What you'll see when witches are present


Saturday, September 19, 2020

Who DARES to doubt God!!

 For all the things that God has been showing me, I kept praying and asking for proof. As Sovereign as God is, he answers in ways that completely blows my mind. One lady called me and told me that she had a friend in New York and asked me to pray. She said her son has died I think last year. After the incident, she checked her surveillance camera and saw a dark shadow rising up in her yard, circling her yard and then flying through the window. The Lord said it was a witch, her husband's ex who was living in Jamaica. She killed the lady's son. She asked me not to share the video or I would have. I began praying again asking God for more proof and I found this amazing app from www.ghostdetector.com/get and its an amazing app to have if you want to see what is really going on in your home spiritually.

I downloaded it and have been using it like crazy. The Lord told me that witches used insects to attack us and that spirits were projected from these insects. See below a roach and a beetle and the spirits they came with.


A Mosquito, a spider and a tiny insect with the spirits they come with.

Whenever evil spirits are around the Lord makes my hands tingle. These insects make my hand tingle so I know this app is the real deal. For those who can't feel, but know that something is there, you can try it.

The Current State of my affairs.

Currently, because of an envious, deranged man I used to talk to and left 25 years ago, who is a witch, my husband's ex, who is also a witch, and several neighborhood witches, I am going through a Job-like situation in my own home. I have no privacy in my own car, as these witches are always in it, or have insects, birds, or their spirits watching me.  My husband is spaced out because these demons are playing room for rent with his body.  God is showing me that you can possess a house, car, husband, work skills and qualification, or children and still experience hunger, lack, and want. Half the time he does things and says he didn’t do it, even when I have photographs of what rubbish he does to entrap myself and his daughters. My family, siblings don’t talk to me, nothing works in my home and nothing can stay charged. 

I have to be driving with my windows up, my doors and windows at home are closed all the time. I have added mesh, but this demon puts his spirit into my husband to bore holes into the mesh to put his insects in to attack myself and my girls. These worthless, sons of Belial are neighborhood witches, along with several others the Lord has shown me and has shown my baby their spirits inside my house to confirm. The ex had told someone years ago, that he had a house and a business in my area, but he was just making the people live there for a while.  I had no idea he was talking about my house and his other ex’s father’s business. The Lord has shown me, people they have killed in the neighborhood, people they are blocking, stopping, hindering, and a few they have burnt their houses.

 One of the houses was burnt with the woman inside. A woman who has rejected the ex. He does a stupid ceremony of some sort when he comes into my house at nights, so whenever he does something, send insects, or his spirit is near. In addition to the ungodly heat, I feel it in that finger. There is another family in my community the Lord had shown me in a dream two years before I actually got to them. I found back my dream and went after two years. There are two brothers, he said to get them saved and I did. These guys are going through hell because of these demons. They are aggressive, in and out of prison, every neighbor is against them, and it’s just a lot. 

I saw one of them arguing with a neighbor and asked what was going on. Nothing happened between the two; he just got angry and was threatening him with a weapon. I asked God why they are on them and he said because the mother had rejected the man I used to talk to. Same demon that is on me. I asked the guy what happened to his mother and he said she was shot up some years before. This man has sent men to shoot me several times and told me about one some years ago. He used witchcraft to kill the mother and is now trying to kill her sons. When I try to tell people God sends me to he puts his spirit into them to say they don’t believe. God will not force us to come to him, because he knows what is going on in our lives. So he waits for us to come. 

Many Christians the Lord has sent me to claim to be covered under the blood of Jesus Christ and no demon can come near me, they say. God says everyone is under attack from these demons, even babies from when they are born. Denying it will not stop the attacks, we are all covered but it is not automatic, because we would not need to pray if it was.  God sees the traps that are set up for us, he knows the pitfalls and how do we stay covered when we are not going to him. We are not God; we can’t see what we’re fighting against. Many are living in their homes with the enemy and are not aware of God doesn’t show you. Christians will cast aspirations about you saying you must be doing something wrong to have demons following you, or tormenting you, because that is the spirit these witches will put on them, but if God wants to teach you then you will go through the FIRE with him by your side and still not be singed..

