What you'll see when witches are present


Sunday, November 29, 2020

What do you really know about demons? How do they work?

I was outside with my daughters when I heard the Lord say its a test. I did not want to hear about a test because I have been going through a lot lately, but I asked my younger daughter who had a spirit within them. Anytime he tells me its a test, or that the devil is a liar, I know the demon is hiding to get into my house. When I asked the child she said it was in her sister. (She is able to see the spirits into the person's body and she's only 6 years old. I feel them, she sees them). I told her sister to get a cup of water so I could bless it and give to her to send out the demon. She went inside and my baby told me that it was not inside her body anymore. He wanted to go inside and did when she went in.
God has taken the fear out of demons and demonic possession by showing me that they are projected from insects. That these demons are actually witches who astrally project their spirits into our bodies to do whatever they want to. He has shown me that witches send insects to carry demons into our homes to cause problems, they use them to stop, block, hinder, and cause sickness and death. He showed me that blessing my water, by holding it into my right hand and asking him to anoint it, pour his blood into it and asking him to use it to send out anything that is not of him can send these demons out of our bodies. After blessing the water, you have to wait while he pours. I used to imagine that he was pouring, before I could actually feel it. Demons are in everyone's home, whether you are a Pastor, Prophet, Deacon, or Apostle, as long as you have insects in your home, you have demons. Christians who are of the opinion that this is not happening to them need to surrender to God and let him show them just how badly infested with demons their homes are. These demons watch, carry sickness, pain, or whatever the witches put their spells on them to do.
Demons usually come through doors and windows, because they are not coming from a dead body, but a live person who is sleeping on their beds and astrally projecting their spirits into your home. Witches, if they are supernatuirally blocked from your home by God, will send insects to listen, monitor, or to do their dirty work. Whether you are in the backyard doing something, or inside the house, these loaded insects can cause so much pain that you wonder where it came from. The Lord has given me a gift that enables me to feel the spirits, even though I am unable to see them. When I feel the tingle, I know they are there. When you spray the insects to stop the demons from entering your home they just jump into someone's body and enter the house. They then find an insect to attach themself to and stay put until you are ready for bed. They will be inside your house and you are not aware, until you begin to feel pain or sickness.
When God gives you an anointing to bind and cast them out, they leave for a few minutes, then return. They will be quiet for you to think that you are delivered, but after a while they begin to act up again. They return as long as the insects are still into your house. You will be praying some serious warfare prayers and they stand still, not budging. God tells me to cut and clear, sometimes they remain even after. Breaking chains works sometimes on them. When God says we have to surrender and come to him, he was not playing. He has sent me to old people who were aware that things were going on in their lives, but did not go to God, so they still have the problems and the attacks after all these years.
Demons will come in at nights and cause bladder infection, pull out your hair to form ties, torment young kids and older children. They put spirits on people to doubt what God is trying to tell them about their demonic possession, so they can continue to attack them. They put insects in your home to accommodate their demon friends, they put them in our homes to return later. They put insects in every part of your house to follow you around. They will be sitting watching you and you are not aware. They mess with our appliances, Gadgets and computers. They follow people with their spirits in birds, draginflies, animals, insects, insects.
They put sickness on people and put insects in place to keep it on them. They will put them in our gadgets to stop them from working. They work together and take shifts in our homes, They band together like thieves, They enter our dreams and manipulate them giving you the dreams they want to give you. They will put coughs, on you, push you down, block you from getting something, or completely stop it. They follow you with their spirits in your car window or on the windshield. They put spirits on birds to fly over your car on the highway. These birds let go of the spirits, which fall into our cars to cause us to become angry, fall asleep, or do other things to crash. They put insects with spirits into our cars to cause it to overheat, malfunction or stop it from working. They will hold your hand and block you from receiving from God. They block your prayers, phone, wifi, or television with the elements they use for blocking.
What they block you with The Lord showed me one day that I had certain elements around my yard and it was blocking me. He showed me plastic, wood, metal and stone and told me that it was blocking me. He then showed me Daniel Chapter 5 which tells how they drink their wine and worship their Gods of silver Gold, etc. They put plastic, metal, wood and stone together and load them up with insects with witchcraft spirits to block us. My baby has actually seen the man trying to hold my hand to block my prayer. They put insects with these spirits into computers, tablets, phones etc. These cannot even charge after. They put their spirits into children to do things to block you. She told me one night, Mommy, the man is inside me because I see two huge legs hanging off me.
Why they put their spirits inside your body They do this to use your body to do things that are not of God. they bring spirits of lust, greed, envy, selfish and host of other emotions. WE do not have mood swings, we have demons possessing us. They will put their spirits in you while you drive to cause an accident. They put their spirits into your body to lay up your homes to attack you. on our beds to molest us while we sleep and into our cars to cause us to crash. They follow us everywhere.
How they block us from praying They block us from praying by puttiung insects into our bibles, Changing settings and deleting numbers from our phones while we sleep. They put spirits of slumber on your prayer partners, and send people to pray with you to cause problems for you. They have their cronies make phone calls to transfer spirits to you to stop you from praying. If you pray at midnight then look for them at aroung 11:30 ish. They put spirits of confusion on people, forgetfulness, slumber or disrupt your call by using the children. hey are responsible for the disruption in your prayer life, for you to not read your bible, they put spirits on our bibles. They put insects with spirits in the spot we pray to cause us to fall asleep, etc.
How to know when they are around When you feel heat its their body heat. The breeze you feel swish pass you in an otherwise still area is one of them. You feel breeze in your ear, or feel something brush past you its one. You'll feel something tickle your hair, pain or discomfort in the ear, Tingling in the hands or feet means they are putting a spirit of slumber on you. When you experience blockages, stoppages or hindrance they will be with you trying to block or stop you. Things seemingly moving by themselves, You are in an area that is still and the curtain is blowing, or if the windows are locked and the curtains are blowing, know that you are not alone. You will feel a headache coming on and its one shooting you in the head with a spiritual gun, or something nibbling your toe and its a spiritual dog. Spiritual cats cause muscle contract. We have to be more alert to the things of the spirit to know what is really happening to us.
What to do when they are around Repeat the 23rd Psalm. Bless your water and drink to get that foul spirit out of your and your family's body. Pray and ask God, or if you are anointed to, declare that every entry point in your bodies are sealed shut from intrusion. Send fire to your body if you have the anointing from God to do so. Pray to break chains. When you are praying serious warfare prayers they stand still with their hands on their foreheads in a salute, then attack you after. They don't leave. You plead the blood and they stand still. It's like pleading the Blood of Jesus against a person, they don't leave. God can help you and he will show you what to do. these witches know more than Christians, because we are to relaxed, but it's time to let God use us to fight, because they have gotten away with too much. Fact is, as long as their insects are in our homes they will return. There are other things you can do, such as put up a spiritual shield, a force field and a divine white light to block them, but they return after. We have to trust in God, obey him and look to him more, making him bigger in our lives to get fully delivered. He brings you to a place where no demon can touch you, but its a step by step process. God says help is on the way, so we just have to wait.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Why we need to come higher in God (Pray when you meet someone new)

