What you'll see when witches are present


Monday, August 31, 2020

Depression, Rejection and Suicide - Looking at it from a spiritual perspective

Suicide has become even more frequent in our society in recent times; almost everyone knows someone who is said to have committed suicide, whether recently, or some time ago. The frequency, means or even the time does not matter, what matters is that that person’s loved one is no longer among the living. With September 10, being World Suicide day, it is even more in the spotlight now than ever. Old wounds are being roused and memories long gone are being returned, but has anyone ever thought to find out just why a loved one would take their life or that of others before they do?

I have one word..Spirits. The Lord has shown me that when we are under a witchcraft attack, witches will do something to make you so sad, or depressed that you feel like there is no way out. The tendency we have to explain things away is not helping, but exacerbating the situation. All God wants is for us to come to him. We are living in a world where God’s people are afraid to rise up; they are afraid of his power. When a witch wants to get rid of someone, they remove things they love and have become attached to, they then watch the person crying night and day (yes, they are always with us). They play with your mind and act as if they are your inner voice or the voice of God.


 After going through whatever it is for a while, they turn everyone against the victim so they begin to feel like no one cares, or understands what they are going through. They will also put spirits on these people to curse you out and make you feel totally alone then they put a spirit of suicide on you, the person being attacked. No one sees this coming, because no one is checking on you or seem to care. When we feel depressed, sad, lonely, or like we are not worth anything, GOD is there thinking the opposite, because he sees what is going on and knows why. We are not seeing what is going on behind the scenes so we assume.

These witches put a spirit on the person to become depressed and use insects with spirits of suicide to carry out the act. The person does the job for them and they don’t have to lift a finger, but they are one step closer to what they are working for, property, insurance money, etc. Another way they make it seem like suicide is by putting their spirits in the individual, doing the act, and then removing their spirits. If the person owns anything, they will sign whatever over to themselves and then leave the person's body. This occurs in hangings, overdoses, crashes, jumping from buildings, etc.


God wants us to rise up. Everything that is affected in this world is caused by witchcraft. Addressing these problems that plague society and putting fleshly explanations will not help us. Spiritual warfare is real, it is envious people using their spirits via astral projection, while they sleep, to cause problems in our lives and the sooner we realize the better it is for us. These demons that these people are taking on are demons from our childhood God says. People have died not knowing that it was a close family member or friend who killed them.

When you see someone depressed, first pray for them, then remove any insects from their home. Whether termites, spiders, case-bearing moth, ants, or whatever insects you find. Declare life over the person and declare that they shall not die, they shall live to declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living. Cancel the curse and declare that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. Bless the water and give to them to send out that spirit, or bind it up and cast it out of them, if you have that authority or that anointing. Go into warfare for the person, because this is what is happening.

True Story

 During my attacks, I have been through a lot, but God is faithful and he is true. I have held on to his promises and asked him to show me things, which he has. The witches paused my contract last year 2019 for my job and I bawled and said “God, you are going to make me suffer.” “He said, I removed the shackles from your feet.” I then said, “Ok Lord, I will do your work, but you have to see to my finances.” He said, “It’s already done.” They turned everyone against me and everything just started to go downhill, literally.I have been doing God’s work full time for over a year now, He uses me to heal, deliver, give words of encouragement, pray, intercede, and to break chains, among other things.

 It was a few months after that he told me that they had wanted me to get depressed, then they would put a spirit of suicide on me to remove myself for them. The ex has an insurance policy with my name and plans drawn up for my house. I have since canceled it in the Mighty name of Jesus. He has shown me several other people since for who witches have similar plans. Witchcraft seems to be big business in the Satanic realm, but God gives us power over the power of enemies.

This is why the battle is the Lord’s because we cannot see the spirits that are being placed on people to cause problems in our lives. These witches have taken their places in this war, why haven’t Christians? People, RISE up and take up your positions in God’s Kingdom. It can only benefit you in the end. Build your faith. God is as big as you make him in your life.



Saturday, August 29, 2020

COVID 19 - Why would Christians worry?