They use insects to listen to our every conversation and if they hear that you are going to get something, they block it. I get tired of them sometimes, but I have to endure to see what God is doing with me because he has sent me to hundreds of people who are going through the same things and are not aware of why this is happening. This man has planted himself in the foundation of my house; his spirit is always in my bathtub and he puts it into my children’s room at nights. I stay in one room with them now. This Astral Projection thing is the worst thing they could have taught witches because no one has any privacy. (Photos included in another post)

He uses my husband to set up traps in my own house. They put elements, such as metal, wood, plastic, and stone together, and then load it with witchcraft to block us in everything we do. The Lord has allowed me to feel the witchcraft on my online accounts and everything in my home. He has given me the blessing of Abraham, to declare life over everything he has killed in my house and have it come to life, but they come in each day and redo it. This man, because of envy, has a stupid-looking neighbor following me around. I used to see this neighbor physically,  wherever I went but thought that it was because he drove a taxi until God told me he was put there to watch me. He then opened my daughter’s eyes and prepared her for ministry. She sees them, as well as many other babies of people who have called me to share their testimonies.

 She began to see this neighbor and several other neighbors’ spirits into my house, putting in insects and witchcraft all over. God says spiritual wickedness in high places. I will feel them and ask God who, in my mind and she just comes out and tells me. They put their spirits in birds, insects, and animals to follow me around and try to stop, block, and hinder me. They will put an insect on the car window loaded with witchcraft and it bars the phone from charging. I pray with a prayer group at midnight and these witches will put spirits of slumber on the people who pray, send people for them to pray with to stop them from praying or disrupt their lines while we pray, among other types of attacks. Our help comes from God.

They will follow me with these birds and put spirits on anyone I talk to, to make that person come against me. They have been following me with their spirits hanging from my car as I drive, or on my windscreen. This man I left 24 years ago and I can easily think of 10 other women he has been with since I left him. I asked God why me, he said I am the only ex who has a house. I somehow thought it was personal, it was not. The Lord has been sending me to other people they have been doing things to.

They have come into my house and brought Cancer, heart attack, stroke, I was supposed to pop a blood vessel, brain tumor, paralysis, addiction, insanity, memory loss, severe headaches, and many others, which God has shown me and canceled. God says he’s working it out for us. I woke up with a bible verse: (Romans 8:28) and we know all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Those who are called, according to his purpose, and when I am going through sometimes, it keeps coming back to me.  God is my way maker and he has told me several times that he is putting me through the refiner’s fire. Is it hard to keep the faith, going through this? You betcha, but I have to try; because no matter how things look, I refuse to see what the enemy wants me to see. I KNOW that victory is already mine and it has been sealed in heaven already.

There have been fires (They have tried to lock me in my house and burn my house countless times, but I just hold my lock and say break, by the blood of Jesus and every demon holding it flees and God cancels it), crashes, shootings, countless work accidents in which people lose limbs, insane people, men who are coming against their women, not providing for their children and businesses that are struggling, because of these witches’ envy. It’s a lot, but God is faithful and he is a great father. We have to realize that with all that is going on, God is with us and will never leave us. The fact is, if we don’t fall into God’s plan for our lives, we fall into the enemy’s plans.

 I cannot say it’s all bad, because he has given me gifts while I am going through and sends me to those who have called out to him for help.  I know that I can hold up my right hand and draw on his strength whenever I need it. Many times, he is the one who tells me to hold up my hand, because he knows what I need before I do. He has given me his peace, says I need a LOT more patience, which I can agree to, he has given me love in my heart for everyone, even my enemies, because if we don’t have love, we cannot love others. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

God showed me how the UTI was able to reoccur

 I was reading my bible one day when the Lord showed me 1 Kings 18:32 where Elijah built the altar of the Lord. He had shown me an evil altar the day before that was made with stones as well. I asked him what he was trying to tell me about the stones. He sent me around my backyard where he told me to dig. I dug and he instructed me where and I found five huge stones buried under the earth. I ran inside, unsure of what to do, and began to pray. When I went back outside he named the stones and they were for my family. My husband's son had died from a shooting that had occurred the year before. I had no idea at the time that it was witchcraft. 

He then showed me piles of stones around my house, wooden structures, and metal with objects placed on it and said these are altars. pray and neutralize them. I didn't want to do it alone, so I had two other Christians help. Another day, after reading something in Kings again, he showed me a grave dug around the back of my yard. He said dig. I began digging as he instructed and found four huge stones again in a rectangular shape and removed them to break the chains, as instructed by the Holy Ghost. He said dig further and I began digging again. I saw in the hole, a piece of clothing, vaginal cream tube with my name on it, tablets, keys, electric cords, charging cords, washing machine parts, and car parts, grocery papers, and a rusty nail driven through the root of the tree nearby, which ran under the earth to the grave.