The Lord has shown me that we live in a world where many men are still of the opinion that women are supposed to be in the home. Marriages and relationships come with witches, its a package deal. They don't want them to progress, or be anything but their women. This is the mentality that is causing a problem for many women. The mothers of these men would send their daughters out to work to contribute to the home, while the boys stayed at home. They were socialized to think that women are supposed to take care of them and not the other way around. These are the same men who have decided that they should not further themselves academically, they have no intention of taking care of a woman, or even being married to them. They want to be with every woman they see.
They will astrally project themselves into our homes and try to control us. They will be living with a wife, fiance, or girlfriend and project their spirits into people's homes, while they sleep, to rape, kill and harm people. This partner will have no idea, because the person is beside them sleeping. They cheat in the Astral Plane. They watch everything we do and try to stop and block us. There are women who are doing this to men as well. Witches will think they are controlling us by following us around in the spirit. If they are not there, if you spiritually block them, then they leave insects with monitoring spirits to watch you. What the Lord has shown me about that, is that witches will try everything to disrupt a marriage. They put their spirits in the wife/husband to come against each other and wreck the marriage. They also put their spirits on the children and everyone around the couple to make them unhappy, they send spirits of anger, malice, strife, lack, lust, lies, poverty and want etc. with insects, because they don't want them to be happy. When they have succeeded in splitting up the couple, they then watch closely and whatever the remaining spouse prays for, that is what the witch will go to them with.
They will think they found the perfect mate, I prayed and God sent this person, they say. God did not, a witch did and that person they sent will be in the home causing all kinds of problems. They will never be present when something major happens to you, until they succeed in killing the spouse and putting their spirit into them to sign over what they have to them. God has sent me to, and shown me so many couples who have that problem. He showed me a house near to me that has been empty for years and sent me to a neighbour. One of the witches' fathers live behind it. A couple who lives overseas bought the house and right after the man and his wife split up. He then met with an untimely death by accident, while he was abroad. God said they plan to woo the woman and kill her to get the house. This woman is alone and praying for a husband, they are listening and following her.
Apart from that, they will put their spirits into people to prevent them from marrying the person they have been co-habiting with for decades. God sent me to a couple who are eighty years old and they have been together for decades and no marriage is happening between them. Neighborhood witches are preventing it. Someone close to them is trying to kill them for what they have. They have a son God used ne to get saved who has 17 women and 25 children. He has not told me anything about his story yet. These witches are people in the neighborhood who have been living with their parents since birth, but cant seem to progress. They are always at home and not working. They sleep a lot, because they have to project. They take shifts when stalking us.
God wants us to come to him for everything, but if you are not yet at that place, then asking him could save your life. We do live in perilous times with wicked people who have no intention for working for what they want. Surrendering to God can help tremendously in saving your life and that of your family's.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Matchmaking God's Way -The reason for the issues in our homes

