What you'll see when witches are present


Monday, October 26, 2020

Hair Loss - Alopecia or a spiritual occurrence? How to cure it

When the bible says Lean not on thine own understanding in Proverbs 3 5-6 it is as accurate as it gets. There have been times when I feel a pain in my leg, see a scrape, or a black and blue mark and I shrug it off and say Oh, I must have hit it somewhere. The Lord has shown me that we are not to explain away the things that happen to us, but come to him. when a witch strikes you, they are in the spirit, so it does not manifest until a little while after. I have been having some instances where I would be asleep or awake and feel the hair being physically pulled from my head. I began to declare that if it leaves my body it has no power in the Mighty name of Jesus and ask him to nullify whatever they are doing. Some people have gone completely bald because of these envious people. They come in at nights, they put dandruff and other kinds of scabs, itching and scratching in our hairs to let it fall out. They also put things in our hairs to cause it to itch so badly, that when you scratch it a scab or an abrasion results. They then send flies to infest your hair with maggots in a bid to drive you insane. They send spirits of insanity with these insects and the result is headaches that last for days. WE think its migraine but its witchcraft.
I noticed that as a result my hair is short at the front, and falls out a lot when I comb it so I have begun to sleep in a head tie. They take our hair to form ties with us to attack us. People have experienced hair loss, patches in the head, bald spots and baldness around the hair line. Pressure on the hair can cause you hairline to recede, yes, but for the most part, the ones who think they have Alopecia, just go to God. He can anoint someone to declare life over that hauir and it grows and flourishes. WE blame the hairdresser, the hair products and even the dryer for the crazy things that happen with our hair. God is saying come to me. I am the Great Physician. I can heal it. When the doctors don't have a cure or they have a funny name for your illness, then they have no idea what it is. It is then a case for your heavenly father.

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