have gone completely bald because of these envious people. They come in at nights, they put dandruff and other kinds of scabs, itching and scratching in our hairs to let it fall out. They also put things in our hairs to cause it to itch so badly, that when you scratch it a scab or an abrasion results. They then send flies to infest your hair with maggots in a bid to drive you insane. They send spirits of insanity with these insects and the result is headaches that last for days. WE think its migraine but its witchcraft.
I noticed that as a result my hair is short at the front, and falls out a lot when I comb it so I have begun to sleep in a head tie. They take our hair to form ties with us to attack us. People have experienced hair loss, patches in the head, bald spots and baldness around the hair line. Pressure on the hair can cause you hairline to recede, yes, but for the most part, the ones who think they have Alopecia, just go to God. He can anoint someone to declare life over that hauir and it grows and flourishes. WE blame the hairdresser, the hair products and even the dryer for the crazy things that happen with our hair. God is saying come to me. I am the Great Physician. I can heal it. When the doctors don't have a cure or they have a funny name for your illness, then they have no idea what it is. It is then a case for your heavenly father.

Other photos showing proof that we are being stalked in the spirit world.

The Lord has been showing me just how many demons are in our homes and even though I can feel them, I am unable to see them. Sometimes Ill see a shadow pass by a doorway but not a distinct figure. I have been scanning the stuff in my home and its amazing what I was able to see.
These are three of my daughter's tablets. The Lord had told me that they put insects with demons on them to stop my appliances from working. I scanned each and viola!! These spirits represent each insect they put on her tablets to stop them from working.
These spirits represent where each insect was placed by these witches to host their spirits. In these photos they are projecting from the window, the closet, my settee, doorway and the bed head.
In these there was one watching my daughter's phone, from an insect on the wall and from the fan.
Projecting from over baby's head to torment her, either the fan or the window and under the table.
They follow me everywhere with their spirits, birds, dragonflies and other insects trying to kill me. One day I felt the tingle and my baby told me he was standing at my car window. I grabbed out my scanner and this is what I saw. This one is projecting from my car window. She will tell me they are on the windshield, window or in the back of my car. When the car gets hot its not your a/c malfunctioning. There is a prescence whose body heat is blocking your A/C. They wrecked all of my phones because I pray a lot. I pray with a group at midnight and these witches will come in at 11:30 and try to disrupt the line, remove numbers from our phones, change settings, disconnect the wifi, but God shows me and tells me what to do. The Lord sent me to a lady who gave me a phone. I downloaded the app and I got a photo of the ex projecting from my baby's closet door and took a photo. He came in the night and wrecked the phone. I will get those photos to share, no by might, not by power but by the spirit of the Living God.

Friday, October 23, 2020

The reason for the things we're going through

With all of what I was going through, I felt that there was a reason beyond my comprehension for these things that were happening to me. I kept calling my sister and asking her to pray for me, because something was happening but I wasn't sure why. I even called her once and told her that if anything should happen to me she should take my girls. THAT's how sure I was that someone was trying to kill me. The Lord took me through this process where he showed me who, what, where and when. I began to pray more and seek him more. He had told me that the demons we are fighting now are from our childhood. If you notice, the things we're going through are similar to what our parents were going through. When there is a demonic oppression on you it is from someone close to you, because the enemy has to have inside help for the attacks to be effective. They put spirits on that person to come against you. They pray against you and bring that same demon back into your life to continue the oppression. This demon operates through astral projection while the person is asleep. God delivers us from the childhood one, but when someone is envious they pray against you and bring back that demon. The Lord revealed to me today that the attack we were under as children came from my eldest sisters dad. He said he was sent to destroy my mom but didn't succeed so he made us suffer instead. It was as if a light bulb went on, I was going through the same thing. The Lord told me that this man was sent to destroy me and failed, so he keeps trying. God said he will not allow it. He told me New Wine, then he began sending me to people who have similar issues.
A few days ago I accidentally scratched a young guy's car while parking in a parking lot. I brought it to the security's attention and he called the guy. While the guy was looking at the damage (a tiny one), I asked the Lord why he allowed it to happen. He said they put an insect in the running board of my car to cause the accident, but he needed to get in touch with the young man's parents because they were going through stuff and had prayed. I prayed with his mother after I got the number and the Lord gave her the gift of tongues. I explained to her what was going on in her life and she thanked me. Two days later I was with the guy trying to get his car fixed and I questioned the Lord again. Lord, I am with this guy for the entire day and I cant help feeling that there is something you want me to do where he is concerned. The Lord said his girlfriend was sent my the enemy to destroy him. I called his mother and told her to pray about his girlfriend and she said OK. I told her I would pray as well and we could compare notes. By the next day I was driving and my mind ran on him. I asked the Lord again and he said yes. He had sent me to someone else at the same place before with the same problem, but I did not know how to tell her. I still have not. Her sons girlfriend is doing things to her family.
He showed me that throughout the generations, someone is sent to each person to destroy them. When I think back to some people he has sent me to, it really is true. Just from this experience I learned that I have to pray and ask God in the beginning of, or BEFORE my children talk to anyone, because based on what he showed me, witches try to control eerything we do and they succeed because we are not going to God. They try to control eeryone in the neighborhood, select mates for the children, someone who they can put their spirits into to disrupt their lives. He showed me also that the man whois attacking me is being attacked by his father and that the man who grew him is not his father. His biological father had sold him in to this from he was a child (Leviticus 18:20-21). Our attackers are being attacked too.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...