The Lord sent me to several women, who he has promised husbands and who have been praying because they have not seen it. My task was to explain to them why it was not happening. He actually sent me to a teacher who said she had been praying, because the Lord showed her a man in her church who is supposed to be her husband, but the man is ignoring her. She said she had decided to confront him. God said no, she did not need to do anything, he is in control and he works in his own time. If you are doing things in self will, he will not help. He will let you fail, because you are not seeing the spiritual, eventually you will have to go to him. What he has shown me, is that the first person, you fell in love with in your teenage years is the one he created for you. You somehow feel connected to this person, even if the person does not see you. For some people it is reciprocated, but for others, they are ignored, until they both get married to different people.
This happens, because the neighborhood witches will block and stop you from finding that person to create problems in your life. They mess up that union and send someone into your life to use them to destroy you. This person is coming with all that you have prayed for and only God himself can tell you he or her is not for you. They cast spells to make you think you are in love with them and you only know this is not of God, because of the problems that ensue. That person gives the neighborhood witches a foot in the door of your life to cause problems and ultimately destroy you. If we are not in God's will, which many of our parents are, or were not, they will not know to pray and ask God to show them if that person is right for their daughter or son. The bond that God creates between those two is harder to break than if you get married to someone who is not his choice.
Lol..I'm writing my post and God says more of him and less of me, filled me up and here goes. I was driving pass a wedding a few months ago when he said turn back and go in. He told me to tell the wife, who is a Christian, that she should have asked him first, because she married a witch. I did not see her but I told the minister. He showed me a lady at my daughter's work who he said her daughter in law is doing things to her family. She's a Christian and her son is 20. There are several others, I have not had the time to talk to yet with the same issues. I was driving into a car park one day and felt something like a bump. I proceeded over it and heard a guy say I scratched someone's car. I went to look and sure enough, my paint was on a car that was parked in the garage. I told the security to get the guy. He came and he was about 23, I think. I began to ask God why it happened, because trust me, God covers me like you wouldn't believe. He shows me everything that's coming at me and cancels it. I did not see this. It was for his glory. He said to me I need to get to his parents, they are having problems.
I arranged with the guy to fix his car because it was a small scratch. I got him saved as instructed by God and asked for his parents number. He did not hesitate. I called her and God said break chains off her life, so I prayed with her and did. She began to tell me about some of the problems she was having with her husband of . I explained to her why and told her what she could do, based on God's instructions. I went with her son the following day to fix the car and we spent the entire day at the mechanic, fixing and spraying. I then asked God what was up with him, because, I said you let me spend an entire day with him so I know something's up. He said his girlfriend was sent to destroy him and she's doing things to his family. I told his mom and we prayed. A few weeks later I was scrolling through my list and God said call her. I asked her whats up and she was crying, She said the woman had her son on drugs. God is still working.
This is what is causing problems in our lives until this day. The enemy has to turn someone close to us against us. They need inside help. If they can't do that they send outside help into our homes.We were put on this earth with things we know nothing about. We were taught by our parents, who were taught by theirs, Im not sure how far it went back, but they were leaning on their own understanding of things of this world, not asking God. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, shouldn't we be asking him about things we do not know? The mistakes of the past are now affecting future relationships, because we are still not seeking him in all we do. The enemy wants to destroy us and we are letting him, while God, with all his power and money and everything we need has to be begging us to come to him. All it takes is you asking God questions throughout your day, whether you are a Christian or not, he guides you. From you get saved you can pray and ask.
This does not mean you will not have trials in your marriage, but when God is the only third party in your marriage, then no one and nothing can come between you, because he guides, instructs and tells you how to be victorious. This is the refiners fire where he perfects you and if you withstand, he blesses your union. The vows we make is between God and our spouse ONLY. No one else has the authority to give advice except God, or someone who is guided by him on the issues that are in a marriage.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Bladder and Urinary Tract Infections-How they control our bladders