 With all of the turmoil, the world is in because of the outbreak of COVID 19 it is no wonder everyone is afraid. The number of people who have died is astounding, even more so, the ones who are afflicted and under quarantine. The Flu virus has been killing people for decades, yet the fear of the flu is not as strong as that of COVID 19. What does it say about our faith? maybe God wants to separate those he wants to use from the ones who are not ready yet. If we say we are Christians, we believe in the power of God and especially his healing powers then how can we fear? God did not give us a spirit of fear as it says in 2 Tim 1:7. We are children of God. We serve a Mighty and Powerful God who is as true to us now as he was to those of old. 


We have to build our faith and believe that God is willing to give that power to anyone who asks. We as Christians have no reason to walk around in fear of COVID 19, or any other disease as long as we stay in God's will and keep a clean heart. Our God heals EVERYTHING and no one can curse you if your heart is clean. It is not the fact that you are a Christian and covered under the Blood that saves you, it is your clean heart Prov 26:2.  We have to see people as they would be in Gods Kingdom and see the spirits that operate within them; that will leave us free of hatred, malice, gossip, and backbiting. As I stated before, everyone is under attack from household witchcraft, unless you were delivered and living according to God's will.  

Proverbs 26:2 | Daily Bible Verse Study | My Bible Notebook

Just as it says in the bible when a person is delivered from a demon, that demon will roam, looking for a place and if they don't find any they return with seven more deadly than themselves Luke 11 24-26. If you were delivered, but still living as you used to it will come back, but when you turn to God, he guides you and shuts that door for you. we are fighting a battle that we are neither equipped nor ready to fight, because we know not what we are fighting against. The battle is not ours, but remaining in God's will can help you tremendously. He opens your eyes to the wiles of the enemy and shows you tactics to give you victory in every situation while he works on removing them.

With or Against Jesus? Luke 11: ppt video online download

True Story about COVID 19

I am a woman of God, but I am also under a witchcraft attack from an envious ex because God has to put me in the refiner's fire to show me the different things that witchcraft attacks. Then he sends me to people who are going through similar situations and tells me what to do. One night I woke up about 2 am with a cough and my chest tightening. I asked God what it is and he said they put COVID 19 on you but don't worry, I took care of it. I placed my hand on my chest and he healed it. Two other times, he said to me they are bringing COVID 19 to you. He said to cancel it, so I did. God gives us more power than the power of the enemy. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. Claim it in the name of Jesus and do not be afraid of his power.

Access the power from on high! - Worthy Christian Devotions - Daily  Devotional

He then used me to heal a woman in Austria of COVID 19. This was over the phone. With all of this going on, he still shows me people and sends me to them, uses me to heal them, give words of encouragement, deliver them, and to break chains off their lives. I don't use masks unless I am going into a building, because I know that my God is awesome and he heals Everything. He takes away the fears, gives us strength, and sends us out to help others. We need to make God arise in our hearts, in our lives, because he is bigger than we can imagine.

My Help Comes from Almighty GOD

 The witches that are on me, following me to do Gods work, trying to stop, harm, and block me on a daily basis, several times per day are:

Deon Craig White
Sophia Lohren Edie
Marion Wright
A hippie-looking twin where I live
Howard, a taxi driver a couple houses from me on my avenue and his mother
The bilious looking clown who works at Emancipation Park
Someone I hear named Hope.

Now..God has shown me these people..addresses and all. Their spirits are in my house several times per day. they take shifts.
My ex and my husband's ex who we left over 22 years ago, 24+ for mine... had planned to kill my entire family to get a little piece of a house we own. He has been astrally projecting his spirit into my husband and doing all kinds of things. Wrecking things, causing problems, blockages, hindrances, job loss, digging graves, building altars, etc. They even killed my husband's son and several others the Lord has shown me. Maimed some and burned houses as well. The Lord showed me a woman from 2010, name and all. He said her name was Sophie Edie and the ex planted her at my husband's workplace to wreck my marriage. My husband's ex, who the Lord has shown me as well..has been putting her spirit on this woman to get back close to my husband. While God was showing me these things it seemed as if my husband was doing all this. I kept asking him and he has no idea what I'm talking about but over the years I kept wondering why it was that I left this man so long ago..yet it seemed like I was talking to him, he was still making me disgusted, its as if my husband had turned into him. 