Everything that was affected in the house was planted into that grave.  Telephones, would not charge, chargers would not work, there would not be any groceries at times, pains, UTIs, my house and car keys were loaded with witchcraft (The Lord makes me feel it). I'd be doing laundry and the machine stopped when a fly flew in with a demon of destruction. Car problems, all kinds of things. I dug up everything and broke by the blood of Jesus and threw away from the house, as he instructed. I got a break until he told me they planted what I had dug up, so I should sell the house. 

He has since shown me two other graves that have been dug for my family, but I don't worry myself, because he said it's canceled. The witches keep trying, but God keeps canceling. I pray a lot, fast when he says and go where he sends me while he works on my issues. I have come to realize that there are many people who are going through the things I am going through, but many are still not aware so I try to write when he says write. I go wherever he sends me and try to be as obedient as I can. God is truly bigger than all of our problems, but we have to surrender by putting him first and committing all we have into his hands. Everything here belongs to God so I don't know why they continue to fight their creator for his things.

Monday, September 7, 2020

My testimony on my Urinary Tract Infection that wouldn't leave

 I once had a UTI that would not leave my body. I went from one doctor to the next and got temporary relief and it continued for months. I began to worry about whether or not it would lead to some form of cancer, because that is what I had read. I went to church and the pastor said everyone after they got baptized, received gifts of the Holy Spirit and we did not need to ask a High Priestess or anyone to impart. He said fast and pray and ask God what yours is. I called my friend and told her that we were gonna fast and pray to find out what our gifts were. The first morning the Lord told me a name. I was getting my daughter ready for school but had gotten up earlier than usual when I heard the name. I shrugged it off and went back to bed.

The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and What They Mean

Wen I woke up and was getting her dressed, I heard the name again and decided to see if I knew anyone with that name, or close. I did not. I took her to school and I saw a woman who worked as their chef, outdoors. God does this amazing thing where he sends you to someone and he lets the person either come to you, or he finds a way to make the person stand out without you having to second guess yourself. I called the woman and spoke to her saying, I think the Lord wants you to know that he is a God of impossible situations. She said thanks and said she was praying about something and she really appreciated the word.

The Lord had told me months before that he was sending me to Canada to do his work and I should prepare myself as I would be asked to leave at a moment's notice. I pulled the funds for the Visa and heard that all of it was not mine. I went to a bank to deposit the money and heard that they could not take it for the Visa so I placed it in an easily accessible account. I went back home and was about to pick up my daughter when a friend of mine called and said, "God says you are not to use all of the money because all of it is not yours. I was puzzled because he had not told me what to do with it.

I went to pick her up and there was the lady again. I called her and asked her name and she told me; sure enough,it was the name I had heard. I asked her if she was praying about money. She started to cry and got goose pimples (Holy Spirit does that to you) and I asked her how much. She said about $170.00, I said to her, "I think I'm supposed to give it to you but let me confirm first. I went home and called my girlfriend, who was on her way to pick up her daughter at school and was talking to her about it. I said to her, I don't know about other people, but when you have something to do and God asks you to give the money to someone it's hard. I can feel the knots in my stomach.' She started laughing and said yes, I listened to a man and he said the same thing.

Then she says to me, 'I feel the Holy Spirit, let me pull over. He said to me, why do you struggle, Be at peace.' Every knot disappeared. It was complete peace. He then said, ' For your obedience, hold up your hand and receive healing.' I was wondering what for, when he said, ' That Urinary Tract Infection you keep going to the doctor for, he knows what it is, but he's not telling you.' Receive healing. That was the last time I had that infection. I thanked him, worshipped him, and then my friend hung up. She called back to ask if I had gotten a figure. I told her no. She said pray and let's confirm. I prayed for the entire day and night but got nothing.

As I was leaving for school the next day, I heard that she was supposed to go with me. I didn't see her, so I left to get something for my daughter. She called me when I was at the store and said to me, I have to go with you to school so I told her to meet me there. When I got there, she was outside talking to the lady, then she said to me, 'the Holy Spirit will not let anyone take advantage of you, you are supposed to give her half of that amount she told you. I asked what happened and she said she asked and the lady told her the same amount, then the Holy Spirit said,'You said if I gave you a half you would find the other half. The lady then told me that she was praying the night before and the Lord told her that he is going to bless me.