I had an experience with UTI, which I mentioned in a previous post that God had healed and for two years, I saw nothing. Since I posted, I have noticed that I wake up almost every morning with a bladder infection, which means the witches are reading my posts. God heals it when I get up, but it recurs the next night. I began asking God to show me what caused it. I know the ex's and the neighbour's spirits are in my room at nights, but I wanted God to tell me why. He showed me that I when I am driving and an insect pitches on my windscreen, or side mirror, suddenly my daughter, or I would need to go into the bathroom. In the night he will tell me insect, and instantly I will need to go to the bathroom. When I drive into my yard, there are usually moths, or other insects where I park and its as if I can't get to the bathroom soon enough. As long as there are no insects, nothing happens. My mother had that issue. She would be out all day and as soon as she comes home, its as if she couldn't wait to go into the bathroom. I could have chalked it down to something hereditary, or an overactive bladder, but I chose to ask God and he showed me.
Witches want to be in control of every aspect of our lives, that is why they send mates to unsuspecting people. That is why they follow us around with their spirits and demons when you block them. No matter how long you have been a Christian, as long as you are not surrendered and you walk in self will, these demons will have their way with you. Now, back to the bladder infection. In the same way they use insects to cause all manner of evil in our lives, its the same way they use them to control our bladders. To make matters worse, they will send an insect at the most inopportune time, because they want to embarrass or belittle you in any way they choose.
What works God is working on the issues we have, but until then, there are some things we can do to ensure that we prevail. When they send these insects, if you cannot get rid of the insect itself, you can say the name of Jesus repeatedly, Pray in your mind and break chains, chop off the head of the serpent and crush its egg, then send fire to their altars and burn off everything that belongs to you in the spirit. You can also rebuke it in the Mighty name of Jesus and declare that YOU are in control of your bladder and not the other way around.

Friday, November 6, 2020

A reflection on John 10:10 (Who is the thief?)