Crazy Ex Quotes on Pinterest | Ex Girlfriend Quotes, Jealous ... | Crazy ex  quotes, Ex quotes, Fake friend quotes

I stayed as far away from his type as I could. I asked God one day and he said his spirit is within him. Please note that this is not a dead person. None of them. Human spirits. I then asked what the woman he showed me had to do with my husband's ex. He said they are one and the same. This man, Deon White comes into my house in my husband's body..leaves it when he's asleep and tries to kill me EVERY night. God is a rock..trust me. He heals everything and because of what I was and still am going through, he gave me the gift of healing. This man wrecks everything inside my home, puts spirits on my children, molests them at nights, planted himself in the foundation of my house to give himself, and the neighborhood witches access. He has turned so many people against me...God says come to me. He cant turn me against you..so I did..with EVERYTHING. He has cut off my finances, blocked my accounts...all kinds of things. 

God says spiritual wickedness in high places. God had said sickness a few years ago when he started showing me. The man and some of the other witches are now ill. God had told me to get him saved and after he said tell him to surrender. I did. God said sell my house because they are replanting when he tells me to dig up. I am supposed to die by crash...God canceled it and confirmed it with someone else. His spirit being inside my husband means he puts his name on our stuff with no suspicion and then removes us one by one. This man had told someone a couple years ago that he had a house and a business in my area but he's just letting the people live there for a while. He has another ex whose father has a business. They are under attack from this demon too, plus MANY others in three communities God has shown me. God showed me a spirit child. 

These people are in my house every day. I remember an office helper had told me before I began working from home that my car was hotter than the national bakery. Witches body heat that I wasn't aware of before God started showing me. The amazing thing about all this is that Almighty God continues to teach, has given me gifts to ward off attacks, and protects my family and sends me to people who have similar problems. I mean hundreds, all over the world he is showing me. God says this is not even the tip of the iceberg. The witches keep me awake at night and put spirits of slumber in my car while I drive. The birds that fly over our windshield on the highway are not innocent birds. They carry spirits to make you crash.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Schizophrenia- Mental Illness, or Legions (multiple spirits within one person)

People are wary of those who are said to be suffering from Schizophrenia. They are afraid of what that person may do from one instance to the next. The truth of the matter is that we have all been Schizophrenic at one point or another. When we are attacked by witchcraft, someone close to us is putting spirits on us to do or say things that we would not normally do or say. From the time babies are born these witches put spirits on them. When they cry and fuss its a spirit that is put on them They are unable to act out so they cry and fuss. For adults, it's different, they can curse, fight, or vent in different ways until it has left. Blessing some water, asking God to put his blood into it, and use it to purge what is not of him helps tremendously as the spirit has to leave. God has given us a blueprint to deal with everything that afflicts us on this earth. All we have to do is turn to him and trust him.

In the bible, it tells of the man who had multiple spirits living within him and how Jesus told the unclean spirits to leave him. After they left and went into the herd of swines he was in his right mind again. This also goes to show how spirits can enter animals etc. (Mark 5, 1-15). 

Schizophrenia is the clinical, or "fleshly" term for multiple demonic possession. These demons can be bound and cast out. The sufferer does not have to suffer and be segregated or abandoned by family members. God is not as big as he should be in our lives and the Church is not prepared for these instances. Pastors shy away from these types of sermons because they want to believe that witchcraft will not touch them as long as they don't believe in it. They are afraid that the demons will be transferred to them. If you are of God and he has given you to the power to bind and cast out demons, then as long as you are in his will and your heart is clean then you are already blocked from these demons. Listen to his voice and be obedient and he will guide you.

