What you'll see when witches are present


Friday, October 23, 2020

The reason for the things we're going through

With all of what I was going through, I felt that there was a reason beyond my comprehension for these things that were happening to me. I kept calling my sister and asking her to pray for me, because something was happening but I wasn't sure why. I even called her once and told her that if anything should happen to me she should take my girls. THAT's how sure I was that someone was trying to kill me. The Lord took me through this process where he showed me who, what, where and when. I began to pray more and seek him more. He had told me that the demons we are fighting now are from our childhood. If you notice, the things we're going through are similar to what our parents were going through. When there is a demonic oppression on you it is from someone close to you, because the enemy has to have inside help for the attacks to be effective. They put spirits on that person to come against you. They pray against you and bring that same demon back into your life to continue the oppression. This demon operates through astral projection while the person is asleep. God delivers us from the childhood one, but when someone is envious they pray against you and bring back that demon. The Lord revealed to me today that the attack we were under as children came from my eldest sisters dad. He said he was sent to destroy my mom but didn't succeed so he made us suffer instead. It was as if a light bulb went on, I was going through the same thing. The Lord told me that this man was sent to destroy me and failed, so he keeps trying. God said he will not allow it. He told me New Wine, then he began sending me to people who have similar issues.
A few days ago I accidentally scratched a young guy's car while parking in a parking lot. I brought it to the security's attention and he called the guy. While the guy was looking at the damage (a tiny one), I asked the Lord why he allowed it to happen. He said they put an insect in the running board of my car to cause the accident, but he needed to get in touch with the young man's parents because they were going through stuff and had prayed. I prayed with his mother after I got the number and the Lord gave her the gift of tongues. I explained to her what was going on in her life and she thanked me. Two days later I was with the guy trying to get his car fixed and I questioned the Lord again. Lord, I am with this guy for the entire day and I cant help feeling that there is something you want me to do where he is concerned. The Lord said his girlfriend was sent my the enemy to destroy him. I called his mother and told her to pray about his girlfriend and she said OK. I told her I would pray as well and we could compare notes. By the next day I was driving and my mind ran on him. I asked the Lord again and he said yes. He had sent me to someone else at the same place before with the same problem, but I did not know how to tell her. I still have not. Her sons girlfriend is doing things to her family.
He showed me that throughout the generations, someone is sent to each person to destroy them. When I think back to some people he has sent me to, it really is true. Just from this experience I learned that I have to pray and ask God in the beginning of, or BEFORE my children talk to anyone, because based on what he showed me, witches try to control eerything we do and they succeed because we are not going to God. They try to control eeryone in the neighborhood, select mates for the children, someone who they can put their spirits into to disrupt their lives. He showed me also that the man whois attacking me is being attacked by his father and that the man who grew him is not his father. His biological father had sold him in to this from he was a child (Leviticus 18:20-21). Our attackers are being attacked too.

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