With each new lesson the Lord has been teaching me, I realized that the warfare that we are going through is nothing we can comprehend, much less fight for ourselves. There is no way we can begin to understand the metrics behind a witchcraft attack if God is not showing us and directing our steps. First of all, when you begin to pray you are attacked for no reason, other than because you pray. The enemy uses a myriad of tactics to try to hurt, or even kill you. They will try to not make you pray by loading up your bible with spirits, the spot you normally pray, or even where you store your prayer tools, bible, books, pens, etc. What these spirits do is try to block and stop you from praying, so the witches can attack you. You will notice that when you open the bible you will begin to feel drowsy, forget what you are doing, your thoughts begin to wander, or you wont be able to understand what you're reading. When this happens, just pray to remove unclean spirits from your area and your bible. Look into the bible, or at the spot for insects. Even if they are tiny, they can still host the spirits to block you. The bible says in John 10:10, The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. This in itself is self explanatory. God gives us life and lets us have life more abundantly, when we go to him and are surrendered. This bible verse is about witchcraft attacks. It is they who steal, kill and destroy. Witches will project themselves into your homes to cause problems, to create chaos or to puts spirits on you to kill, maim, or otherwise make you unable to function or run your household in a normal way. They put spirits on wives, husbands, and children to be disruptive, disobedient or rebellious. Being a christian does not stop them from putting spirits on you. I thought that, but God says no. If we are not looking to God, we end up flogging the life out of that child or cursing the child to become worse.
How do they steal? These spiritual criminals act in the spirit, but collect in the flesh. They will come into your house in the spirit at nights and put spirits of destruction on your appliances, gadgets or computers. These project from insects. This they do by placing tiny insects and tiny spiders in them. This will disable our stuff. When you, not knowing why it does not work, put it out and get a new one, they send someone to pick it up, remove the insect and use it. I had an instance where my daughter, who sees them, said to me, mommy I see one of the witches and he has my ipad and another has your iphone. These are two of the gadgets they had disabled a little after we got them. I asked her what they were going to do with it. She said The Lord says they are taking it. They are looking for something. I asked her what and she said, oh, the Lord said its your toolbox. I have not thrown those two gadgets out as yet, because I am not about to give it to them, working or not. They have disabled my microwave, stove, washer, tablets, PCs, phones, laptops and so much more. When they see that they are not going to get something you have, they resort to destroying it. If they can't have it, no one can. God can give you the Blessing of Abraham and have you declare life over it and it works. That's the most amazing thing, but he has to prepare you first.
How do they kill? • They come in the early morning and put the illness on you and put spirits of infirmity to keep that illness in place. As long as those insects are in that spot, you will have that illness on you. Doctors are not able to cure it. They will treat it but it comes right back. • They kill flowers, plants, animals and every other living thing around us with the help of insects. • They take everything away and turn everyone against you and even let people curse you for no reason at all, for you to get depressed. They then watch you cry and get miserable and at the right time they put a spirit on you to commit suicide with insects to keep it in place. • They will put an insect with a spirit in your car, let birds fly over your car and drop spirits in, or put their spirits in your car to cause an accident. • They put spirits on people to shoot, or rob you and blame it on someone else. • They will cause a fire in your home, by putting a demon on the stove to blow it out and leave the gas on, while the other stove is on so it ignites, or put a spirit on someone to cause a fire in another way. God has to show you their tactics and cancel it for you. These are things we take for granted. We always explain away things, leaning on our own understanding, even when the bible says in (Pro. 3 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths). We need him to direct our paths as it is crooked and filled with pitfalls. The good things is that God is always in control, we just have to hold on and be strong.
How do they destroy? Witches come into our homes with one intention, to steal, kill or destroy, sometimes all three. They destroy marriages, relationships and friendships. They destroy our stuff by putting insects with demons on them to prevent them from turningon, malfunctioning or just not work. they delete stuff from our phones, important numbers, they change settings, disconnect or turn off data and wi-fi, and they wreck our phones and other gadgets. if you are a praying person who use your phone to pray, then your attack will be more severe. For all that they do, if you notice, it involves insects, so getting rid of insects can go a long way in helping to stem these attacks.
God is a God of Fire and being a Christian means that you have access to that fire. He gives us more power than the power of the enemy. You can declare life over your stuff and if you have enough faith, they will work. It is time for us to go to God to receive his promises over our lives. He uses a step by step process to prepare us (refiner's fire), then release to us, the things that the enemy has stolen.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

How to fast for Healing and breakthrough

I normally hear people say that when they fast they get hungry from the first few hours, but if they do not eat normally, they don’t get hungry. When we do things for God we come under attack from witches the enemy use for this purpose. They will put a spirit on you to make you feel hungry, tired, or confused during your fast. Not to mention pains in your body. But you have to remember that God heals. People go on different fasts, but I know for me, the Lord always says three days, absolute. Flesh must die.
I used to fast and get hungry by midday. I remember the first time he put me on a three days fast. I leaned wholly on his strength, not even understanding what I was really doing. I had my husband telling me that I was going to pass out and he would have to get ambulance, which I rebuked in the Mighty name of Jesus. I did the fast, drinking only water and by the fourth day, I forgot that I could eat. That was how sated I was. When you fast, you lean wholly on God’s strength. It is God you’re doing it with, not by yourself. Just know that God is not going to make anything happen to you while you fast. Whatever illnesses you have in your body will have to go when you starve it for the three days. You pray, or hold up your hands, every time you feel hungry and God will fill you up. During those times, you will pray more often, talk to God more often and do whatever he asks of you in complete obedience. We fast and pray not for ourselves, but to break the bands of oppression and bondage for others, while God works on our problems. As you act in obedience, he will give you what you need and release to you, whatever gifts he has for you at the end. At the end of your fast, you also receive healing for whatever illness you have at the time.