True Story

I am writing this post and asked God to give me something on Schizophrenia. He said its already done. He fills me up and I began writing. At the same time, one of my prayer partners calls to tell me that he is trying to figure out what a Bible verse means. I felt a spirit on him and asked him what's up. He said he's ok. I heard the Lord say "Confusion," I said do you feel confused. He said yes. He said since he prayed with a lady a few days ago he felt something touch his foot and nothing has been the same since. I told him I'm writing about Schizophrenia and he shared a story in which for several days he could not remember what he did at work and when they asked he could not tell them. A witch put a spirit on him and when it left he had no memory of what it did. He then said "Legions." I started to thank God because that was what I was looking for.

I have another instance where the Lord used me to get a guy saved and he said he was pushing a wheelbarrow down a hill and when he stopped he remembered nothing until he woke up maybe two hours later. He had pain in his side from the incident and God used me to lay hands on him and heal him.

I have yet another instance where a man was saying someone crashed overseas and he thought that he did it. He said he didn't know how, but he was there at the time of the crash. He does not know the person, but I do.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

😰 Diabetes-Just a spirit of Infirmity

Many people think that Diabetes is a sickness that they will get because their ancestors, parents, etc. suffered from it. It is a generational curse. Meaning that we are all under witchcraft attacks. These witches are with us All the time. Their spirits are in our homes right throughout the days, because they take shifts to watch us, stop us, attack us. They know everything about us. They know everyone in your family, their illnesses, needs, and everything else. They will know that someone in your family has Diabetes and put it on you because they want you to get complacent and accept it. When this happens, it continues to grow and eats at you until you die. This is them letting you suffer because of their envy. If you are not saved then say the prayer below to get saved:

Father God, forgive me for my sins, I believe that Jesus is Christ and he died and rose again to save us. Come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. Amen.

He said it is not about church, you have him in your heart, you pray and he listens. He is Almighty God. He will send you to a church that listens to him.

Pray, ask God what you should do about your illness. He will guide you, if you are hearing from him, or send someone who is. God takes care of diabetes in different ways. He either lets you fast and pray (Matt 17:21  But this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting), or he empowers one of his elect to cast it out. I any instance, that spirit will have to leave the person's body. God heals, he delivers, he gives you strength and all he wants is for us to come to us and not accept what the enemy is doing to us. This illness will progress as this spirit gets stronger in our bodies until they put another Diabetes-related illness to finish the job for them.

Study Shows Calcium Channels Are Linked To The Development Of ...

True Story

I went with my daughter to school one day and didn't make breakfast, so we bought a pizza. I ate the pizza without blessing it first because I was just baptized and didn't know that we should break off negative spirits off our food before eating it. I ate about three slices and by the time I got home I had severe thirst, weak bladder, and blurry vision. (I left a man 24 years ago who is working witchcraft in my life and trying to kill my girls and I as I stated in a previous post). His spirit was in my car at the time (astrally projected with an insect as the projector). I went to the doctor after a few days and he said I had Diabetes, but I should do a test and confirm. He gave me a paper. I burnt it with the fire of the Holy Ghost, trampled on it in the spirit, and denounced it. I said "my mother accepted that as her portion, it is not mine.

The Lord sent me to Canada to do his work for two months and at the end of it, he said three days, absolute fast. I did and on the last day, every symptom went. To prove that it did. I returned home and visited a friend of mine with an M&M and another sweet thing in my handbag one day. While we were talking, she said God says to ask what is in your bag. I was shocked, I said "what?." she repeated, so I took them out and laid them on the table in front of her. She began to laugh and the Lord said through her, "Every time I take this Diabetes thing off you, you try to put it on back. Of course, I repented and threw them out. As long as we accept it, it will eat at us, but we have to trust God and allow Him to work in our lives. When we do the fast we have to know that we are leaning on God's strength and not our own. We have to let go and let him do what he wants to do. Ask him to build our faith and help us to trust him more. If Cancer is a small thing for God, what is Diabetes?