I was working online at the time. I had dreamt about something happening in three days, but I wasn't sure what. I was a little panicked because I said it could have been anything. One day, as I was setting up to start working, my then four-year-old began to jump all over the place and began to shout Hallelujah!!' She then began to sing, He is a Miracle Working God. I said, true baby, let us listen to some music and worship. When I logged on I saw that my boss was looking for me so I said Here I am. He said he had gotten a bonus approved for me for $150.00 for the month in question. I said really God, for my less-than $100? Then my boss says this is ongoing, at the same time, my daughter sent me $100. It was one of the most awesome things I had ever had happen to me, but many others have happened as I continue to live in his presence and pray for humility and obedience as I walk with God.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

How Witchcraft works in Marriages and Relationship

How witches woo a target

 A witch's astrally projected spirit is always with us as I stated before. They see everything and know everything about us. They will identify their target and begin to work on them before they actually meet. Their spirits are in your house watching you bathe, dress, eat, everything. If the person is married, or in a relationship, they will use witchcraft to kill the other half and pretend to be sympathetic. They then begin to woo the bereaved person by doing things for them that will amaze even the person being wooed. They will provide everything the person asks for in prayer so that the person will think it is from God. As long as we ask out loud, or pray out loud for what we want, these witches will hear and play God for their own purposes. They will make suggestions about things you have asked yourself, or a friend in secret and have you wondering if this person is too good to be true. They are.

They will do things you only dream about; taking trips to places of your dreams, pretending that they are the best person you could meet. They will pretend to be Prince or Princess Charming and will succeed if we are not looking to God for direction. When the pains begin in your body, as they eventually do when you are targeted, they will be the best boyfriend/husband and see about the Doctor's visits and medication. You will be so caught up that it didn't even enter your mind that this demon is sleeping with you, and while he is in your bed sleeping, his astrally-projected spirit is roaming to other people's houses, raping, killing, maiming, and causing pains to your body and mishaps in your lives. Who do you confide in when things begin to go wrong in your life? the same demon you are with, instead of God. 

Wooing A Woman Isn't So Hard To Do If You Know How To Woo – Suzie the  Single Dating Diva

They will stick around just long enough to make your life uncomfortable and miserable, blame it on someone else and wait for you to die by whatever means they choose so they can get your property, or insurance money. They turn everyone against you in a bid to be the one you turn to and will speak negatively about everyone you speak to. They use their spirits to follow you everywhere in birds, insects, or animals because they cannot lose sight of the target. While they are with you, there are several other witches on hand, with you, whose spirits are monitoring you as well, because they band together like the thieves that they are. Their plan is to divide the spoils, so they take each target very seriously. They are stubborn and relentless in their quest, but God sees and knows everything and will fight for you as long as you go to him.

How they come against marriages and relationships

You are in a marriage and you are happy, a witch will not want to see that. They will try every underhanded tactic in the book to cause problems in that marriage. Including, but not limited to, sending spirits of anger with insects, tormenting babies, causing illness, lack of communication, loss of finances, a spirit of disloyalty, incubus and succubus spirits, people turn against you, problems at work, school, or with family members, appliances and gadgets wrecked, accidents, loss of lives, fires, general disruption of your everyday tasks. They will send women into the marriage, or men for the women, spirits of lust, greed, or torment for the children. They will do anything to disrupt your lives and cause problems in marriage or relationships.

Algorithm could predict fights between couples before they happen

Male witches, not warlocks, put their astrally-projected spirits into men to come against their spouse or significant other and vice versa with the female witches. You will have someone who you get along famously with, then notice that they have changed and begin acting like your ex. Never assume that this is normal, its the spirit of the ex manipulating your relationship to keep you in bondage. They will do things in your home and then leave the spouse's body to attack you and your family when they return. When this happens, you will notice an oddity and ask your spouse, he will then say he knows nothing about it and it would be true because it was actually the spirit of the ex that did it. Human nature dictates that you would then say the person is either lying or crazy. But they are not, they really don't know.

What you can do

The first thing you do as a Christian is to go to God with everything when you notice changes. In an act of surrender, you put God first in your life and surrender all that you have and are to him. This is giving God complete control of yourself and your family. Then you pray for peace and remove the insects from your door jamb and windowsill as they carry spirits of anger. With his peace in your heart, he will then begin to guide you through. He will not just remove them instantly, he will use it to take you through the refiner's fire. When you have his peace and pray and fast more, you will begin to hear his voice. Turmoil and anxiety block you from hearing. When you go through the refiner's fire, God guides you, just like Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego, he will be right there with you, so the enemy does not triumph over you. At the end of the test, you should have the fruits of the spirit evident in your life. If you don't you will continue to go through until you do. 