Jehovah Jireh - My Provider

(Where does my money go each month? I saw in a dream that I was supposed to get some ripe fruits, but when I went to get it I saw a mongoose eating it. In another dream, it was a thief stealing my fruit. In both instances, the Lord told me I was supposed to get some money but the devil is a liar.
Many times we get paid, or get money otherwise and have to wonder where the money went, or we neer receive it. Sometimes it did not get to reach a particular bill. When you budgeted, it was all there, but something always crops up when it reaches into your hand. Sometimes, before you even get it you have a car issue or health issue and end up paying something you had not budgeted for. This cycle keeps on repeating itself month after month. People owe you money but never seem to have it when they promised to give it to you.
When witches attack your finances, they put a devourer in place to get whatever funds you are supposed to get, or spiritual thieves to take it in the spiritual realm so it never manifests. They put blockages, hindering spirits, and stoppages in our paths to prevent us from getting what God has for us. This is why we dream of animals eating ripe fruits we are supposed to get, or see thieves stealing our fruits. When it is eaten, or stolen, we get nothing, but if we are allowed to pick that fruit, then we get what’s coming to us. When we dream about the devourer we can get up and bind it up and declare that whatever is coming to us will come without hindrances, blockages and stoppages. Chop out the teeth of the devourer of our finances and chop the hands off the thief. Declare that you will get it then declare victory over your enemies.
God says he is working it out for us, but while he works, we can bind them up and ensure that we receive what is due to us. . I have had Many, many, instances in which the Lord told me to give my last and he has given me a lot more than what I gave. He will show me someone while I’m praying, let that person cross my mind, tell me, or show me in a dream and tell me that they need to lean on me. If he says give and I have my last, I do because he always provides. God has everything we need. If I’m doing something and feel tired, I hold up my right hand and he gives me strength that is more potent than coffee. If I’m doing a test, he fills me up and shows me the answer.
If I’m sad, he fills me up and sends it out, whatever negative emotions I may have, God fills me up and sends it out. He fills me up in the mornings and shows me what to do and right throughout the day he will fill me up as needed. When I’m low on cash, or have none and tell him, he sends someone or a job for me to do. This walk is awesome and amazing and I probably should have been thanking those witches, instead of praying against them. He shows me things and tells me things. He tells me when to pray, when I need to change my eating habits, when my enemies do things, when negative words are being said about me, when positive things are. He tells me when I do something correctly and when I should have come to him first, or when I should be careful what I say to someone.
He is just constantly there, helping, teaching, telling me he loves me, well done and it’s just amazing. He just told me that I should save my work. I think this Is how God would like people to make him a big part of their life. He wants us to come to him, to ask him things, to worship, to love him endlessly. I still struggle with doubts, because it is just too amazing. I have to ask, is this really you daddy? So he has to confirm maybe three or more times. Moral of the story? God has EVERYTHING we need, but we have to go to him.