God is Mighty, Powerful, and Awesome. and he loves us regardless of what we do because he knows that people are putting spirits on us to do things. God knows the wicked, but he also knows those who have gone to him for forgiveness. We have to put God first in our lives and commit all that we have and own into his hands. No one will be able to pluck us out of his hands (John 10;28-29).

Monday, August 17, 2020

🐕 What to do when the demonic insects, birds, etc are around

Sometimes the Lord will tell me that insects are in my home that is loaded with spirits to cause problems. When this happens, I either physically kill them, or kill them in the spirit and bind and cast out the demons that come with them. When you bind and cast out the spirit, the insect will become powerless and fall. I saw a fly in my house recently and after trying for quite a while to kill it, unsuccessfully, I decided to send fire and brimstone to the witch. It was the ex I left 24 years ago. When I did that simultaneously the fly fell powerless to the mantel and the door burst open as the witch ran. They have no power without these insects.

As you drive your car you will feel it get hot from time to time. When it suddenly gets hot its one of these miscreants. Just pray and ask God to break every chain off your stuff, command warring angels with swords of fire to fight on your behalf, and rid the car of this evil. Then you ask God to send his burning, cleansing fire to burn out the evil. It will get cool after.

Always bind and cast out monitoring spirits and familiar spirits out of your home and car. In fact, every unclean spirit is bound and cast out, then I invite the presence of the Holy Spirit into my home. Instead of getting frustrated, fearful, or angry, as I was normally prone to do, I pray and ask God what to do and he always answers with victory in his answer.

I then put a spirit shield, a force field, and a divine white light around my property as the Lord instructed me to do. This is done as an act of faith, but eventually, you feel the vibrations as the shield is put in place. This does not remain long as witches are stubborn and rebellious and they are humans. When you can bind and cast out the demonic spirits, it is not as easy as human spirits but it can be done, because our God is a God of impossible situations.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

😇 (Spiritual Warfare Prayer) Powerful prayer to the God of Fire !!

Heavenly Father, God of all creation. We thank you for your Son Jesus and for the Holy Ghost. God of Moses, Joseph, Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego, Elijah, Elisha and so many others that you have proven yourself to since the beginning of time. We worship you, we adore you, we give you all the Glory, Honor and Praise. Father I make this covenant in salt to you on this day May 11, 2020, that I will dedicate my heart, mind, and soul to you and declare that I will love you unconditionally and serve you forever. Father, we humbly come into your presence with this petition and ask that you answer us by FIRE!!

Father, you see what is going on in our lives, with our families, and in every aspect of our everyday interactions, our neighborhood, and our country. Father, we ask that you help us and show our enemies your power. Father, I decree even now that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises against us shall be utterly and totally condemned. We cancel every plot, plan, and scheme of the enemy against our lives and declare victory over them in the mighty name of Jesus. We put on the FULL Armour of God, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, and the belt of truth and our feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. We declare that we shall live, we shall not die. We shall live to declare the works of the Almighty God in the land of the living. We declare that nothing they do shall come to fruition and that they will surrender or be destroyed.

Father, you said you give us more power than the power of the enemy and father we exercise that power by rebuking and revoking every pedophile demon, every witch, warlock, and any other evil entity that seeks to infiltrate our homes and render them powerless in your mighty name Jesus. We declare that anyone who touches our children shall come to naught and shall burn by the fire of The Holy Ghost in the mighty name of Jesus. We come against every evil plan of the enemy against our lives and declare them nullified in Jesus' mighty name. Father you know the plans they have for us, so we ask now that you show them our power in Jesus mighty name. We declare that these pedophile witches and demons of molestation shall see our children and wish them well because we belong to God.

Father, I declare Exodus 22-1-4 over them in the mighty name of Jesus. I command the enemy, in the mighty name of Jesus to restore all that we have lost at his hands tenfold. I sever every demonic link that is on my life and that of my family permanently. I ask the Holy Spirit to sever, cut, destroy and burn every demonic link, highways, and bridges that are set up for my family or myself and to erase every satanic mark and pointer against my self or my family in the mighty name of Jesus. I ask you, Jesus, to sever every soul ties that have been formed over the years and free us from this demon and other attackers of our destiny permanently in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, we ask that you block every communication between them and their familiars and let your creatures be used for the purpose you created them for in your mighty name Jesus.