The Benefits and Challenges of Praying with Your Husband - MomLife Today

Pray as a couple, or alone with someone else in agreement, at midnight, at 2 am and right throughout the day. If you are not a Christian, get saved and God will guide you from there (prayer is to the left on the blog). Pray and cancel every plot plan and scheme of the enemy against your lives, declare that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises against you is already condemned in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Declare that you shall not die, you shall live to declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living. Cover yourself and your family under the crimson, shed-blood of the Almighty, and put a shield of protection around yourself and your family. Declare victory over your enemies and give them failure in everything they do. You can go a step further and command that every chain be broken, chop off the head of the serpent and crush its egg. Storm their altars and burn, by the fire of the living God, everything that is on it for you and your family. Chop off the head of the devourer of your finances and come against every pedophile spirit, spirits of torment, and molestation.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Breaking down a Witch's Curse and attack

 When someone says they are under a witch's curse or is being attacked by witches it sounds scary and many times, a bit on the paranormal side. No one wants to admit that something so low-grade is happening in their lives. In fact, many say they don't believe in it so it cant affect them. Wrong. Witches have no respect for people's lives, property, or anything else. They don't even respect God. You will be going into serious warfare and they are still standing in your home attacking you. A woman the Lord sent me to explain it to me. She said God is omnipresent, the Devil is not. He uses witches and they use insects. Insects are everywhere and no one pays attention to them. God broke it down further for me. A movie projector projects the movie, insects are the demonic link that projects the witches' spirits. 

Projector" | Projector photography, Artsy photography, Rainbow photography

To break down the curse and attacks, the Lord has shown me some things around my house. Things I would not have thought to pay attention to. He has shown me that they put insects in your documents with spirits to block and hinder you. They will put their spirits into someone into your home to lay up the place to attack you. He showed me a scripture in Daniel 5;4, They drank wine and praised the Gods of Gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood and of stone. Then he showed me how they placed plastic, wood, old iron, and stone all around the house, touching each other, but I could feel the witchcraft on it. This is used to block you. Since then, several people have sent me photos of these items touching each other in their homes.

Garden Plant Flower Display Rack Planter Flower Pot Holder Plants Stand  Shelves Indoor Outdoor Shelf Home Decor DQ1706/ 1| | - AliExpress

This photo, as beautiful as it is, can be a potential death trap as it has all the elements they use to block us. When they block you, not even your phone can be charged. They will send an insect and it lands on your wall and nothing can work after. You will think you have issues with your WI FI provider, but the problem is in your home. They wreck your stuff and no matter where you go, they will be there to see to it that your gadget, or whatever they wrecked does not work, by causing disruptions and even turning off your device. They put insects into your gadgets and appliances to stop them from working. They take shifts, so you are never alone. in (Psalms 119:98.You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; For they are ever with me). Astrally projected witches are ALWAYS with us. 

How they work on plants and animals

Plants and animals are attacked when we are attacked. Witches put evil spirits on animals to send to you to cause pain, blockages, hindrances, etc. They put their spirits into birds to get into your house. That one bird you see on a light pole at your home or your neighbors is not just any bird, its a witch, and her spirit is inside your home laying traps and putting in insects to entrap you. They will put their spirits into insects, and other types of animals to attack you. They use insects to make your plants wilt and get dried up. Demons of destruction are real. our plants, cattle and other animals suffer as a result.

Image result for potted plants with withered leaves

How they work in our minds and dreams

A witch will have you believe that God is talking to you when it's actually a demon. They take on demons from our past when they get envious and start praying against you. Demons the Lord has already delivered you from while you were growing up. They will call your name, audibly. If you don't know the voice of God, they will have you fooled. They plague our minds, our dreams, and our thoughts. In addition to putting spells on you, they use the insects to take spirits to you to cause you harm and damages. An insect always flies past before something falls and breaks, or gets damaged. Pay attention and you will see, (look at the post on how they work in marriages and relationships).

How do you get delivered from witchcraft?

God removes the witches eventually. He tells them sickness for the wickedness of their hearts. A prophet/prophetess or someone else who has that authority can deliver you, but these human spirits are stubborn and rebellious. They keep trying to come back. God says come to him with EVERYTHING and surrender all that you have and are to him. Make it a declaration; Father I put you first in my life and I put all that I am and have into your hands. You have entrusted me with my family, home, car, job. I am now giving it to you for safekeeping. Everything on the earth belongs to God. Will a witch dare to fight God for what is his? God is Sovereign, He is Mighty and Powerful and he won't leave you during your attack. He uses it to perfect you, and in the end, the fruits of the spirit will be evident in you. All we have to do is trust him enough to get closer to him.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...