How I Know My God is able

I have come to realize that on several occasions, I have been able to call on God for help when a situation arises. I had my computer to fix and could get no help. I called my brother, he couldn’t come, I called the technician guy, but he wasn’t there. It came to me that if I began to pull up the computer, then my husband would see and help me. I began to pull it up, but when he came in he said, oh, but now you’re giving the technician even more work to do. When I looked at it, all I saw was loose screws. I said, God, you see that you will have to help me right? I somehow put up my hands and felt him filling me up. Pulled down that laptop, fixed what was to be fixed and put it all back together, AND IT WORKED.
My washing machine needed a part changed, I tried to find someone and could not. I finally bought the part and said, God, I know you want to use me to change this part. I googled something about it and it wasn’t clear. I put my right hand up, God filled me up and showed me what to do. The machine was fixed. The machine had been disabled by witches for several months. I got a new one and they have been messing with it, but when they do now he says just declare life over it.
My car needed a battery and my husband was at work. Witches have taken my job so the Lord had my 18 year old daughter get me a battery, but that is not the amazing part. Before I knew I needed one, he had me go to a fellow Christian to check it and he placed the battery on top of the other to jump start the car because I had no jumper cable. When I bought the battery I had to walk to a nearby store to get it, so it was not put in. I had forgotten about the guy, so I was asking the neighbors for a jumper cable to borrow when Awesome God reminded me that the guy had placed the battery on the other to start it. I was able to start the car and take it to do the warranty.
When my baby was learning to ride her bike for the first time on two wheels, he told me to hold her right hand and after she rode like a pro for the first time.
My daughter was doing exams and was being blocked by the witches. God said let her do it from home and I’ll help. When she was about to do exams, he would tell me to lay my hand on her forehead, or hold her right hand. When she went to do her exams she came out in half an hour. When I asked if she was sure she was finished she said, yes, God showed me what to study the night before.
When I was learning to work online, I was taught by God. He helped me to navigate through the different ways and sift through them, then at the end he blessed my accounts for me to get jobs.
I have fixed and unlocked phones after being filled by God. I have not done anything technical before. II have not seen, or encountered anything that God was not able to help me with. During this journey he has been proving himself to me in ways that I would not have imagined that God was even interested in helping me with.
I have so many testimonies about things that God has helped me with that it’s not funny. God wants us to stay in our position of authority. When the enemy tries to make you feel helpless, like you’re defeated with something you think you cannot do, all you have to do is raise your hands and ask God for help. He is willing and more than able.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Spirits of Addiction

Spirits of addiction What the Lord showed me about spirits of addiction is that when babies are born, that spirit is put on them a little after by whoever is attacking the family. They will suck their thumbs, they will put stuff in their mouths that are not supposed to go in there, or eat inedible objects. This will later escalate into whatever that person is addicted to. They will feel drawn to whatever that spirit is craving, be it cigarettes, ganja, gambling, sponge, coffee, sex, or whatever their addiction is. Witches put this addiction on people and use insects in their homes to keep it on them. Whatever the person is addicted to, whatever abnormality is present on their body is what they feed the demon with and keep it around. Some people notice an unnatural lump that doctors will tell them some name for, Lipoma, lymph node, or deposits of fat. The truth is that it was put on your body by a witch and is kept there as their control tower.
During the time of that addiction, they will put spirits of infirmity on that thing you’re addicted to. The Lord showed me a young guy who used to sell ganja, but is now insane. He said the witches put a spirit of insanity on the ganja. Others have experienced gum swelling, toothache, stomach ache, and a variety of illnesses and physical discomfort as a result of their addictions. As long as we feed that addiction, the demon will return, no matter how long you were delivered. I heard someone preach and said if you want to get rid of a demon, you should starve it and not feed it. God can deliver that person with a blessed cup of water, or rebuking that demon and telling it to leave.
My niece’s father used to smoke cigarettes and one day the Lord said go to him, get him saved, so I did. He then said bless some water and give to him. That was four years ago, he has not smoked a cigarette since. It’s a spirit and that person can be delivered from it before it takes their life. The same with smoking, they put it on the person, use insects to keep it in place, then put lung cancer on them. God says as long as the doctors are unable to help, it is an illness to bring him glory. My husband developed a HUGE lump on his side several years ago. The doctors told him it was Lipoma, because they really don’t have a name for it. He is afraid of surgically removing that lump, so he left it. My girlfriend had one before she died as well. A huge, firm glob of flesh on his side. The Lord showed me in a dream that he was strung up by the neighborhood witches and they were pulling the strings like a puppet and letting in other witches. It was afterwards that he told me to lay hands on the lump, and that they were using that lump as a control tower.
When we go through trauma as children, or even as adults, because of these demons and God delivers us, that demon goes out and finding nowhere to go, returns and finds the place swept and clean. He then takes with him, seven more deadly than himself (Matt 12:45). There was a death in my husband’s side of the family a few years ago and I saw in a dream where he was delivered from about five demons. He has not been filling himself up with the word of God, so it was easy for them to return. There are now seven neighborhood witches with the ex in my house at any given time. Wrecking my stuff and our house. I do not fear, because my God says they’re wicked, but they can’t touch you. This is why he says we are not to hold on to the things of this world.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...