I tear down every stronghold of the enemy and I break every chain, cord, fetters, shackles, and barnacles from our homes, bodies and belonging in the mighty name of Jesus and command warring angels with swords of fire to fight on our behalf and remove everything that is not of God from our homes permanently. Every evil spirit, human spirits, witchcraft animals, or insects, I render you powerless in the mighty name of Jesus. I now cancel every spirit of lack, want, poverty, and insufficiency from our lives and chop out the teeth of the devourer of our blessings in your mighty name Jesus. Father, we thank you for opening doors no man can close and closing doors no man can open. We declare provision, protection, peace, good health, and love into our homes and families in Jesus' mighty name.

 Father, we know that it is not by might or by power, but by the spirit of the living God that miracles and wonders are performed and father, we thank you for the miracles you are about to wrought in our lives. I bind up every incubus and succubus spirits that enter our homes and try to manipulate our dreams in the mighty name of Jesus. I cancel every demonic wedding that takes place with our names in it and divorce us from these demons in the mighty name of Jesus. I declare that no demon in hell has any authority over us and that light has no place with darkness in your mighty name Jesus. 

We bind up every spirit of torment, hindering spirits and molestation from demons and block them from our children, their bodies, their dreams, and their destinies, in the mighty and powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and declare that our children shall soar.  We send liquid fire around our homes and BURN everything that was planted on our properties in the mighty name of Jesus. We send the Fire of God to their altars and burn off everything they put on it for us in the mighty name of Jesus. We cut off the head of the serpent and crush his egg in the Mighty and Powerful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Every spirit wife, spirit husband and spirit children DIE by fire in the mighty name of Jesus. Any human spirit/witch that tries to feed us in our sleep I rebuke you, renounce you, and render you powerless in the mighty name of Jesus and declare that it shall not manifest in the flesh. Father, I send out every spirit of malice, strife, confusion, contention, dissension, and anger and declare peace over our families in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, we cover ourselves in the crimson. Shed-blood of the risen lamb and declare that all who come against us shall fall in Jesus mighty name. I put a shield of protection, a force field, and your divine white light over our family, ourselves, our belongings, and everything pertaining to us in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father, you said in your word that you covered the Israelites with a cloud by day and a ring of fire by night. Father, I now claim that same protection for myself, my family, and my neighborhood in Jesus' mighty name. Father, I ask that you guide us and help us to be obedient to your leading. Give us humility, patience, and strength to endure our hardships like a good soldier. Father, you said I should take up my cross and follow you and I ask now that you give me your grace to endure. Father, I now surround my home with a bloodline, a spirit shield, and reinforce it with your divine white light to block out any evil that may try to enter. I reinforce my walls, windows, and doors with said spirit shield and white light and declare that there will be no penetration whatsoever.

Father, we give you all the glory, honor, and praise. We lift you up, we exalt you, we magnify you and lift you high. We thank you for what you are about to do in our situation. Father we love you, we adore you and we thank you for victory in this and every other situation concerning our enemies. Amen.

Burning Question: Why does everything I try seem to fail?

Question: I have been going through so much lately, I am just holding on and waiting for God to help me with this. My husband and I are almost at the point of getting a divorce, I lost my job, my children are disruptive and fighting all the time. That is not even a half of my problems, my siblings seem to be coming at me left, right and center, my neighbor has been at me with argument after argument. I can't seem to make ends meet, I get no help from my husband, it is just one sickness after another, everything seems to be blocked, stopped, and hindered everywhere I turn. I am not a lazy person, and I have had good jobs over the years, however, they seem to keep leaving me or I leave them. 

Sometimes, I feel as if I am going crazy because of all that is happening. It seems as if when I get help from one person, that person turns around and attacks me after. It just seems as if trouble follows me around. I am beginning to think that I am either unlucky, or I am cursed. It was not always like this, I was productive, I had my friends, family, husband, and thought I was happy. I used to go to places, enjoy myself and my life. I got along with everyone before, now I am angry all the time and the slightest thing triggers me off. 

When I go into my car I feel pain, I keep falling asleep, I am having so many near misses now that I know that God is protecting me. I have had several minor accidents with cars before, but none serious. I feel like I'm being followed all the time and this is not paranoia. I can literally feel like someone is following me. If you can shed some light on my situation I would really appreciate it. 

Answer: You are going through spiritual warfare of the worst kind. Your enemy is trying to kill you with witchcraft and by whatever means possible. If you are not a Christian then say the following prayer to get saved: 

Father God, forgive me of my sins, I believe that Jesus is Christ and he died and rose again to save us. Come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. If you are already a Christian then be enlightened.

The enemy is someone close to you, someone, who knows your movements and your activities on a daily basis. They are envious and would go to any lengths to make you fail, or worse, end up dead. They have put spirits on your family members, neighbor, and even your husband to come against you. The person is astrally projecting into your home on a daily basis to ensure that you are kept that way. The enemy is after our souls, but this person is doing it for financial gain. They want you to be alone and depressed, so they can put a spirit of suicide on you to remove yourself for them.

God says it is your ex. They put their spirits into husbands and boyfriends to come against the women and wreck their relationships and become Spirit Husbands to them.  This goes for wives as well. They are very jealous and don't want you to progress. They come against your children, jobs, and anything that would make you happy. They use insects with spirits of anger to make you or your spouse angry with each other. These envious witches cause crashes, shootings, robbery, fires, break-ins, etc., and they don't work alone. They work with neighborhood witches like a band of thieves. They monitor you on a daily basis, changing shifts. One will be there for a few hours then when that one leaves, another takes up the shift right throughout the days and nights. They use insects, not only to cause you pain, but also to block, stop, and hinder your progress. They put spirits of infirmity, anger, torment, and many other spirits on insects and animals and place them in your home. They load up your accounts with witchcraft to block you, your documents, and everything for you. 

Their spirits are in your car, house, and all around you prodding, poking, and injecting darts to cause you pain and suffering. Do not worry, you are not alone, everyone is being attacked by witchcraft, some more intense than some, depending on what you own. The attacks will begin and not be serious at first, but the moment you acquire car, house, or an insurance policy it intensifies. It has to be someone close to you, because when they are about to kill you at the last, they project their spirits into you to sign your stuff over to themselves, leaving your family members wondering how come. 

They are following you. They put their spirits into people, insects, birds, cats, in fact, any animal that is around you to monitor you. These are astral projected human spirits. People who are alive, but sleep on their beds and put their spirits into your home or car to do things to you. Pray and ask God to show you, then look around you at which animal you see everywhere you go, whether its a bird, dragonfly, or beetle. They put insects on your car, or if you are unsuspecting and drive with your windows down, they put them inside your car with spirits to listen and monitor your every move. 

What you should do: Pray more so God can show you what he wants to. Open your eyes and look around you. Do you have insects in your home? Ants inside your car? Get rid of them. If possible, look for the insects and their poop that are placed on your car before you leave where you are and annihilate them. Remove the insects, lizard and bird poop from your windowsill and door jamb as they use it to let their spirits gain entry to your home. Look around your home if you see objects placed together touching each other. These are Plastic, stone, metal, and wood. They like to use rusty metal, mold and mildew. There will be insects where they are as well. They use this to block you. When your home or car gets hot they are in there.

For you to not harbor hatred in your heart, pray and ask God to let you see them as they would be in his Kingdom and let you see the spirits that operate within them. Pray against your one enemy and not all of those coming against you. They do that to create a diversion and let you think the attack is coming from elsewhere, also the devil likes to divide and conquer. Pray for peace as when you have peace, God can speak more clearly and you will be in a place to receive. Drown out human voices and take no advice from friends or family. Your enemy puts spirits on them to give you the wrong advice. Pray when you feel pain, before you go to a doctor, go to the Great Physician. Our enemies put their spirits in doctors to misdiagnose and give the wrong prescription to cause you more pain. 

Get closer to God, pray more, fast more, and listen more in this situation as NO ONE but God can help you. They can turn people against you, but they cannot turn God against you. They can stop people from giving to you, but they cannot stop God from giving to you.  He will deliver you, but until he does, fill up your life with God so no demon in Hell has no authority or dominion over you. God uses this as a test, he calls it the refiner's fire, so get closer to him and he will direct your path and use you for others who are going through similar situations. 

Obedience, humility, and peace will be added to you as you get closer to God. You will get through this. Make a covenant in salt unto God. Declare that you will love and honor him above all else and you will put him first in your life and dedicate your life to him (Matt 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me). Place your family and all that you own into his hands. Father, I put you first in my life and place all that you have entrusted me with in your hands. Sign it, date it, and keep it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Friday, August 7, 2020

How witches get their spirits into our homes

 When someone decides to work witchcraft on you it's because of envy. They will work with other witches in your neighborhood to literally bring you down. They illegally come into our, homes, cars and businesses, as well as other places you visit to cause problems for you. Witches nowadays don't use broomsticks, as I have mentioned before in previous posts. They use astral projection to get their spirits into our homes. They roam around putting insects so they can have easy access the next time around. They load up everything for us with witchcraft so even a fly can pass and get you angry. They use insects to attack us and have been doing so for many years because people don't pay attention to insects, or God on a higher level. This is spiritual warfare at its best. They sleep on their beds and their spirits are in our homes causing problems. Evidence of this being when you feel your house or wherever you are hot, or you feel breeze swish past you where there is no breeze.

How they get in

We take the things that happen to us each day for granted. Many find fleshly excuses for things that happen and are unexplainable. God says walk in the spirit and you will see what he is showing you. Witches access our homes by placing insects in the doorway or the windows. They are unable to go through walls because they are human spirits. You can bind and cast out demonic spirits, but God has to help with witches. Saying we are 'covered under the blood,' does not help with witches because they don't fear God or respect God. These are rebellious, stubborn, envious humans. They come to steal, kill and destroy. We have to seek God with EVERYTHING as they are unrelenting and will not stop until you are dead. The enemy wants our soul, but witches do it for financial gain. The enemy uses the closest person to you to come against you with witchcraft. (Matt 10 34-36). This is as real as it gets. 


They will put insects all over your house to host their spirits or to attack you, damage your gadgets and appliances. They put termites into your homes to give them access. If you remove the insects from your window they then put insects on the outside of your house to send in demonic spirits to torment, monitor, etc.,  and do all manner of evil to you. Witches can be your brother, sister, neighbor, best friend, mother in law, exes, etc. The person has to know your movements, what and when you eat, etc. They cover every angle. You cannot run, because they follow you everywhere with insects and birds and load up everywhere you go so that they can attack you wherever you are.


They put their spirits into birds, follow you around, or use people to come against you. They cause damage in stores to make you have to pay, They are a wicked and evil set of spiritual criminals, but God is their police and he misses nothing. You will be doing something and a fly or other insect flies past and it either breaks, or you will not get it done. Confusion, disorientation, and other problems are caused by them.WE have to be vigilant, turn to God and let him fight because the battle is his, not ours.

Other creatures and things to look for

They use other creatures to attack, block or stop you as well. When you see vultures in the air they are witches watching your neighborhood. When you see one or two birds perched on a lightpole then a witch, or two is in the house. the dried up patches on some people's trees are trees that have things planted under it to kill them. God has so many things to show us and tell us, but we have to just go to him. When they put stone, wood, plastic, and metal together touching each other, that is used to block us, cause disruptions in the phone, computer etc.

How the Devil uses Monitoring Spirits and Familiar Spirits

 I remember a few years ago, my brother, who was a backslidden Christian at the time, told me something about monitoring spirits and familia...